17 Ways to Teach Learners Spell Words Correctly in any Context


Are you looking for ways to teach students to spell words correctly in any context? If so, keep reading.

1. Make the student proofread all their written work for spelling errors. Praise them for correcting each spelling error.

2. Get the student to write current spelling words in various places (e.g., smartboard, transparencies, on a posted list at their desk, etc.) throughout the classroom as they are learning them.

3. Compose sentences, paragraphs, etc., for the student to read that repeat the student’s spelling words throughout the written content.

4. Make sure that the student’s spelling words are those that they see on a routine (schedule) basis, rather than infrequently, to enable correct spelling and use of the words.

5. Minimize the emphasis on competition. Competitive learning activities may cause the student to hurry and make spelling mistakes.

6. Give the student self-checking learning resources. Require the student to make corrections before submitting work.

7. Get the student to keep a folder of all their spelling words. Make the student refer to the list when they are engaged in writing learning activities to check spelling.

8. Make sure the student has had sufficient practice using the spelling words (e.g., drills, sentence learning activities, etc.).

9. Acknowledge quality work (e.g., display the student’s work, congratulate the student, etc.).

10. Give chances for the student to use apps to write stories. They should check the spelling of words with the computer’s spell-check.

11. Make the student use the dictionary to find the correct spelling of any words they cannot spell correctly. Emphasize spelling accurately.

12. Minimize distracting stimuli in the classroom when the student is working on spelling and related learning activities (e.g., place the student in a carrel or “office” space).

13. Get the student to write a sentence daily for each spelling word.

14. Teach the student to usespelling words rather than merely memorizing the spelling of the words for testing purposes (e.g., have the student use the words in writing learning activities each day).

15. Praise the student for spelling words correctly in all contexts: (a) give the student a concrete reward (e.g., privileges such as leading the line, handing out learning materials, 10 minutes of free time, etc.) or (b) give the student an informal reward (e.g., praise, handshake, smile, etc.).

16. Try several learning activities to help strengthen and reinforce visual memory of the spelling words (e.g., flash cards, word lists on the smartboard, a list on the student’s desk, etc.).

17. Consider using one of the tools from of spelling apps list.

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