Top 10 True Colors Activities For Students To Try


True Colors is a personality assessment tool that helps individuals understand their own unique strengths, preferences, and styles. This method is often used in classrooms as a fun way for students to learn more about themselves and each other. By incorporating True Colors activities into your curriculum, you can encourage teamwork, communication, self-awareness, and empathy among your students. Here’s a list of the top 10 True Colors activities for students to try.

1. True Colors Personality Test

Begin with a simple True Colors personality test to identify each student’s color spectrum. The test consists of a series of questions that help categorize students into one of four primary colors: blue (relationship-oriented), green (analytical), gold (organized), or orange (spontaneous). Once the students have determined their colors, they can share and discuss their results with the class.

2. Color Collage

Create a color collage for each primary color group by having students search magazines or online images that represent their assigned color’s characteristics. Each group should then present their collage to the class, showcasing how the chosen images depict their color’s traits.

3. Colorful Interviews

Pair students with different colors and have them interview each other about the qualities they possess related to their color groups. This activity allows students to learn how others perceive themselves and helps with understanding different personality types.

4. True Colors Skits

Have students create short skits demonstrating the personality traits of each color group. They can draw on personal experiences or create fictional scenarios. This activity encourages creativity while reinforcing the concept of different personality types.

5. Color Circles Debate

Organize a debate on a specific topic, arranging students in groups based on their primary colors. Each group must argue from the perspective of their color’s strengths and preferences, promoting communication and critical thinking skills centered around their True Colors classification.

6. Colorful Conversations

Students must engage in a small talk conversation with someone in each of the other color groups. This encourages them to make connections, ask questions, and build rapport with classmates who have different True Colors results.

7. Color Team Building

Assign students a team project that requires each member to contribute a specific aspect of their color’s strengths. For example, greens may be responsible for data analysis while blues focus on group dynamics. This highlights the importance of collaboration and embracing diverse skill sets.

8. Color Matchmaker

Students must find a partner in the same primary color category and come up with three goals they have in common. This encourages deeper connections and self-reflection among those with similar personality traits.

9. True Colors Bingo

Create custom bingo cards featuring personality traits from each of the four primary colors. Students will walk around, discussing their traits with classmates, and marking off squares on their bingo card when they find someone representing that trait. This activity enhances social skills and understanding of the different personalities in a fun way.

10. Reflective Journaling

Have students journal about their thoughts, feelings, and experiences after participating in these True Colors activities. Encourage them to consider how this new understanding of themselves and others could benefit them both academically and personally.


True Colors activities offer valuable opportunities for students to explore their own personalities, appreciate their peers’ unique strengths, and foster teamwork in diverse group settings. By implementing these top 10 True Colors activities, you can create an engaging environment where all students feel understood, valued, and part of a vibrant learning community.

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