16 Interesting Camel Facts for Kids

Camels don’t store water in their humps.

Despite what we’re led to believe, camels don’t store gallons of water in their humps like a portable wall. Instead, their humps store fat, which they can live off for weeks, sometimes months! Then, when food is scarce, camels will break down the fats in their humps to use as a source of nutrition. Then, if a camel hasn’t eaten in a while, its hump will drop as the fat stores empty.

This method of fat storage also helps regulate body temperature. In the hot desert, storing fat on humps reduces their heat insulation, helping keep them cool during hot days.

Camels store water in their blood.

The red blood cells in camels are oval-shaped, not round like most other animals. They are also much smaller, allowing continued circulation even when the camel is dehydrated. A camel’s blood cells can also expand up to 240% of their regular size with water when the camel rehydrates, which is why camels can drink up to 30 gallons in ten minutes. If any other animal did this, their blood cells would burst!

Camels are born without humps.

After being pregnant for 12-14 months, a female camel will give birth to one or rarely two newborns. Camels do not have humps at birth, but with a tassel of curly hair on top, small peaks indicate where the humps will develop. A baby camel can typically fully walk within half an hour of birth. Also, some baby camels are born completely white and only achieve their recognizable brown color when their adult coat comes in.

Camel milk is incredibly nutritious.

Nomadic cultures in harsh environments like deserts have relied on camel milk for centuries as a source of nutrition. It is because milk contains many nutrients that are important for overall health. For example, milk has much more iron and vitamin C than cows’ milk and is sometimes used in Kazakhstan to help treat illnesses such as tuberculosis. You could pick up a milkshake with natural camel milk if you visit Abu Dhabi.

Types of camels.

There are two species of camels, the Camelus bactrianus and the Camelus dromedarius. The difference between the two species can be seen in their humps; dromedary camels have one, while Bactrian camels have two. Dromedaries, also known as the Arabian camel, can be found in northern Africa, the Middle East, part of Asia, and the Indian subcontinent. In contrast, Bactrian camels can only be found in inner, central, and eastern Asia. Dromedaries make up about 90% of the world’s population of camels, with all of them being domesticated.

Meanwhile, Bactrian camels can be found both domesticated and wild. At shoulder height, the Bactrian camel stands 5.2 to 5.9 feet tall, has a length of 10 to 11.5 feet, and weighs 990 to 1,100 pounds. The dromedary camel’s size ranges from 7.2 to 11.2 feet, is from 5.9 to 6.6 feet, and weighs 880 to 1,320 pounds.

Camels can live up to 50 years.

They live so long due to several factors; firstly, they don’t have any natural predators. The second reason is that they can store water and fat in their bodies for a very long time, which means they can go without food or water for days and still be okay. It is something that most animals can’t do.

Camels are fast.

Even though they might not seem like it, camels can be fast runners. They can run as fast as 40 miles per hour! Despite this, it’s extremely tiring for camels to run that fast, and they typically slow down rather quickly. The average camel will walk 2 to 3 miles per hour, trot at 9 to 10 miles per hour, and jog at 16 miles per hour. In Arab countries, you can even find camel races to commemorate special occasions.



There are 160 words for camel in Arabic.

You might wonder how this could be possible; after all, there are only two species of a camel! Well, as well as having words for the standard camel, Arabic has more specific terms relating to appearance or function. Not only that but there are also words describing camels in minute detail, for example;

الربع – A camel that drinks once every three days

الدفون – A female camel in the middle of a herd of camels

الشرود – A camel that loves to escape and is difficult to catch

The word “camel” actually comes from an Arabic word. When translated, it means “beauty.”

The most expensive camel was sold for $53 million.

A Dromedary camel named Arnon was sold at an auction in Kuwait in 2019 for 200 million Saudi Riyals, which is about 53 million dollars. According to reports, Arnon took first place in the category of stallions at the 3rd King Abdulaziz Camel Festival in Saudi Arabia.

There is a camel festival in the United Arab Emirates.

Every year, the UAE hosts the Al-Dhafra Camel Festival. The most popular event in the festival is the beauty competition, in which thousands of camels compete for the crown.

Camels and llamas are cousins.

The camel is part of the Camelidae family. Also belonging to this family are alpacas, guanacos, and vicuñas. Despite being in the same family, they live incredibly far apart. Camels are most commonly found in the desert of Asia and North Africa, while llamas, alpacas, guanacos, and vicuñas are native to the Andes mountains and grasslands of South America. Fossil records show that the Camelidae family started in North America, although there are no living species of the Camelidae family today.

Camels are very social animals

You won’t often see camels traveling solo in the wild. They are social animals that live in groups called herds. The herd usually consists of a dominant adult male, females, and their young. Males that may have been chased out of the group have been known to form bachelor herds. Camels will talk to each other too. Not in the same way that you and I do; they communicate through many sounds like loud bellows and moans. They’ll also blow on each other’s faces as a friendly greeting. In camel society, different head, neck, ears, and tail positions have different meanings.

Camels spit as a defense mechanism

If you’ve ever seen a camel in real life, you might have been unlucky enough to have been spat on by one! Camels are docile animals and rarely turn towards violence, but if they feel threatened, they can regurgitate bile, saliva, and water from their stomach to spray their attacker. So really, it’s more like vomit than spit! They use this as a defense mechanism to distract whatever they think is a threat. The longest recorded distance a camel has spat is an incredible 121 feet!

A camel’s body is built for the desert.

We all know that camels store lots of water and fat in their bodies since it’s scarce in the desert. But did you know that there are many ways in which camels are designed for hot, sandy climates? Camels have large, flat feet to help them walk on sand. The soles of their feet have a large surface area to stop them from sinking into the sand. They have slit-like sealable nostrils to prevent the sand from getting up their nose and two rows of eyelashes. Not only that, but they can tolerate body temperatures of up to 107 degrees Fahrenheit.

Camels can even eat cacti!

In the desert, camels can survive on thorny vegetation and dried grass, including cacti. They can also eat twigs, desert bushes, date stones, etc. However, it mainly eats plants that are rich in salt. The mouth of a camel has a thick, leathery lining that allows them to devour wild and thorny plants.

Camel meat is considered a delicacy.

In Middle Eastern countries, many people eat camel meat and consider it a delicacy. The hump is said to be the best part of the camel, and it’s traditionally served at Arab weddings. The taste of camel is described as similar to beef.

What is the Lattice Method of Multiplication?

Lattice multiplication, also known as Chinese multiplication, is a written method of multiplying numbers. It’s usually used when solving problems, which include multiplying 2-digit by 2-digit numbers. But it can also be used when working with more significant multi-digit numbers.

It is a handy method that helps break down large numbers into simple maths facts. It can help visualize the different steps and help pupils understand how to multiply numbers.

It is also a helpful multiplication method, as it provides pupils with a model to help them ensure the numbers are correctly aligned.

The lattice method of multiplication is an alternative to the formal written process of long multiplication. Although both consist of breaking up the numbers, multiplying them, and then adding them together, there are still some vital differences in how it’s written down.

Let’s look into how to do lattice multiplication. We’ve included an example to make it easier to understand and follow.

A Step-by-Step Guide to the Lattice Method of Multiplication

Here are four steps that will help you use this method of multiplication, which are:

  1. Drawing the lattice;
  2. Labeling the lattice;
  3. Multiplying the numbers;
  4. Adding the numbers.

For example, let’s multiply 34 by 56 and see how you can follow these steps in practice.

  1. Drawing the lattice

The first thing you need to do is to draw a grid that matches the number of digits you have. In this example, 34 and 56 are both 2-digit numbers, so we’ll need a 2×2 grid.

  1. Labelling the lattice

Now that you have your lattice, you need to label it.

First, take one of the numbers and put it on top of the lattice. For example, if we take 34, we must put each digit over each box. (see below)

Then, put the second number on the right of the lattice. Again, one digit should go next to each box.

  1. Multiplying the numbers

What you need to do now is to multiply the numbers. It would help if you did this by multiplying every digit that “meets” in the grid. In our example, the digits that meet are:

  • 3 and 5;
  • 3 and 6;
  • 4 and 5;
  • And 4 and 6.

Remember that the upper triangle in each box holds the tens place digits of the multiplication result when multiplying the numbers. The lower triangle will have the ones place digits.

If this sounds a bit tricky, look at the image below. It shows how to write it down with the equation we took as an example.


  1. Adding the numbers

Extend the diagonal lines, then add the numbers on the same line to take it one step at a time. What you need to remember is to start from the bottom right corner.

In the example below, you start with 4, which is on its own, so you write four outside the box. Then, you have 8, 2, and 0. Finally, the sum is 10; you write 0 outside the box and carry one over. See how you can write this down below.

Once you’ve added the numbers on all 4 of the diagonal lines, you’ve completed the problem! You need to read the numbers now, starting from the top one on the left and finishing with the bottom right one.

So, the answer to the equation is 1904.

34 x 56 = 1904

Applying the Method to 3-Digit and Larger Numbers

You can follow the same four steps if working with more significant numbers.

The only difference would be when drawing the lattice. For example, if you’re multiplying a 3-digit number by a 4-digit one, you would need to draw a 3×4 grid. So, make sure the grid matches the number of digits.

Lattice Multiplication vs. Long Multiplication

Children will learn to use various written methods when solving multiplication problems throughout their maths education.

The lattice written multiplication method isn’t included in the national maths curriculum, so it’s less popular than other written methods. In comparison, long multiplication plays an essential role in the curriculum for years 5 and 6 as children use it to multiply multi-digit numbers.

So, while the long multiplication method is taught in maths lessons, children won’t necessarily learn about lattice multiplication.

Educators still use lattice multiplication to simplify multiplication by breaking it down into easy-to-follow steps.

It follows the standard multiplication algorithms and shows what these algorithms mean in an accessible way for children.

It is also a fantastic tool for supporting visual learners, as some kids learn better by visualizing the process.

Even if it’s not included in the maths curriculum, lattice multiplication is an excellent method for expanding children’s multiplication knowledge and number sense.

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