Shultz is a name every student should recognize, given his substantial impact on various fields of study and public policy. In this article, we will explore the reasons for teaching students about Shultz and provide guidance on how educators can illuminate his achievements in the classroom.


George P. Shultz was an American economist, businessman, and statesman who held various prominent positions throughout his lifetime. Born in 1920, Shultz was known for his dedication to public service and made significant contributions to both economic policy and diplomacy.

Some of Shultz’s notable accomplishments include serving as the United States Secretary of Labor under President Richard Nixon, Secretary of the Treasury under President Gerald Ford, and the Secretary of State under President Ronald Reagan. In each of these roles, he played a pivotal part in shaping national policies and resolving international conflicts.

Teaching Students About Shultz’s Accomplishments

As an educator, it is crucial to create a comprehensive understanding of historical figures like George P. Shultz. By teaching students about his accomplishments, we can inspire them to identify opportunities for positive change and consider the importance of dedicated public servants.

1. Economics: Highlight Shultz’s background as an economist and explain how he used this expertise in his policymaking roles. Discuss key economic policies that he advanced or supported during his time in government, such as tax reforms, deregulation initiatives, and efforts to combat inflation.

2. Leadership Roles: Address Shultz’s various positions within the U.S. government, elaborating on how these roles allowed him to shape policy in various domains. For example, when discussing his tenure as Secretary of State during the Reagan Administration, emphasize his contributions to arms control negotiations and diplomatic efforts throughout the Cold War.

3. International Relations: Explore the foreign policy strategies implemented by Shultz throughout his career and discuss their implications on global politics. Educators can guide students through events such as the Iran-Contra affair, Middle East peace talks, and the fall of the Berlin Wall.

4. Personal Qualities: In addition to his policy achievements, it is essential to help students develop a holistic understanding of Shultz’s character and mindset. Emphasize the importance of collaboration, integrity, and adaptability in his work, encouraging students to cultivate these qualities as they pursue their own careers.


Teaching students about George P. Shultz provides an excellent opportunity to engage them in discussions around economics, policy development, and historical events. By incorporating his life and achievements into the classroom, educators can captivate students’ interest in public service while cultivating an appreciation for the lasting impact of dedicated individuals like George P. Shultz.

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