16 Strategies to Help Learners Who Spell Words Correctly or Incorrectly, Depending on the Context

Are you looking for strategies to help students who spell words correctly or incorrectly, depending on the context? If so, keep reading.

1. Select a peer to take part in daily spelling word drills with the student.

2. Make the student write their spelling words regularly over a period, to enable the student’s visual memory of the spelling words.

3. Get the student to find a list of words (e.g., 5, 10, or 15) each week from an area of interest to learn to spell. If the student is interested in cars, they can find words from automotive magazines, advertisements, etc.

4. Do not require the student to learn too many spelling words at one time.

5. Praise the student for practicing the writing of the spelling words within sentences and paragraphs.

6. Teach the student why they are learning each spelling word (e.g., give the student a concrete example of how each word can be used in their life).

7. Provide tests and exams when the student is certain to succeed (e.g., after they have had sufficient time to learn the information).

8. Get the student to keep a dictionary of most commonly misspelled words. Make the student check the spelling of all terms they are not certain are spelled correctly.

9. Make the student proofread their written work, circling any words that they think are misspelled. The student then checks with the teacher or the dictionary to correct those misspellings.

10. Provide the student fewer words to learn to spell at one time. Spend extra time on each term until the student can spell it correctly.

11. Make sure the student has sufficient time to finish written tasks.

12. Get the student to use current spelling words in a critical manner (e.g., writing a letter to a friend, rock star, famous athlete, etc.) to enable their desire to improve.

13. Give chances for the student to read often, so they see in print those words they need to learn to spell.

14. Integrate spelling with the total language arts program (e.g., learning activities , methods, and learning materials are related to the teaching of reading and language as a whole rather than separately).

15. Post a list of the student’s current spelling words on their desk. Make the student practice them regularly.

16. Consider using one of the tools from of spelling apps list.

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