Time adverbials are just what you may expect from your previous studied of adverbs. Time adverbials KS2 area word that describes when, for how long, or how often a specific action/ event has or will happen. You will notice that many adverbs of time are the same as adverbs of frequency. There is quite a bit of overlap between these two types of adverbs.

It is easiest to understand how to use, understand and write using time adverbials with examples in a sentence. See these examples below:

  • Robin Hood swindled the Sheriff of Nottingham yesterday.
  • Sarah was tired of spending time in her messy apartment; she would clean it
  • Christmas is traditionally celebrated in December.
  • She stayed at her grandmother’s house all day.
  • Later that day, Charlie scored the most goals out of the whole football team.

Other Forms of adverbials:

  • Degree Adverbials: These are adverbs that answer how much or to what extent they are adverbs of degree.
  • Frequency Adverbials: Frequency adverbs express how often something takes place. In other words, it explains the intensity of an event’s occurrence.
  • Manner Adverbials: These adverbs express how something happens.
  • Place Adverbials: Place adverbials describe the where of action, meaning where it takes place. In addition, we usually find adverbs of business after the main verb.
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