Teaching Students About Ramses II and Moses


Teaching history can be challenging, especially when it comes to retelling stories of ancient civilizations. However, it is crucial to engage students by presenting historical events and figures in an interesting and interactive manner. Ramses II, the famed pharaoh of Egypt, and Moses, the central figure in the Hebrew Bible and Exodus story, are two significant historical personalities. This article provides ideas on how to teach students about these larger-than-life figures.

1. Connect Ramses II and Moses

Begin by explaining who both Ramses II and Moses were. Discuss their roles within their respective societies, highlighting the fact that both have left lasting legacies despite having lived centuries ago.

– Ramses II was the third pharaoh of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt, often regarded as the greatest pharaoh of the New Kingdom period.

– Moses is a central figure in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, credited with leading the Israelites out of Egyptian slavery through divine guidance.

2. Unravel Mysteries

One way to catch students’ attention is by discussing mysteries surrounding these personalities. Engage them with questions like:

– Was Ramses II really the pharaoh during Moses’ time?

– Did the Exodus truly happen?

– What alternative theories account for these stories?

By doing so, you encourage curiosity which encourages deeper learning.

3. Cross-disciplinary Learning

Teach students about various subjects related to ancient Egyptian culture and their connections to Hebrew history.

– Focus on religion by comparing Egyptian pantheon gods with the monotheistic deity of Judaism.

– Explore geography by examining maps of Egypt’s Nile River and its importance in supporting civilization in ancient times.

– Investigate archaeology by discussing discoveries in Egypt that are linked to Ramses II reign or related to Hebrew settlements.

4. Artistic Representation

Invite students to appreciate different artistic representations depicting the lives of Ramses II and Moses.

– Show visuals like statues, paintings, and hieroglyphics for Ramses II, as well as Biblical illustrations portraying Moses and key Biblical events.

– Organize a group project where students create their art or multimedia presentations about these figures.

5. Engage in Classroom Activities

Create engaging activities to help students understand the significance of each character

– Assign roles to students as archaeologists or historians, asking them to analyze or recreate artifacts related to Ramses II and Moses.

– Host a debate for students to express their own perspectives on whether the pharaoh of the Exodus was indeed Ramses II.


Teaching students about Ramses II and Moses can be a rewarding educational experience. By connecting these historical figures, unraveling mysteries, incorporating cross-disciplinary learning, artistic representation, and engaging in classroom activities, students can develop a well-rounded understanding of history and diverse cultures. Such an approach not only fosters curiosity but also equips them with critical thinking skills.

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