Who Was Florence Nightingale? Facts for Kids

Who was Florence Nightingale?

Florence Nightingale – also known as the ‘Lady with the Lamp’ – was the founder of modern nursing. She was also a statistician and social reformer who helped care for soldiers during the Crimean War. After the war, she set up the Nightingale School of Nursing, which aimed to formalize the education of nurses.

Top  Florence Nightingale Facts for Kids

  • Florence Nightingale was born to an affluent family on the 12th of May 1820
  • She was named Florence after her birthplace: Florence, Italy.
  • She lived in Derbyshire and Hampshire, and she died in 1910.
  • She met Queen Victoria in 1833 when she was awarded the Royal Red Cross medal.
  • She was the first-ever woman to be accepted into the Royal Statistical Society.
  • Every year on the 12th of May, nurses celebrate International Nurses Day. This is held on Florence Nightingale’s birthday!
  • She opened a nursing school and wrote a book called Notes for Nursing.
  • King Edward VII gave Florence a special award called the Order of Merit in 1907. She was the first woman to receive this award and changed how women were seen in the workplace.

Why is Florence Nightingale so famous?

Florence Nightingale altered the way that hospitals cared for their patients. Before, hospitals were overcrowded and dirty places with rats. This meant that germs and diseases were easily spread. In addition, there weren’t enough doctors or beds to go around, so often people didn’t get the care they needed.

How did Florence Nightingale change the way women were thought of in society?

At the time Florence was born, girls were not typically well educated. However, her father thought it was important that all girls had a good education and taught her subjects like mathematics, science, and history.

Women at this time were often expected to marry and take care of the domestic duties at home. However, Florence Nightingale was different because she became highly educated and chose a career outside the home.

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