Teaching Students About Le Grand Jeté


Le Grand Jeté is a fundamental and iconic ballet movement that requires a blend of strength, technique, and grace. As a dance educator, it is essential to introduce students to this crucial aspect of ballet in a way that builds their confidence, sharpens their skills, and instills an appreciation for the art form. In this article, we will explore techniques and tips for teaching students about Le Grand Jeté.

Materials Needed:

1. A spacious, well-ventilated studio with suitable flooring

2. Ballet barre or equivalent support

3. Video demonstrations or live examples of Le Grand Jeté performed by professionals

Breaking Down the Technique:

Start by breaking down the components of Le Grand Jeté:

1. Preparation – Teach your students how to prepare for Le Grand Jeté properly by starting in either fifth or fourth position (whichever is more comfortable for your students), with arms in the preparatory pose.

2. Battement – Emphasize the importance of the battement that initiates the jump. This will help generate momentum and provide lift throughout the leap.

3. Split – Explain that achieving a perfect split in mid-air is the goal of the jeté and requires flexibility, strength, and control.

4. Landing – Teach proper landing technique by emphasizing a soft landing on one foot with a controlled plié in fourth position before transitioning to a lunge position for balance.

Progressions and Exercises:

Incorporate exercises into your lesson plan to develop strength, flexibility, and control.

1. Split Stretches – Help students improve their flexibility through seated split stretches or splits on the floor against a wall.

2. Grande Battements – Build strength through grande battements to increase leg power needed for a powerful jeté.

3. Pliés – Incorporate plié exercises in various positions to develop control and proper landing technique.

4. Sauté Jumps – Practice sauté jumps starting in first position to get your students accustomed to the feel of the jeté leap.

5. Jetés in Place – Encourage your students to perform the split portion of the jeté without the leap, focusing on improving form.

Demonstration and Practice:

1. Show examples of Le Grand Jeté, either live or via video recordings, for your students to observe correct form and technique.

2. Provide ample opportunities for students to practice Le Grand Jeté individually or as a group, offering corrections and constructive feedback along the way.

3. Remember that repetition is key to improvement—encourage your students to practice Le Grand Jeté regularly, both inside and outside of class.


Teaching students about Le Grand Jeté is a rewarding experience that can increase their skill, discipline, and appreciation for dance. By breaking down the technique, designing exercises for progress, and providing constant feedback and encouragement, you can inspire your students to master Le Grand Jeté and continue their dance education with pride and passion.

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