English Education

7 Sensational Sentence Structure Resources and Activities

Mastering sentence structure is essential for students and writers who want to communicate their ideas effectively. Whether you’re teaching English grammar or looking to improve your own writing skills, the following resources and activities offer a varied and engaging approach to understanding the complexities of sentence construction.

1. Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab): This comprehensive resource offers detailed sections on sentence clarity and style. Exercises on identifying sentence fragments, run-ons, and comma splices give users practical experience in recognizing common errors.

2. Grammarly’s Handbook: An online guide that provides clear explanations of sentence structure elements. Grammarly’s real-time writing feedback can also help identify structural issues in sentences as they are written.

3. Khan Academy – Grammar: With interactive exercises and instructional videos, Khan Academy helps students learn at their own pace. Topics include proper sentence construction and avoiding common mistakes.

4. NoRedInk: A dynamic digital platform that builds stronger writers through interest-based curriculum, adaptive exercises, and actionable data. It focuses on improving sentence fluency among other grammar skills.

5. The Hemingway Editor: A web-based tool that highlights lengthy, complex sentences and common errors. Ideal for self-editing, it encourages users to split or shorten sentences for clarity.

6. Daily Grammar Lessons: Through email subscription or blog format, these lessons offer daily practice in various aspects of grammar, including sentence types and structures with quizzes to test knowledge retention.

7. English Grammar 101: An online course designed for different skill levels. Modules on sentence structure are delivered through rich multimedia resources such as tutorials, videos, and quizzes to provide an interactive learning experience.

Incorporating these resources into your learning routine can foster a better understanding of sentence structure which is critical for conveying messages with precision and flair. Both teachers and learners can benefit from the mix of instructional content, practical application, and personal editing tools that these sensational sentence structure resources offer.

Engaging Biography Lesson Activities (+ Interview Skills for Kids!)

Incorporating biography lessons into a child’s curriculum can not only enhance their understanding of historical figures and their impact but also develop important literacy skills. Here are several engaging activities that can make biographical studies fascinating for kids, plus some tips on incorporating interview skills at the same time.

1. Role-Play Interviews:

Have students choose a historical figure they are interested in and research their lives. Then, in pairs, students can conduct mock interviews where one plays the role of the historical figure and the other is the interviewer. This not only bolsters understanding of the individual’s life but also exercises interview skills.

2. Biography Timelines:

Ask students to create detailed timelines of their chosen figure’s life. This activity helps students organize and synthesize information chronologically and contextually within a historical framework.

3. Creative Journals:

Encourage students to write creative journals from the perspective of the biography subject. This personal approach allows children to step into the lives of notable individuals, fostering empathy and deeper insight into diverse life experiences.

4. ‘A Day in the Life’ Montages:

Students can create photo montages or collages describing a day in the life of their chosen person. They might include images depicting key moments or daily routines, enhancing visual literacy and interpretive skills.

5. Biography ‘Hot Seat’:

One student sits in the ‘hot seat’ as a famous person while classmates ask questions about their life and achievements. This game-style activity emphasizes spontaneous thinking and recall, as well as giving all students a chance to practice formulating questions.

6. Research Posters:

Students gather information and images to produce informative posters about their subjects’ lives, contributions, and impact on society. This traditional project taps into organizational skills and creativity.

7. Teach Interview Skills Through Role Play:

Set up a mock environment where kids can learn how to conduct interviews properly – how to pose questions, listen actively, show interest, take notes, and follow up with additional questions based on responses received.

By combining biography studies with interview skill-building activities, educators can provide dynamic learning experiences that cultivate historical awareness, reading comprehension, critical thinking, creativity, communication skills, and more in children.

These activities not only educate but inspire students by highlighting the diverse pathways individuals have taken through history – perhaps igniting aspirations in their own futures as well. Through active engagement with past lives, children learn much more than dates and facts; they learn about humanity itself.

My Dog Max – Comprehension Worksheet


Welcome to the “Understanding My Dog Max” article comprehension worksheet! Here, you’ll test your understanding of the heartfelt article about Max, a loyal and loving pet. Remember that this worksheet isn’t just about getting the right answers – it’s about connecting with Max’s story!


1. Describe Max in three words.

2. What is Max’s favorite toy and why?

3. How has Max impacted the life of his owner?

4. What unique habits does Max have?

5. Reflect on a time when you or someone you know had a similar experience with their pet as described in the article.

6. What lessons can we learn from the relationship between Max and his owner?

7. How does Max communicate his needs and emotions?

8. How has Max’s routine changed over time?

9. Why is Max considered a valued member of his family?

10. Imagine if you were to write a day in the life of Max, what activities would fill his day?


Great work diving into the story of My Dog Max! We hope these questions have helped sharpen your comprehension skills and possibly warmed your heart remembering that the bond between humans and their pets is truly special.

Developing Inferential Comprehension Using Visuals

In the educational landscape, developing a student’s ability to grasp and interpret meaning beyond the explicit details of a text—known as inferential comprehension—is crucial for deep, critical thinking and understanding. Combining visuals with teaching strategies can be an innovative way to enhance this skillset in learners of all ages.

Visuals are a potent tool in fostering inferential comprehension as they allow for immediate engagement and provide a concrete basis from which students can deduce or make inferences. By integrating images, diagrams, charts, and other forms of visual media, educators can encourage learners to connect with material non-verbally, drawing on their prior knowledge and experiences to fill in gaps left by the visuals themselves.

The infusion of visuals into teaching methods serves several purposes in developing inferential abilities:

1. Contextual Clues: Visuals often depict scenarios that provide context clues. Students must decode these cues to understand the broader narrative or concept that is not immediately evident from the imagery alone.

2. Prediction Skills: Presenting students with a sequence of images without text allows them to predict what might happen next or what the overarching theme or message might be. This exercise helps develop critical thinking skills.

3. Emotional Engagement: Images can often convey emotions more directly than words. Students interpreting these emotions must make inferences about character motivations and probable outcomes based on these emotional cues.

4. Cultural Literacy: Using visuals from different cultures and epochs can prompt students to research and infer information about historical periods, geography, societal norms, and more—broadening their cultural literacy and global understanding.

To effectively utilize visuals for developing inferential comprehension, consider these strategies:

– Pre-Reading Visual Exploration: Before introducing text, have students analyze relevant images to predict what they may learn or read about. This activates prior knowledge and sets a purpose for reading.

– Interactive Visual Aids: Pair written descriptions with diagrams or charts that require interpretation. For example, when learning scientific concepts, interactive infographics can help students infer how different variables may affect an outcome.

– Visual Prompts for Discussion & Writing: Use paintings or photographs as writing prompts that compel students to describe what they see and infer what it signifies within a broader context or story.

– Socratic Seminars with Art: Encourage open-ended discussions around artwork that asks participants to interpret meaning, consider different perspectives, and support their viewpoints with evidence—key components of inference-making.

In conclusion, by carefully selecting visuals that align with curricular goals and stimulate inference-making processes, educators can significantly enhance inferential comprehension skills in their students. These skills are foundational for literacy development across all content areas and critical for student success inside and outside the classroom.

Literature Study Task Cards (Upper Primary)

Engaging upper primary students with literature can be both exhilarating and challenging. Literature study task cards offer a dynamic way to promote critical thinking, creativity, and a love of reading. These task cards can be used in small groups, pairs, or individually, providing versatile opportunities for students to explore various aspects of the texts they are reading.


Task: Choose a character from your current book and write a diary entry from their perspective. Focus on a significant event in the story and express how your character might have felt during that time.


Task: Draw or describe in detail the setting of your current book. Use descriptive language to capture the atmosphere, time period, and location. How does the setting influence the mood of the story?


Task: Imagine an alternative ending for the book you are reading. Write a summary of this new ending and explain how it changes the overall story. Discuss whether this ending would improve or lessen the impact of the original plot.


Task: Identify one of the themes in your book and find three examples in the text that support it. Explain how each example ties back to the theme and enhances your understanding of the author’s message.


Task: Select 5 words from your current book that are new to you or challenging. Write down their definitions and use each one in a sentence that reflects its meaning in the context of the story.


Task: Write about a personal experience that relates to an event or character in your book. Explain how making this connection helps you better understand or empathize with the narrative.

By incorporating these task cards into literature studies, educators can help foster deeper comprehension, greater engagement with texts, and an enriched classroom discussion amongst upper primary students, setting them up for continued success in literacy.

(Note: The instructions per card are deliberately concise as they are intended to fit on printable task cards for classroom use.)

Phonics Games Part 1 | Blend and Digraph Resources

Teaching children how to read is one of the most enriching experiences both for educators and students. One of the foundational elements of reading is phonics, which involves the relationship between sounds and their spellings. To make this learning process enjoyable and effective, phonics games that focus on blends and digraphs serve as excellent resources.

In this first part of our series on phonics games, we’ll explore some exciting activities that target blends and digraphs to help young readers consolidate their skills.

 Blend Bingo

A twist on the classic game of bingo can be a delightful way to reinforce blending skills. In Blend Bingo, instead of numbers, each card is printed with consonant blends such as ‘bl’, ‘st’, ‘ng’. Call out words that contain these blends, like “black” or “string”, and let students cover them if they appear on their card. Not only does it teach recognition of common blends, but it also provides listening practice for blend identification.

 Pirate’s Gold Digraph Hunt

Ahoy mateys! Create a treasure hunt game where children search for coins with digraphs on them – combinations of two letters that make a single sound like “sh”, “ch”, or “th”. Scatter these coins around a designated area and equip your little pirates with a map. As they find each coin, encourage them to say words that include the digraph collected to build their treasure chest of knowledge.

 Feed the Monster

This interactive game involves feeding a friendly monster “food” labeled with blend or digraph words. Cut out pictures or have word cards printed with blend or digraph words like “swim” or “phone”. Students can ‘feed’ these items into a box decorated like a monster’s mouth by sounding out the blend or digraph as they do so. It’s a playful way to practice decoding skills.

 Blends and Digraphs Board Game

Create or print a board game where paths are littered with blend or digraph words. Have students roll dice and move their tokens along the path, but they can only advance if they successfully read aloud the word they land on. Incorporate fun twists like miss-a-turns or move-ahead bonuses tied to correctly identifying particularly tricky words.

 Digital Phonics Adventures

There are numerous apps and online games designed for phonics practice. These digital games take advantage of multimedia elements such as voice narration, interactive animations, and engaging storylines. Kids can often progress through different levels that steadily increase in difficulty, allowing for scaffolded learning at their own pace.

Through these entertaining phonics games focusing on blends and digraphs, not only is learning optimized but students also gain confidence in their reading abilities. Stay tuned for Part 2 where we will dive deeper into creative ways to reinforce long vowel sounds through engaging educational gameplay.

Kindness Teaching Resources

Kindness is not just a virtue but a crucial element in creating harmonious classrooms, schools, and communities. In a world where every individual’s actions can significantly impact others, teaching kindness has never been more important. As educators and caregivers strive to nurture empathetic and compassionate individuals, they often turn to various resources designed to infuse their teaching with kindness. This article explores some of the most effective kindness teaching resources that are available to educators today.
One valuable resource is ‘Random Acts of Kindness Foundation’ (RAK), which offers a comprehensive K-12 curriculum. Their lesson plans are age-appropriate and designed to fit seamlessly into the standard curriculum. They focus not only on acts of kindness but also on reflection activities that help students understand the impact of their good deeds.
Another great resource is ‘The Kindness School Foundation’. They provide workshops and training for teachers and educators, focused on incorporating kindness into everyday learning. Their programs include mindfulness exercises, peer inclusivity training, and strategies to foster a supportive school culture.
Literature is a powerful tool in teaching kindness, and books like “Have You Filled a Bucket Today?” by Carol McCloud or “Kindness Starts With You” by Jacquelyn Stagg, aim directly at young audiences, offering relatable stories that teach children the value of being kind.
While teaching about kindness through books is effective, interactive activities can often leave a more lasting impression. Websites like ‘Project Happiness’ have materials that fit into this category, providing exercises, games, and challenges that encourage students to practice kindness in real-life situations.
In today’s digital world, online platforms also offer extensive opportunities for teaching kindness. Free resources like ‘Teachers Pay Teachers’ (TPT) include countless lesson plans and activities shared by educators around the world.
Furthermore, schools can start clubs centered around kindness such as ‘Be The Change’ clubs that offer students leadership opportunities in spreading positivity throughout their community.
In conclusion, incorporating kindness into the educational experience is an invaluable investment in the future well-being of society. By using these resources to teach kindness at a young age, we can hope to cultivate more empathetic and understanding adults who will contribute positively to society.

Readers Theater Scripts Teaching Resources

In the dynamic world of education, one teaching strategy that has gained prominence is the use of Readers Theater Scripts. This instructional approach combines reading practice with performance, offering an interactive way for students to engage with literature and improve their fluency, comprehension, and speaking skills.

At its core, Readers Theater involves students in reading a script derived from a work of literature. Unlike traditional theater, there are no costumes or elaborate sets; instead, the focus is on oral reading. The spotlight is on the text, and the performance highlights the students’ expressive reading abilities. This minimalist approach allows for a concentration on vocal expression, intonation, and pacing.

Teachers are tapping into this resourceful method for several reasons. Firstly, it removes the pressure of memorization, letting students concentrate on their reading skills. Secondly, it motivates reluctant readers by involving them in group activities that are perceived as fun rather than academic tasks. Thirdly, it enhances listening skills among classmates as they follow along and anticipate their turn to read.

Additionally, Readers Theater Scripts can boost reading confidence in individuals who might struggle with traditional approaches to literacy. With each practice and performance, these students have opportunities to improve at their own pace within a supportive group setting.

Scripts can cover a vast array of topics and genres—from historical fiction to science-related texts—aligning with curriculum standards across subjects. They can also be differentiated by reading level, ensuring that every student can participate meaningfully.

For teachers looking to introduce Readers Theater Scripts into their classrooms, there is a wealth of resources available. Online marketplaces for educational materials host a plethora of scripts tailored to various grade levels, subjects, and occasions. These scripts often come with helpful notes on implementation and ideas for extension activities beyond the initial reading.

In summary, Readers Theater Scripts stand out as an exceptional teaching resource due to their versatility and the active learning opportunities they provide. They foster a collaborative learning environment where students can develop not just their reading skills but also gain confidence in public speaking and listening—a triad essential to communication competence in both academic paradigms and real-world scenarios.

Book Week Costume Ideas for Teachers

Book Week is a much-anticipated event in schools around the world, celebrating literature and the joy of reading. For teachers, it’s an opportunity to ignite their students’ imaginations and foster a lifelong love of books. An integral part of this festive week is dressing up as characters from a wide range of stories, from timeless classics to modern favorites. Here are some imaginative and educational costume ideas for teachers looking to inspire their students during Book Week.
1. The Cat in the Hat: Don red and white-striped hats, black suits, and, most importantly, the playful demeanor of Dr. Seuss’s iconic character. This costume is easy to put together and instantly recognizable.
2. Miss Frizzle from The Magic School Bus: Embrace the eccentric and educational with a patterned dress full of science or nature illustrations, reminiscent of Miss Frizzle’s own outfits. Add some fun accessories like planet earrings or a stuffed lizard to represent her pet.
3. Sherlock Holmes: Step into the shoes of the world-famous detective with a tweed coat, deerstalker hat, and a pipe. Encourage your students to solve mysteries throughout the day for an interactive experience.
4. Harry Potter: With the series still capturing the hearts of children globally, a robe, glasses, and a lightning bolt scar will easily make you into Hogwarts’ famous wizard. Don’t forget your wand!
5. Matilda Wormwood from Matilda: Wear a blue dress paired with a red ribbon in your hair; carry some books as props to complete the look of Roald Dahl’s beloved character.
6. Mary Poppins: A long skirt, white blouse, red bowtie, and umbrella will transform you into this quintessential nanny. Remember to speak in her crisp British accent for added fun.
7. The Very Hungry Caterpillar: For those willing to get creative with their costume-making skills, layering green clothing and creating a caterpillar structure with fabric can bring this picture-book favorite to life.
8. Waldo from Where’s Waldo?: This costume is as simple as wearing red-and-white striped shirts and beanies—just hide around your classroom or school for your students’ enjoyment!
9. Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings: Teachers who prefer grandeur might opt for long robes, gray beards, and staffs resembling Gandalf’s magical one.
10. Amelia Bedelia: Reflect her literal-mindedness with a 1950s-style maid outfit complete with an apron – just prepare for some wordplay fun throughout the day.
These costumes not only spark joy but also encourage discussions about different genres and authors—making Book Week an immersive literary adventure that extends beyond reading alone.

Teaching Synonyms in the Classroom | The Must-Have Synonym Poster Collection

As educators and language connoisseurs, we understand the power of words and the nuances they can bring to both written and spoken expression. Enhancing vocabulary is an essential part of education, and one way to broaden a student’s language capabilities is through the use of synonyms. Synonyms, or words with similar meanings, not only enrich a student’s vocabulary but also improve their writing and communication skills.

But how do we teach synonyms effectively in the classroom? Enter the must-have synonym poster collection—a creative and engaging tool to help students learn and remember synonyms just at a glance.

Here’s why every classroom should have a collection of synonym posters:

Visual Learning: Many students are visual learners and absorb information more quickly when it’s presented visually. Synonym posters provide a constant visual reminder of alternative words, reinforcing learning through repetition and visibility.

Building Vocabulary: Regular exposure to synonym posters will naturally expand a student’s vocabulary. Learning that there are several words with similar meanings can make language learning more exciting and dynamic.

Enhancing Writing Skills: By frequently consulting the synonym posters, students become aware of various ways to express ideas. They learn how to avoid repetition in their writing by using synonyms which makes their writing more engaging, varied, and nuanced.

Improving Comprehension: Understanding synonyms is not just about knowing multiple words but also about comprehension—grasping different contexts where specific words can be more appropriate than others.

Sparking Creativity: When students have a bank of words at their disposal, they feel encouraged to experiment with language. This experimentation is key in developing creative expressing abilities.

So what should teachers look for in a synonym poster collection?

Firstly, it should cover a range of commonly used words. Students often overuse certain words like ‘good’, ‘bad’, ‘said’, ‘happy’, etc. Posters that offer colorful alternatives to these overused words can be particularly useful.

The design matters too—it should be eye-catching and well-organized so that students can easily locate the word they want to replace and its corresponding synonyms.

Finally, durability is key as these posters need to withstand everyday use throughout the school year.

The synonym poster collection isn’t just another teaching aid; it’s a fundamental resource for any language-rich classroom designed to stimulate minds and encourage a lifelong love for words. As educators, providing our students with such tools is our investment into their future articulacy—a gift that keeps on giving long after they leave our classrooms.