Teaching Students About Richard Moll

In an ever-evolving educational landscape, it is essential for educators to draw inspiration from notable figures who have shaped the field of education. One such influential educator is Richard Moll. As an acclaimed professor, researcher, and author, Richard Moll’s innovative insights have contributed significantly to the world of education. This article delves into the life and accomplishments of this outstanding educator and provides guidelines for teaching students about Richard Moll’s influential work.

Richard Moll: An Overview

Born on September 20, 1930, in Bronxville, New York, Richard Moll began his illustrious academic journey at Amherst College. He later pursued graduate studies in education at Stanford University and Harvard University. In addition to his role as a professor and researcher, Moll is best known for his seminal book “Playing Favorites: College Admissions and the Education of Elites,” which explores the inequalities within college admissions processes.

Moll’s significant contributions include groundbreaking research on open admissions, policies promoting equal access to higher education, and identifying the potential of underrepresented students. His pioneering work has made a lasting impact on both educational research and policy-making.

Teaching Students About Richard Moll’s Work

1. Introduce Students to Open Admissions Policies

Begin by discussing the concept of open admissions and its significance in addressing educational inequalities. Encourage students to consider how access to higher education may impact social mobility and economic opportunities. Highlight the role that Richard Moll played in advocating for open admissions policies.

2. Present Key Findings From “Playing Favorites”

Share highlights from Moll’s research on college admissions inequality. Familiarize students with factors such as legacy preference, socioeconomic status, race, and athletic recruitment that contribute to favoritism in college admissions processes. Discuss how these findings continue to shape debates on higher education today.

3. Explore the “Public Ivies” Concept

In his book “Public Ivies: A Guide to America’s Best Public Undergraduate Colleges and Universities,” Moll coined the term “Public Ivies,” which refers to public institutions that provide Ivy League quality education at more affordable costs. Discuss how this idea contributes to some students’ access to higher education.

4. Analyze Richard Moll’s Impact on Education Policy

Invite students to examine how Moll’s findings have influenced affirmative action policies and admission practices at various colleges and universities. Discuss the significance of diversity in higher education and explore its long-term effects on society.

5. Encourage Critical Thinking

Encourage students to question how today’s college admissions processes align or conflict with Moll’s findings and recommendations. Invite them to analyze the impact of technological advances, such as virtual learning environments, in promoting more equitable access to higher education.

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