Behaviour Learning Ladder – Vertical Chart

The Behaviour Learning Ladder is a conceptual framework which provides a visual representation of the stages through which individuals learn and embed new behaviours or ways of working. The vertical chart, also known as a behaviour change ladder, is used to understand the gradual progression from unconscious incompetence to unconscious competence.

At the base of the ladder is ‘Unconscious Incompetence,’ where an individual is unaware of the skill or behavior that needs to be learned. As a person recognizes their lack of ability in this area, they move up to the next rung, ‘Conscious Incompetence,’ where they become conscious of their inadequacies and learn from mistakes.

Climbing higher, learners reach ‘Conscious Competence,’ the stage where they can perform a behavior correctly, but only with effort and mindfulness. Practice is crucial at this stage as it is not yet second nature or automatic.

The top rung represents ‘Unconscious Competence,’ where an individual performs a behavior easily and automatically without having to think consciously about it. This level signifies mastery and habituation; the skill has become a natural part of one’s behaviour.

Overall, the Behaviour Learning Ladder serves as an insightful tool for individuals and organizations aiming to encourage skill development, self-awareness, and personal growth.

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