15 Types of Poetry To Share With Kids (Plus Examples of Each)

Introducing poetry to children can be a rewarding experience for both the child and parents or educators. There are numerous forms of poetry, each with its unique characteristics and structures. Here are 15 types of poetry to share with kids, along with examples to help them understand and enjoy this wonderful world of words.

1. Acrostic Poems

In an acrostic poem, the first letter of each line spells out a word or message. This format can be a fun way for kids to express their creativity.


Super powers I have,

Under water I can breathe,

Persevering through any challenge,

Exploring new adventures,

Reaching beyond the sky.

2. Haiku

A traditional Japanese form, haikus consist of three lines with syllable counts of 5-7-5.


A frog on a pond—

Splashes and then disappears;

Nature’s symphony.

3. Limericks

Limericks are humorous five-line poems with an AABBA rhyme scheme.


There once was a kid named Drew

Who collected rocks old and new

With quite such delight

In day or night

His collection eventually grew.

4. Sonnets

Sonnets have 14 lines with an ABABCDCDEFEFGG rhyme scheme.

Example: (Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 18”)

Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?

Thou art more lovely and more temperate:

Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,

And summer’s lease hath all too short a date:

5. Shape Poems

Also known as concrete or calligram poems, shape poems use words and phrases to create an image that represents the poem’s theme.

Example: Create a shape poem in the form of a tree.

6. Couplet Poems

Couplets consist of two consecutive lines that rhyme and have the same meter.


The cat sat on the mat,

Greeted by a welcoming pat.

7. Diamante Poems

Diamante poems resemble a diamond shape with seven lines and describe either a single topic or two opposite topics.



Fluffy, Playful

Biting, Barking, Running

Collar, Toys, Coop, Seeds

Pecking, Preening, Chirping

Noisy, Curious


8. Clerihew Poems

Clerihews are humorous four-line verses about a famous person.


Walt Disney had it all,

From Mickey Mouse to a snowball.

From theme parks to lovely films,

He built dreams with endless trills.

9. Cinquains

A cinquain has five lines with syllable counts of 2-4-6-8-2.



Golden, Bright

Fading, Glowing, Changing

Sky filled with colors profound


10. Tanka Poems

Similar to haiku but with 5-7-5-7-7 syllables.


A blanket of white,

Winter’s breath so visible,

Children playing free.

Snowflakes fall like whispered dreams,

Nature’s quiet symphony.

11. Bio Poems

Bio poems are focused on describing a person in a particular format.


Raymond – friendly and compassionate,

Son of Julie and Michael,

Lover of animals, books and nature,

Who fears spiders, loneliness and failure,

Who dreams of traveling the world and making a difference.

12. Epitaphs

An epitaph is often etched on a tombstone or monument and gives honors to someone who has died

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