Teaching Students About The Meaning of Aside in a Sentence

Every student, at some point in their academic journey, will encounter sentences that, upon first glance, may seem a bit tricky to understand. One such example involves the use of “aside” in a sentence. Helping students develop a clear understanding of how “aside” functions within a sentence is crucial to their success in reading comprehension and communication.

What Is “Aside”?

In the context of grammar and language, “aside” is an adverb that can be used in various ways to express different meanings. When appropriately used, it adds depth and additional information to sentences on both written and spoken platforms.

Meaning 1: Temporarily Shifting Focus

One common usage of “aside” implies a temporary shift in focus or attention. When a writer or speaker uses this form of “aside,” they address the reader or listener directly, drawing attention to something else for a brief moment before returning to the main subject.

Example 1:

“In her presentation about climate change (the melting glaciers aside), she focused on the effects on wildlife.”

Meaning 2: Reserved or Set Aside

Another prevalent use of “aside” refers to putting something aside or reservation for future reference or usage. This denotes an object, idea, or situation being held separately from others.

Example 2:

“He had set aside an hour each day for exercise.”

Teaching Techniques:

Armed with the knowledge of these two main meanings, educators can now develop strategies and exercises to help their students understand better and implement the term.

1. Compare and Contrast Examples

Begin by providing examples that demonstrate how each meaning is utilized. Encourage students to identify which meaning a given sentence refers to through group activities or individual assignments.

2. Use Visual Aids

Visual aids like flowcharts or images can help students follow the shifting focus when teaching the first meaning. Present examples using visual aids so that learners can easily visualize the act of setting something aside with the second meaning.

3. Introducing the Concept in Context

Introducing the concept of “aside” in context is essential. Incorporate real-life examples of spoken conversations or excerpt from books and articles where the term is employed. This will give students a clearer understanding of how it can be applied effectively.

4. Creative Writing Assignments

Ask students to write paragraphs or essays that use “aside” in various contexts and meanings. This not only tests their comprehension but also allows them to practice implementing this term creatively.

5. Role-Play Activities & Dialogues

Engage students in role-play activities, encouraging them to use “aside” in dialogues. Design mock situations where they will need to apply both meanings while maintaining natural-sounding conversations.

In conclusion, teaching students about “aside” and its various meanings should be approached with patience, innovative techniques, and relatable examples. Helping students grasp this concept will ultimately strengthen their language skills and open doors for more advanced communication competencies down the road.

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