Teaching Students About The Result Of The Second Great Awakening

The Second Great Awakening was a religious revival movement that swept across the United States during the early 19th century. This period of intense spiritual renewal left a lasting impact on American society and culture. As educators, it is important to teach students about this historical event and its far-reaching consequences. This article will explore the key results of the Second Great Awakening, as well as propose ways to engage students in understanding the significance of this religious movement.

One prominent result of the Second Great Awakening was the rapid growth of evangelical Protestant denominations. Through tent revivals, camp meetings, and itinerant preachers, thousands of Americans were exposed to a more emotional and personal style of worship. The Baptists and Methodists, in particular, expanded exponentially during this time. Teaching students about the growth of these denominations helps them understand how the religious landscape in America was and continues to be shaped by powerful revival movements.

Another significant consequence of the Second Great Awakening was the development of various social reform movements. Encouraged by their newfound religious zeal, many Americans began to view societal issues through a lens of Christian morality, concluding that they had an obligation to address these problems. The temperance movement, abolitionism, women’s rights, education reform, prison reform, and mental health care reform were all influenced by this fervor for change.

To engage students in learning about these various reform movements, teachers can use primary sources such as speeches or letters from prominent activists involved in these causes or even newspaper articles from that time period. In addition, organizing debates or discussions about contemporary social issues can help students draw connections between historical events and present-day concerns.

The Second Great Awakening also played a substantial role in shaping American political life. Some evangelical leaders encouraged their followers to become involved in politics in order to promote righteous causes and candidates. Various political parties emerged out of religious concerns – notably, the Whig and Republican parties.

To illustrate the connection between religion, politics, and the Second Great Awakening, teachers can present biographies of key historical figures who straddled both spheres or have students analyze political documents infused with religious rhetoric. Students can explore how religion continues to influence politics in modern times by comparing historical and contemporary examples.

Teaching students about the consequences of the Second Great Awakening enables them to grasp its historical significance and its long-lasting effects on American society and culture. Through exploring the growth of evangelical denominations, social reform movements, and the intersection of religion and politics, our young learners can develop a deeper understanding not just of this period but also of how history influences the present in various ways.

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