A storyboard is a series of illustrations that map out the important events in a story. The images progress through the story in the order it is told and often include captions that describe the action in each scene or dialogue spoken by the characters. Each image in a storyboard represents a different shot. When put together, these images show how the story will unfold.

Storyboards are tools used to plan and structure stories told through visual means, such as comics, short films, cartoons, etc. Making a storyboard helps the creator to draft and plan their action before it happens, so the process goes more smoothly.

It is useful because it allows creators to make essential changes to improve the flow of the story before it is filmed or drawn. In addition, it saves the creator from the hassle of having to recreate the scenes later by catching potential problems in the planning stage.

How do you Make a Storyboard?

  1. Find or create a storyboard template. Generally, they consist of a series of rectangles, with space beneath each one to write notes, such as descriptions of the action taking place in the shot or dialogue.
  2. Decide how to pace your story and what will happen in each shot. If you have a script, go through it and decide what lines will be attributed to which shot. Write these in the spaces below the boxes.
  3. Sketch the story. It doesn’t have to be perfect, as it’s more for your benefit than anything else. Think about what kind of shot you want for each one(extreme close up, close up, medium shot, long shot, extreme long shot), what the focus should be and what angle would work best.

Using Storyboard Templates in the Classroom

Storyboard templates are useful for teaching writing techniques to children because they provide a logical framework to organize their thoughts before they begin writing in earnest. This planning process is essential for ensuring that your students do not leave out any important details.

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