Teaching Students About St. George


Saint George, the patron saint of England, has a memorable tale which captures the imagination of audiences across the world. The legend of Saint George and the Dragon is an exciting way to spark students’ interest in history, literature, and culture. This article will discuss various methods teachers can use to teach students about St. George, including visual aids, storytelling techniques, and interactive activities.

Background on St. George

Before diving into the legend itself, it’s essential to provide some historical context to help students understand who St. George was and his significance in history. Born in Cappadocia (modern-day Turkey) around the 3rd century AD, Saint George was a Roman soldier who later became a Christian martyr. His characteristic traits of courage, endurance and faith struck a chord with the people at that time. Over time, his story took on mythic proportions, culminating in the story of his epic battle with a dragon.

St. George and the Dragon: The Story

To engage students effectively in learning about St. George, start by telling his story dramatically and vividly. Teachers can tell the story using simple props or even puppets to illustrate key moments or characters in the narrative.

The main elements of the story involve a town being terrorized by a fierce dragon that would consume villagers if it did not receive regular offerings of sheep and people as food; one day, it was the princess’s turn to be sacrificed. By this time, Saint George appeared on the scene and bravely fought against the dragon. He wounded it with his lance before capturing it with the princess’s girdle; he then used this moment as an opportunity to convert many onlookers by preaching Christianity.

Visual Aids

Make use of various visual aids like images or videos to aid in storytelling:

1. Show images from medieval art, highlighting St. George’s battle against the dragon.

2. Display photos of St. George’s Cross, the red cross on a white field. As England’s flag, it aids in understanding St. George’s significance as a national symbol.

Interactive Activities

Involve students in interactive activities to help them engage with St. George and the Dragon’s story and delve deeper into its themes:

1. Group discussions: Initiate group discussions by asking thought-provoking questions about Saint George and his symbolic significance or how real-life events evolve into celebrated legends.

2. Role play: Divide the class into groups and have them act out scenes from the story to build comprehension and appreciation for different perspectives.

3. Creative writing: Encourage students to write their versions of the St. George story or create new stories where they can make connections between their own experiences and St. George’s victory over adversity.


Teaching students about Saint George can be an enriching experience that merges history, literature, and life lessons. By using engaging storytelling techniques, visual aids, and interactive activities to explore the themes of courage, faith, and resilience underpinning this legend, students will gain a wider understanding not just of St. George but also of how heroes take shape within societies throughout history.

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