Teaching Students About ‘Today Was A Good Day’

In today’s fast-paced, high-pressure world, it’s more essential than ever to teach students about the importance of positivity and embracing the joy in everyday moments. One way to do so is by using the popular phrase “Today was a good day” as a starting point for a lesson. This article will explore how educators can structure a lesson around this phrase and its underlying message, incorporating activities that help students reflect on their own positive experiences and develop a better understanding of the context surrounding the expression.

Lesson Objectives

By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

– Understand the meaning and context behind the phrase “Today was a good day”

– Reflect on their own positive experiences and identify specific moments that made their day good

– Discuss various ways to cultivate positivity in their daily lives

– Recognize the impact of positive thinking on mental health and overall well-being

Background Information: Ice Cube’s “It Was a Good Day”

The phrase “Today was a good day” gained cultural relevance with its use in Ice Cube’s 1993 hit song “It Was a Good Day.” The song describes a series of seemingly ordinary events that contribute to making it an overall positive day. This highlights the idea that even small, seemingly insignificant events can make a day feel particularly good. Educators should use this song and its message as an example within their lesson.

Activity 1: Journal Reflection

Start by having students spend some time reflecting on their own positive experiences. Give each student a journal or sheet of paper, and ask them to list five specific moments from the past week (or month) when they felt like saying, “Today was a good day.” Encourage students to be detailed in their descriptions, focusing on emotions and how those moments impacted them.

Activity 2: Class Discussion

After journaling, initiate a class discussion by asking for volunteers to share some of the good moments they identified. Use this opportunity to demonstrate how even small victories or positive interactions can contribute to an overall sense of well-being. Encourage students to evaluate and compare their own experiences to those of their peers, recognizing that everyone’s idea of a good day may differ.

Activity 3: Strategies for Positivity

Now that students have reflected on their own positive experiences, it’s time to brainstorm ways in which they can actively cultivate positivity in their daily lives. Break students into small groups and challenge them to come up with at least three strategies for promoting positivity, both individually and within the school community. Reconvene as a class and have each group share their ideas.


Conclude the lesson by discussing how focusing on the positive aspects of each day can improve mental health and overall well-being. Emphasize the importance of acknowledging small, everyday moments of joy, and encourage students to continue reflecting on their own experiences regularly. By understanding the context behind “Today was a good day” and learning how to recognize and celebrate the good in everyday life, students will be better equipped to navigate life’s challenges while maintaining a positive outlook on their own experiences.

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