16 Strategies to Help Learners Who Have Trouble Solving Problems Involving Measurement

Are you looking for strategies to help students who have trouble solving problems involving measurement? If so, keep reading.

1. Select a peer to model solving measurement problems for the student.

2. Assign the student measurement activities that they will want to perform successfully (e.g., following a cooking recipe, building a model, etc.).

3. Ask the student a question when they are most likely to be able to respond successfully.

4. Create a measurement reference sheet for the student to use at their desk when solving math problems involving measurement.

5. Talk about and give the student a list of words and phrases that indicate a measurement issue.

6. Assess the appropriateness of the task to ascertain (a) if the task is too easy, (b) if the task is too complicated, and (c) if the duration of time scheduled for the task is sufficient.

7. Give chances for the student to apply measurement skills in real-life situations (e.g., cooking, measuring the length of objects, etc.).

8. Get the student to start solving problems utilizing same and whole units of measurement. Present fractions and mixed units (e.g., pounds and ounces, etc.) only after the student has demonstrated success with same and whole units.

9. Get the student to take part in a hands-on experience by following a simple recipe (e.g., gelatin, peanut butter cookies, etc.).

10. Get the student to practice basic measurement skills (e.g., pound, ounce, inch, foot, etc.) using everyday measurement devices in their surroundings (e.g., scale, measuring cup, etc.).

11. Get the student to practice measurement skills in their surroundings to find an item’s length, weight, etc.

12. Get the student to practice using smaller units of measurement to create bigger units of measurement.

13. Get the student to solve simple measurement problems using measurement devices before solving the problems on paper (e.g., five inches plus four inches using a ruler; three liquid ounces plus five liquid ounces using a measuring cup, etc.).

14. Consider using Alexa for the Math Classroom.

15. Try gamifying your math lessons.

16. Consider using one of the apps and tools from our many math app lists:

9 Must-Have Apps and Tools for Kids Who Hate Math

10 Apps to Teach Preschoolers Math

20 Math Apps for Learners of All Ages

Advanced Math Apps, Tools, and Resources for That We Love

Elementary School Math Apps, Tools, and Resources That We Love

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Interactive Math for the Google Classroom

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YouTube Channels for the Math Classroom

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