Teaching Students About Videophones

Video communication has seen an exponential rise in recent years, with tools such as Zoom, Skype, and Facetime making it easy for people across the globe to connect with each other. It is a robust form of communication, allowing people to see each other’s facial expressions, gestures, and emotions, ultimately making their conversations more personal and meaningful. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, schools have also gone digital, with classes being conducted over video conferencing tools. Hence, it becomes necessary that students acquire the skills of communicating effectively over videophones.

Introducing students to videophones in class is an effective way of familiarizing them with technology that they will likely use in their daily lives. By incorporating these tools into the classroom, teachers can enhance their students’ communication skills, which are crucial for success in professional and personal life. Here are a few ways that teachers can teach students about videophone:

1. Start with the basics

Before jumping into the complexities of videophone communication, teachers should begin with the rudimentary concepts. Explain what a videophone is and how it works. Educate your students on the various types of videophones and their advantages and disadvantages.

2. Practical exercises

To master the art of videophone communication, students must practice it. Teachers can simulate video conferences or create role-play activities, where students can practice greeting, introducing, and communicating with others over videophones. This will help students develop a sense of confidence and comfort with this form of communication.

3. Appropriate communication

Videophone communication is different from face-to-face communication and requires a different set of skills. Teachers must teach students the art of appropriate communication, like looking at the camera, speaking clearly, nodding, and other nonverbal cues that are crucial to convey your message effectively.

4. Etiquettes

Videophone communication, like any other form of communication, has its set of etiquette. Students must be aware of basic etiquette, like using appropriate language, dressing appropriately, using a clear background, and avoiding distractions during the call.

5. Critical thinking

Along with communication skills, critical thinking is also essential when communicating over the videophone. Students must be taught to analyze situations, ask open-ended questions, and acknowledge opposing perspectives to make informed decisions.

In conclusion, teaching students about videophones is vital for their education and future success. It eqips students with a valuable skill set that will be useful in professional and personal settings. Teachers must introduce students to the basics, provide practical exercises, teach appropriate communication and etiquette, and foster critical thinking. By doing so, students can become confident and effective communicators over videophones.

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