Teaching Students About The Scandinavian Countries

Scandinavia, a region in Northern Europe, comprises three amazing countries with rich histories, unique traditions and incredible landscapes: Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. Teaching students about these Scandinavian countries will foster an appreciation for their distinct cultural identities, promote understanding of their social and political systems, and inspire curiosity about the world.

Teaching Geography and Climate:

Begin by introducing the geographical location of each country within Scandinavia as well as their neighboring countries. Educate students about the unique physical features, such as fjords in Norway, Swedish archipelagos and Denmark’s flat terrain. Emphasize on the importance of the Baltic and North Seas in shaping the region’s history as well as its natural resources.

Discuss the climate of Scandinavia, highlighting key characteristics such as cold winters, mild summers, and striking contrasts between regions due to latitudinal differences. This will help students appreciate how climate influences culture, lifestyle and traditions in these countries.

Introducing Cultural Identities:

Explore the rich cultural heritage of each Scandinavian country by discussing their history, language, religion and customs. Students should be introduced to famous historical figures like the Vikings and learn about significant events that shaped each nation’s identity. Teach students about indigenous Sami people in northern Scandinavia whose ancient way of life is still preserved today.

Encourage students to learn basic words and phrases from Danish, Norwegian and Swedish languages to demonstrate similarities between languages while also highlighting their distinctions. Introduce students to each country’s folklore, legends and mythical creatures to allow for deeper cultural understanding.

Lifestyles and Traditions:

Teach students about lifestyle values that are characteristic of Scandinavians like hygge (a Danish concept encompassing coziness) or lagom (a Swedish word reflecting balance). Explain how these values influence day-to-day life as well as broader social attitudes towards work-life balance.

Incorporate common traditions, cuisine and national festivals such as the Midsummer celebrations in Sweden, St Lucy’s Day in Norway and the Roskilde Festival in Denmark. Explore Scandinavian design principles and how they influence interior design and architecture.

Governments and Social Systems:

Introduce students to different government types in Scandinavia – constitutional monarchy in Denmark, unitary parliamentary systems in Norway and Sweden. Discuss their political systems, including the role of their monarchs and parliaments.

Expose students to the well-known Scandinavian welfare system – which includes free universal healthcare, education, and high levels of social support. Explain how these systems contribute to high living standards, environmental sustainability, and quality of life indicators among these nations.


Teaching students about Scandinavian countries will provide them with insights into unique cultures, histories and social systems that shape the identities of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. By understanding these aspects, students will be inspired to explore other countries and appreciate the rich diversity that exists within our world.

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