Artificial Intelligence Apps, Tools, and Resources That We Love

Are you looking for artificial intelligence apps, tools, and resources that you can use with your students? If so, we have you covered. Check out our list below. Let us know if there are any that we missed.

C-Factor – C-Factor provides gamified assessments that are neuroscience-based and driven by artificial intelligence for pre-screening of candidates. It lets employers run in-depth insights into prospective employees using ability and aptitude tests. It uses gamified simulations of real-life work scenarios to assess candidates; C-Factor is a cost-effective and time-efficient alternative to the recruitment process.

CoderZ by Intelitek– This platform enables schools to make artificial intelligence and computer technology readily accessible to students. It is a cost-effective, communicative, and captivating online platform that drills, prepares, and provides a simulation environment for students in grades 6 to 12. It prepares them for the rigors that they might experience in real life.

JoeZoo– JoeZoo is a grading and feedback app that helps teachers to make their feedback and grading to be more effective and hassle-free. It also guides students in developing 21st-century skills in all assignments without any hassle. JoeZoo is an AI (Artificial Intelligence) powered assessment app that was nominated for the 2015 Digital Innovation in Learning award.

MATHiaU– MATHiaU is a math learning software is offered by Carnegie Learning. It provides college-level math assistance, including one-on-one tutoring. With this app, students take thorough assessments and are given feedback that includes a personalized learning path. MATHiaU provides affordable, easy-to-use artificial intelligence-based tutoring.

MobyMax – MobyMax is a free web-based learning tool that uses artificial intelligence to create a complete K-8 differentiated and adaptive curriculum for Math, Language, Vocab, and Fact Fluency. With the help of machine learning algorithms, MobyMax provides personalized lessons for each student based on their individual needs. Machine learning helps MobyMax to pinpoint and fix learning gaps with adaptive, differentiated learning materials for all K-8 subjects. Students can learn at their own pace with lesson plans and practice sheets that are automatically generated for them. MobyMax goes one step further and includes contests, certificates, badges, games, and daily smiles to motivate students and keep them engaged. The multi-award-winning platform is the most widely adopted edtech platform in the U.S.

M-Shule – Based in Nairobi, is an award-winning eLearning platform. It was the runner up at the 2017 Global Edtech Startup Awards in London. The M-Shule platform makes use of artificial intelligence and SMS to deliver personalized education to primary school students across Africa. M-Shule also works without an internet connection, an outstanding plus point for an Edtech startup in Africa where only 10% of schools have internet access.

PLAiTO – This platform makes use of artificial intelligence to improve the learning process. PLAiTO creates a unique learning path for each learner based on the strengths, weaknesses, and characteristics of that learner. It can be used to create quality content.

Querium Corporation – Querium uses AI in their company to help students with STEM skills so they can be ready for further studies at high schools, colleges, and universities. The Querium platform delivers personalized bite-sized lessons and step-by-step tutoring assistance. Its personalized program is called StepWise, and it works on smartphones and computers. The company uses artificial intelligence for STEM (math, engineering, technology, and science education) applications. The app’s cognitive assistant helps students as they come across obstacles.

Slidebean – Slidebean is the world’s first slide design platform powered by Artificial Intelligence. The system analyzes your content and arranges it in a beautiful template tailored to your needs. With each click, Slidebean evaluates thousands of possible slide designs to find the perfect one for your content. It even recognizes important elements in your images to align them correctly for you. Slidebean lets you concentrate on your content, and it takes care of the rest! It can be used across a variety of subjects to assist with presentations and is particularly effective for storytelling.

Thinkster Math – A K-8 math tutoring program, Thinkster Math strives to improve students’ math performance, engagement, confidence, and critical thinking skills. What makes Thinkster Math unique is its three-prong approach: a unique curriculum, personalized treatment from certified teachers, and artificial intelligence that focuses on tracking the student’s thinking and determining how they arrived at an answer. Thinkster Math is available on desktops, laptops, and tablets.

Udacity – Udacity is an online learning environment for university-level classes at a fraction of the cost of a traditional university. With a focus on Artificial Intelligence, technology, and business, all Udacity classes are hands-on and interactive. To help graduates succeed in their chosen careers, class projects are designed to mimic real-world activities and can be easily included in portfolios for future job searches. Udacity also provides career assistance to graduates, including resume reviews and interview prep.

Zoomi – With Zoomi, the one-size-fits-all corporate training is thrown out the window to make room for each individual learner’s style. Using its proprietary Artificial Intelligence for Learning®, Zoomi maximizes a company’s training efforts through increased learner engagement, lower training costs, and improved course effectiveness. Zoomi’s unique learning solution is based around three cones: learning intelligence, learning analytics, and personalized learning. Learning intelligence lets companies know if their training is having the intended outcome with their employees. Learning analytics collects real-time behavioral data to ensure individualized training solutions. And personalized learning uses an artificial intelligence system that customizes learning in real time by diagnosing learners’ weaknesses or points of misunderstanding.

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