Teaching Students About June Bugs

June bugs, commonly known as scarab beetles or May beetles, are fascinating creatures often observed during the months of May and June. Teaching students about these insects can spark their interest in entomology and the natural world. In this article, we will explore engaging ways to introduce students to the captivating world of June bugs, ultimately making them more aware of the insect life around them.

Starting with the Basics

Begin by teaching students’ basic information about June bugs:

  1. Identification: Discuss the physical characteristics that distinguish June bugs from other beetles, such as their oval-shaped bodies, metallic colors ranging from green to brown, and white hairs on their legs.
  2. Life Cycle: Explain the four stages of a June bug’s life cycle – egg, larva (grub), pupa, and adult.
  3. Habitat: Describe their preferred environment – typically grassy areas like lawns and meadows where they can feed on plants.
  4. Diet: Talk about their primary food sources, which include leaves and roots of various plants.

Hands-On Activities

Involve students in educational activities related to June bugs:

  1. Observation: Encourage students to observe June bugs in their natural habitats – whether in school gardens or local parks – noting details such as size and color variations.
  2. Collection and Rearing: With proper care instructions in place, allow students to collect adult June bugs (or their larvae) to keep in a classroom terrarium so they can observe these insects up close.
  3. Art Projects: Get creative by encouraging students to make drawings or models of June bugs based on photographs or real specimens.

Classroom Discussions

Promote open conversations where students can express their thoughts and ask questions related to June bugs:

  1. Importance of Insects: How do these critters contribute to a balanced ecosystem?
  2. Pest Problems: Discuss the roles insects play in gardens and agriculture, focusing on both the benefits and drawbacks.
  3. Threats: Talk about the dangers June bugs face, including pesticides, predators, and habitat loss.

Connecting with Experts

Invite entomologists and other professionals to speak with students about their experience working with insects, or set up field trips to local museums and science centers where students can learn more about beetle diversity.


Teaching students about June bugs provides an excellent opportunity to foster an early appreciation for the world of insects. By engaging in hands-on activities, encouraging discussions, and connecting students with experts in the field, you can inspire them to look beyond the commonplace and discover the extraordinary lives of these captivating creatures.

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