15 Inspiring Mental Health Activities For Elementary Students


Mental health is an essential aspect of a child’s overall well-being, and it’s crucial to encourage and develop it from an early age. Educators, parents, and caregivers need to actively promote positive mental health activities for elementary students. Here’s a list of 15 inspiring mental health activities that are perfect for young learners:

1. Daily Mood Check-In

Start each day with a mood check-in, allowing students to express their feelings by choosing a emoji or drawing a face that reflects their emotions.

2. Mindful Breathing Exercises

Teaching elementary students guided breathing exercises can help them reduce stress and focus better in the classroom.

3. Gratitude Journals

Have students keep gratitude journals where they write about things they’re thankful for. This exercise promotes positive thinking.

4. Yoga For Kids

Child-friendly yoga sessions not only help improve flexibility and strength, but also encourage relaxation and mindfulness.

5. Encourage Active Play

Promote active play during recess or physical education classes, which is essential for emotional well-being.

6. Role-Playing Activities

Simulated situations with role-playing activities provide opportunities for kids to explore their emotions and practice empathy.

7. Collaborative Art Projects

Group art projects foster the development of creative expression, teamwork, and self-confidence.

8. Reading Emotions Through Books

Explore various emotions throughout age-appropriate books, from happiness to sadness or fear, prompting healthy discussions around feelings.

9. Acts of Kindness

Challenge children to perform acts of kindness daily; this practice enhances their empathy and social skills.

10. Mindful Listening Lessons

Teach students the skill of mindful listening through activities that focus on paying attention to sounds in their environment.

11. Emotion Charades

Students gain emotional awareness by acting out different emotions through charades while classmates attempt to identify the depicted feelings.

12. Social Skill Building Games

Games like The Empathy Game or Friendship Bingo help children practice social skills and emotional intelligence.

13. Positive Affirmation Wall

Create a wall where students can post positive affirmations about themselves and their classmates, promoting self-esteem and peer support.

14. Feeling Faces Collage

Students make collages using images of faces displaying various emotions. This activity promotes emotional identification and recognition.

15. Classroom Relaxation Corner

Designate a quiet corner for relaxation in the classroom, complete with bean bags, soft blankets, and calming books for students who need to take breaks during the day.


Promoting mental health in elementary students through fun and engaging activities is essential to their overall development. These 15 activities are great starting points for fostering a positive foundation of emotional well-being in young learners. Encourage them to express themselves openly and cultivate an environment that fosters empathy, resilience, and personal growth.

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