Unit Lesson Plans Teaching Time 3-4

Unit Introduction:

Understanding time is a critical skill that students need to master in their early school years. For third and fourth graders, learning to tell and manage time is not only a mathematical skill but also an important life skill. This unit on teaching time is designed to help grade 3-4 students develop a comprehensive understanding of time, how it’s measured, and how to read time in various formats.

Lesson 1: Introduction to Clocks & Telling Time


– Students will be able to identify parts of an analog clock.

– Students will learn the hour and minute hands and how they represent time.


– Start with a discussion about the importance of time. Why do we need to know what time it is?

– Use a large classroom clock to point out parts of the clock: face, numbers, hour hand, minute hand.

– Practice identifying the hour by looking at where the hour hand is pointing.

– Introduce minutes and practice counting by fives around the clock.


– Worksheet on matching times with clock faces.

Lesson 2: Reading Analog Clocks


– Students will practice telling time on analog clocks to the nearest five minutes.


– Warm-up with a review of the previous lesson’s concepts.

– Introduce different times on various analog clocks and have students share the time displayed.

– Pair students up for a “Time Match” game where they match written times with clock faces.


– Draw hands on blank clock faces to show specified times.

Lesson 3: Understanding A.M. and P.M.


– Students will understand the difference between A.M. and P.M. times.


– Discussion about daily activities – which are done in A.M., which are done in P.M.?

– Provide scenarios and ask students whether these would happen in A.M./P.M.


– Students write out their daily schedule indicating A.M. or P.M.

Lesson 4: Introduction to Digital Clocks


– Students will be able to read time from digital clocks.


– Compare analog and digital clocks – discuss similarities and differences.

– Practice converting times from analog to digital format with class participation.


– A worksheet on writing analog times in digital form and vice versa.

Lesson 5: Time Management & Timelines


– Teach students how managing their time is important for daily activities.


– Discuss why time management is important – relate it to school tasks like completing homework on time.



Unit Assessment:

At the end of this unit, administer an assessment that includes reading both analog and digital clocks, converting between different formats, understanding A.M./P.M., creating simple timelines, and demonstrating basic time management skills. This should ensure that students have a well-rounded understanding of all aspects taught throughout this unit.

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