15 School Counseling Elementary Activities Every Teacher Must Know


School counseling is an integral part of the learning environment that allows students to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Elementary teachers must be aware of various counseling activities that help in the overall development of their students. In this article, we will explore 15 school counseling elementary activities that every teacher should know and integrate into their teaching practices.

1. Feelings Chart:

Creating a feelings chart allows students to recognize and name their emotions. This activity helps in building emotional intelligence and empathy among young learners.

2. Goal Setting:

Help young students understand the importance of setting goals by working together to create short-term and long-term personal and academic goals.

3. Role-Playing:

Role-playing challenging situations let students practice problem-solving skills, empathize with others, and learn how to communicate effectively.

4. Friendship Bingo:

This interactive game encourages socialization among students as they learn about each other’s likes, dislikes, hobbies, and more.

5. Gratitude Jar:

Encourage gratitude by providing a jar for students to place notes about things they are grateful for each day or week.

6. Mindful Moments:

Teach mindfulness exercises like deep breathing or body scans to help students develop self-awareness and manage stress.

7. Random Acts of Kindness:

Encourage students to perform random acts of kindness in their daily lives, both at school and home, as a way to foster compassion and empathy.

8. Career Exploration:

Introduce students to various career paths by inviting guest speakers or organizing field trips that showcase diverse professional opportunities.

9. Bullying Awareness:

Raise awareness about bullying through age-appropriate discussions and activities that promote understanding, prevention, and intervention strategies.

10. Conflict Resolution:

Equip your class with necessary conflict resolution skills by teaching them how to mediate disagreements calmly and respectfully.

11. Positive Affirmations:

Create positive affirmation cards or posters for the classroom to foster a growth mindset and encourage students to believe in their abilities.

12. Group Challenges:

Build teamwork and leadership skills by presenting your class with cooperative group challenges that require collaboration and effective communication.

13. Self-Esteem Building Activities:

Incorporate activities such as self-portrait drawing or writing positive statements about themselves to foster a healthy sense of self-esteem among students.

14. Yoga and Exercise:

Introduce simple yoga poses or physical activities in the classroom to promote physical health, reduce stress levels, and improve focus.

15. Cultural Awareness:

Celebrate different cultures, languages, and customs by organizing various cultural events, sharing stories, or trying different types of cuisine to encourage understanding, acceptance, and appreciation of diversity.


Integrating these 15 school counseling elementary activities in the classroom equips teachers with effective tools to foster a positive learning environment. These activities not only help in the overall development of young minds but also lay a strong foundation for their personal growth and well-being throughout their academic journey.

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