Teaching Students About the Bay of Fundy: An Educational Adventure


The Bay of Fundy, a true natural wonder, is a breathtaking coastal region between New Brunswick, Canada, and Nova Scotia. Known for having the highest tides on Earth, it provides educators with a unique opportunity to teach students about natural phenomena and marine ecosystems. In this article, we’ll explore teaching strategies for introducing students to this incredible natural treasure and highlight the importance of promoting environmental conservation.

 Lesson One: The Geology and Formation of the Bay of Fundy

When teaching about the Bay of Fundy, it’s essential to begin with its geological history. The distinctive U-shaped bay dates back roughly 250 million years and was formed by powerful tectonic forces churning against each other. Educators can emphasize how these forces created both elevated regions (highlands) and depressed regions (lowlands), which contribute to the drastic tidal changes that take place in the bay every day. Teaching about the geology and formation is an excellent way to encourage spatial thinking and promote Earth science literacy in students.

Lesson Two: Tidal Phenomenon

The most remarkable feature of the Bay of Fundy is its extreme tidal range—averaging over 50 feet! When teaching about the tides, it’s important to cover topics such as gravitational pull from the Earth-Moon-Sun system, which drives tidal movements worldwide. The unique dimensions and funnel shape of the bay amplify these tides, creating dramatic fluctuations in water levels every 6 hours. This illustrates for students how delicate balances can give rise to spectacular natural phenomena.

 Lesson Three: Marine Life in the Bay of Fundy

As home to diverse marine life like whales, dolphins, seals, and countless fish species, understanding this unique ecosystem is another essential aspect when teaching about the Bay of Fundy. Teachers can introduce their students to some of these animals’ migratory patterns, feeding habits, and other critical aspects of their behavior and biology. By studying this ecosystem, students gain valuable insight into the importance of biodiversity and the intricate relationships that exist within various habitats.

 Lesson Four: Human Influence and Environmental Stewardship

It’s crucial to convey to students the impact humans have on the Bay of Fundy’s marine ecosystem, both positively and negatively. Discussing the bay’s history, including its use by indigenous peoples, as well as its subsequent transformation into a hotbed for fishing, shipping, and tourism, can provide students a clear picture of humanity’s complex role in this environment. Educators should emphasize the importance of environmental stewardship – focusing on ways communities protect and conserve these beautiful areas for present and future generations.


Teaching students about the Bay of Fundy is a meaningful and engaging way to enrich their understanding of marine biology, Earth sciences, and environmental stewardship. By exploring this fascinating region’s geology, tidal phenomena, diverse marine life, and human influence, educators can inspire tomorrow’s scientists, environmentalists, and global citizens to better appreciate our planet’s wonders and advocate for their protection.

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