Teaching Students About The Psychological Concept of Sensation


Psychology, as an academic discipline, offers a wealth of information and a range of subfields for students to explore. One essential concept in psychology is sensation, which plays a vital role in understanding how humans perceive and interact with the environment. Teaching students about the definition of sensation is thus critical in laying a strong foundation for their continued studies in psychology.

Defining Sensation

Sensation is the process by which our sensory receptors and nervous system receive external stimuli from our environment. In other words, it is our response to sensory information such as sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch. These stimuli provoke different sensations that allow us to experience the world around us.

Teaching Methods for Sensation

To effectively teach students about sensation, educators can employ various strategies:

1. Using Examples:

Providing practical examples that relate to students’ everyday experiences can help clarify the concept. For instance, discussing sensory experiences such as sight or smell when presented with particular stimuli like colorful artwork or fragrant flowers can reinforce the notion of sensation.

2. Collaboration:

Encourage group discussions among students to share their experiences of sensation in different scenarios. This exchange generates deeper insight into sensation’s meaning and its varying aspects.

3. Interactive Demonstrations:

Incorporate hands-on activities by hosting class experiments that help students better comprehend sensation. For example, have them participate in blind taste tests or tactile sensitivity experiments to understand how specific sensory receptors function.

4. Multimedia Presentations:

Leverage visual aids such as PowerPoint presentations or videos to further illustrate sensation’s role in human behavior and perception. These resources may include diagrams depicting the structure and function of sensory receptors or case studies highlighting clinical observations.

5. Connect Theory to Real Life:

Challenge students to apply classroom lessons about sensation to everyday situations they encounter outside of school. Promote critical thinking skills by asking them how these concepts tie into their personal experiences and the world at large.


Teaching students about the definition of sensation in psychology is an integral part of fostering their understanding about human perception. By employing a variety of teaching methods, including practical examples, collaboration, interactive demonstrations, multimedia presentations, and connecting theory to real life, educators can engage their students and help them develop a comprehensive grasp of this foundational psychological concept.

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