Teaching Students About Role of Boarding Houses in Education


A boarding house, also known as a lodging house, is a residence where students live alongside their peers under the supervision of a housemaster or housemistress. It provides a home away from home for students during their academic tenure, offering an environment conducive to personal development, camaraderie, and holistic education. Teaching students about boarding houses is vital in helping them appreciate their significance and understand how to navigate this unique living arrangement.

Role of Boarding Houses in Education

1. Academic Support: Boarding houses foster an environment that promotes academic excellence. Students can easily access school facilities such as libraries, computer rooms, and laboratories for extended hours. Additionally, they have the opportunity to interact with peers and participate in study groups centered on shared academic goals.

2. Personal Development: Living in a boarding house allows students to hone essential life skills such as time management, self-discipline, responsibility, and independence. This environment nurtures self-reliance while ensuring a supportive network through dorm parents and mentors.

3. Social Integration: Boarding houses provide an excellent opportunity for students to forge new friendships beyond their classroom settings. Through events like inter-house competitions and community service projects, boarders can develop strong bonds while learning the importance of teamwork and collaboration.

4. Cultural Diversity: Many boarding houses accommodate students from diverse backgrounds and cultures worldwide. Living among individuals from different walks of life sensitize students to multiculturism and encourage them to embrace tolerance – crucial traits to becoming global citizens.

Teaching Strategies for Educating Students About Boarding Houses

1. Classroom Discussions: Facilitate open conversations about what it means to live in a boarding house, its benefits, challenges, and myths. Initiate discussions by assigning relevant readings or showing documentaries focused on boarding school life.

2. Guest Speakers: Invite alumni or current boarding students to share their experiences and insights with your class. Engaging discussions with those who have firsthand experience in a boarding house can provide greater context and authenticity.

3. Field Trips: Arrange visits to nearby boarding schools for students to observe the daily routines, interact with boarders, and explore the facilities. Experiencing a boarding house environment firsthand can offer clarity and minimize misconceptions.

4. Role-Playing Activities: Organize role-playing scenarios where students assume the roles of boarding school residents, housemasters or housemistresses, and dorm parents. Navigating challenging situations can foster empathy and better understanding of the dynamics within a boarding house.

5. Comparative Studies: Encourage students to research various types of living arrangements available to them, such as living with relatives, renting an apartment, or homestays. Assessing the pros and cons of these options in comparison to boarding houses will enable students to make informed decisions about their future living arrangements.


Educating students about boarding houses is a crucial step in empowering them to appreciate the value that this unique living arrangement offers. By utilizing diverse teaching strategies that incorporate personal experiences, direct exposure, and active participation, educators can effectively impart knowledge about boarding houses and create well-rounded global citizens.

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