So, what are analogies? An analogy compares one thing to another, usually to explain or clarify something. They do this by showing a connection between two different things; writers help to explain something significant about one thing by using a second thing you know about.

So, why do we need to understand analogy? The purpose of a metaphor is not only to show how two things are connected but also to explain them. This makes an analogy more complex than a simile or a metaphor, which aims only to show without explaining.

What are synonym and antonym analogies?

Analogies can also be used to describe the relationship between synonyms and antonyms. These can be useful for helping children to understand what synonyms and antonyms are and how different words are similar to each other.

Synonym analogies examples:

  • friendly is too kind, as mean to aggressive;
  • cold is freezing as hot is boiling;
  • cute is too adorable, as scary is too terrifying.

Antonym analogies examples:

  • strong is too weak, as love is to hate;
  • wet is too dry, as cold is too hot;
  • sweet is to sour, as the sun is to rain.

What are five examples of analogy?

Analogies are very often seen in common expressions and phrases. This means that it is very likely that your students have come across analogies without even realizing it. Take a look at some of these examples of analogies:

  1. ‘That was as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.’
  2. ‘That’s as useful as rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.’
  3. ‘He is a diamond in the rough.’
  4. ‘Life is a roller coaster with lots of ups and downs.’
  5. ‘That game was a rollercoaster ride of emotions.’

To understand these examples more, let’s take a closer look at the final model, ‘that game was a rollercoaster ride of emotions. In this example, you’re not literally on a rollercoaster ride twisting and turning. However, the game was full of ups and downs with lots of surprises, making you feel like you’ve been on a ride.

What is the difference between analogy and metaphor?

Now that we know more about analogies, your students may confuse analogy and metaphor. So, what is the difference between analogy and metaphor? To put it simply:

  • Metaphor: A metaphor is saying something is something else.
  • Analogy: An analogy is saying something is like something else to make a point.

For example:

  • Metaphor: Tom is a ninja.
  • Analogy: Tom moved easily, like a ninja on a bungee jump.
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