Teaching Students About the 2019 Primary Election Day


The 2019 Primary Election Day, held on November 5th, marked an important moment in the American political landscape. Teaching students about this significant day is essential to helping them understand the electoral process and the importance of being civically engaged. In this article, we will explore some ways educators can teach students about the 2019 Primary Election Day effectively and engagingly.

The Importance of Primary Election Day:

Primary elections are critical for narrowing down the field of candidates for various offices, including Congress, statewide positions, and local governmental posts. It is during these elections that political parties choose their nominees to compete in general elections later in the year. By teaching students about Primary Election Day, educators not only inform them about how democracy works but also emphasize their roles as future voters and active citizens.

Lesson Ideas for Teaching Students About the 2019 Primary Election Day:

1. Understanding the Voting Process:

Begin by explaining the voting process to your students – from registering to vote, locating a polling place, and casting a ballot. You can also cover the differences between primary and general elections and why each type of election is essential. To make this lesson interactive, consider hosting a mock election where students can participate as voters, candidates, or even poll workers.

2. Researching Candidates and Issues:

Encourage students to research the candidates who ran during Primary Election Day 2019 and their positions on various issues. This activity helps students develop critical thinking skills as they evaluate whether a candidate’s stance aligns with their own beliefs. Additionally, it allows them to better understand what is happening in their communities.

3. Mini-Debates:

Organize mini-debates related to key issues during the 2019 Primary Election Day by dividing your class into teams representing different viewpoints on specific subjects like education reform or climate change policies. This exercise helps students practice public speaking skills while engaging in civil discourse on important political issues.

4. Analyzing Election Results:

Once the primary results come in, work with your students to analyze and interpret the outcomes. Discuss the implications of these results for upcoming general elections and what they can tell us about the current state of politics in the United States.

5. Connecting with Local Candidates:

Invite local candidates or elected officials who participated in the 2019 Primary Election Day to speak to your class about their experiences running for office. This opportunity allows students to engage with real-world examples and learn more about the commitment it takes to be a public servant.


Teaching students about the 2019 Primary Election Day is an important task for educators who want to foster an understanding of democracy and civic engagement in their classroom. By employing interactive lessons, encouraging research skills, and providing opportunities for direct engagement with local candidates, educators can help create a lasting impact on their students’ understanding of elections and their role as citizens.

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