Behavior Management

24 Activities for Building Positive Behaviors in Young Learners


Positive behaviors in young learners are essential for their emotional, social, and academic growth. By fostering these behaviors, we can help them become successful and well-rounded individuals. Here’s a list of 24 activities that can help build positive behaviors in young learners.

1. Role-playing exercises – Engage children in role-playing scenarios to teach empathy, problem-solving, and communication skills.

2. Collaborative projects – Encourage group work to develop cooperation, teamwork, and leadership abilities.

3. Gratitude journal – Have children write or draw things they are grateful for each day to cultivate gratitude.

4. Yoga sessions – Teach mindfulness and stress reduction through age-appropriate yoga postures and breathing exercises.

5. Art activities – Provide opportunities for self-expression by exploring various art materials and techniques.

6. Music-making – Teach children how to play musical instruments or sing songs to foster creativity and self-discipline.

7. Volunteer work – Organize community service outings to instill a sense of responsibility and kindness towards others.

8. Goal setting exercises – Help children set realistic goals and encourage them to work towards achieving them.

9. Peer review sessions – Promote constructive feedback by having students share their work with their classmates.

10. Curriculum with positive messages – Integrate themes of empathy, respect, honesty, and perseverance into everyday lessons.

11. Classroom jobs – Assign students tasks to help maintain the classroom environment and teach responsibility.

12. Family engagement events – Invite families to participate in school activities promoting communication between parents, teachers, and students.

13. Age-appropriate chores/tasks – Assign developmentally appropriate tasks that help children feel responsible at home or school.

14. Mentorship programs – Pair younger students with older mentors to encourage supportiveness and provide role models.

15. Games promoting pro-social behaviors – Use board games or other activities that teach social skills and empathy.

16. Circle time discussions – Regularly provide a platform for students to share their thoughts and feelings about experiences or issues they face.

17. Manners and etiquette – Teach children the importance of being polite, courteous, and respectful to others.

18. Emotional literacy sessions – Encourage children to express their emotions healthily through stories and discussions.

19. Team-building activities – Organize activities that require teamwork, problem-solving, and cooperation among the students.

20. Reading with positive themes – Choose literature that emphasizes positive character traits and values.

21. Praise efforts, not results – Shift attention from performance to effort by focusing on progress made instead of being fixated on results.

22. Active listening activities – Teach students how to listen attentively using games and exercises where they practice active listening skills.

23. Time management tools – Introduce various time management techniques to help students develop organizational skills and become more responsible.

24. Parent workshops – Organize sessions for parents that educate them on strategies for reinforcing positive behaviors at home.


By incorporating these activities into your teaching methods, you’ll foster an environment where children can develop the essential skills they need to succeed in life. Encouraging continuous growth in positive behaviors benefits both students and society as a whole, helping create a brighter future for everyone involved.

SEAL Coordinator


The United States Navy SEALs are among the world’s most elite and specialized fighting forces. Rigorous training, discipline, and multilayered coordination have ensured their success in carrying out some of the most dangerous missions globally. One key role in SEAL operations is that of the SEAL Coordinator, who is crucial for mission success. This article highlights the duties and responsibilities of a SEAL Coordinator and their vital contribution to SEAL operations.

Duties and Responsibilities:

1. Mission Planning and Preparation:

A SEAL Coordinator’s primary responsibility is to oversee the planning and preparation stages of a mission. This includes gathering intelligence, assessing threats, determining objectives, and formulating a strategy to achieve those objectives. The coordinator works closely with command personnel, intelligence officers, and support staff, providing essential information for efficient decision-making.

2. Team Coordination:

SEAL operations often involve multiple teams working together in unison towards a common goal. The SEAL Coordinator ensures seamless communication between these teams, preventing confusion or miscommunication that could compromise mission success. They act as a tactical link between ground forces, air support, logistics personnel, and command staff.

3. Resource Allocation:

A critical aspect of any operation is ensuring that all necessary resources are available both for the successful execution of the mission and for contingencies that may arise. The SEAL Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the allocation of assets such as vehicles, equipment, supplies, and personnel required to complete objectives.

4. Situation Monitoring:

During an operation’s execution phase, the SEAL Coordinator continuously monitors developments to respond quickly to changes on the ground. They remain vigilant about potential threats or obstacles that may arise; adapting strategies when necessary while maintaining situational awareness at all times.

5. Post-Mission Analysis:

After a mission’s completion, it is essential to analyze its outcomes to identify areas where improvements can be made or adjustments implemented for future operations. The SEAL Coordinator oversees post-mission debriefs, gathering feedback from team members, and providing key insights into aspects such as objectives achieved, obstacles encountered, and lessons learned.


In summary, the SEAL Coordinator’s role within Navy SEAL operations is indispensable, requiring an individual with exceptional organizational skills, strong tactical knowledge, and superior decision-making abilities. By overseeing critical phases such as mission planning, resource allocation, and team coordination, the SEAL Coordinator ensures that every detail is accounted for and that each mission is prepared with the focus and clarity needed for success. The commitment and expertise of the SEAL Coordinator are thus vital contributors to the continued operational excellence of the United States Navy SEALs.

Managing Lunchtime Behavior


Lunchtime serves as a vital opportunity for children and adults alike to recharge their minds and bodies midday. Managing lunchtime behavior can be challenging, especially in settings like schools and other shared eating spaces. However, with the right approach, everyone can benefit from a calmer, more enjoyable mealtime experience. In this article, we will explore some effective strategies for managing lunchtime behavior and ensuring that everyone can reap the benefits of a well-deserved break.

Establish Clear Expectations

One of the first steps in managing lunchtime behavior is to establish clear expectations. Communicate what is expected of individuals during mealtime in terms of conversation volume, remaining seated, and disposing of waste properly. It’s also essential to reinforce these expectations regularly so they become ingrained habits.

Create a Calm Atmosphere

Setting a calm tone during lunch can help alleviate potential issues. Consider playing some soft background music or minimizing loud noises in the environment to further create an atmosphere conducive to relaxation.

Design Seating Arrangements Intentionally

In group settings such as schools, it’s helpful to experiment with different seating arrangements to determine what works best for each person involved. Encouraging students to sit with classmates they get along well with can help create a more enjoyable lunch experience while reducing instances of negative behavior.

Constructive Communication Skills

Encouraging the use of polite language during lunch can promote positive interaction between individuals. Consider teaching younger children simple phrases like “please pass the salt” or “thank you” to instill good manners from an early age.

Provide Nutritious Food Options

Offering nutritious food options can foster healthy habits and provide individuals with enough energy to carry them through the rest of their day. Balanced meals that include fruits, vegetables, proteins, and complex carbohydrates are crucial for maintaining focus and preventing mood swings caused by hunger.

Encourage and Reward Positive Behavior

Validating and rewarding positive lunchtime behaviors can significantly encourage individuals to repeat them. Consider implementing a system that recognizes and rewards those who consistently exhibit good lunchtime manners, such as cleaning up after themselves or being kind to others.

Monitor and Address Issues Promptly

Lastly, it’s essential to be proactive in monitoring and addressing any lunchtime behavior issues as they arise. Deal with problems promptly, calmly, and fairly by ensuring that the parties involved understand the consequences of their actions. Maintaining an open line of communication with everyone is crucial in managing potential issues effectively.


Managing lunchtime behavior is a multifaceted task that involves setting clear expectations, promoting healthy habits, and addressing issues as they arise. By implementing these strategies, both children and adults can benefit from a calmer, more enjoyable mealtime experience that serves to recharge the body and mind for a productive day ahead.

Identifying Time Stealers

In a world where we have numerous obligations, commitments, and distractions, time management has become a critical aspect of our personal and professional lives. Time stealers are actions or events that take up our valuable time and energy but provide little or no benefit in return. To increase productivity and achieve higher levels of success, it is essential to identify these time stealers and eliminate them from our routines. This article outlines some of the most common time stealers, along with tips for recognizing and combating them.

1. Procrastination

One of the most notorious time stealers is procrastination. It occurs when we put off urgent or essential tasks in favor of less critical tasks or activities, such as surfing the web or scrolling through social media feeds.

To combat procrastination, try breaking your tasks into smaller, more manageable segments while assigning deadlines to each segment. Moreover, prioritize your to-do list using techniques like Eisenhower Matrix, which can help you focus on urgent and important tasks first.

2. Multitasking

Contrary to popular belief, multitasking can be a significant time stealer. Studies suggest that multitasking slows down productivity rather than speeding up processes since our brains cannot efficiently handle multiple tasks simultaneously.

To overcome multitasking, consider assigning dedicated blocks of time for each task and focusing on one job at a time instead of switching between them constantly.

3. Interruptions

Interruptions come in various forms including phone calls, emails, text messages, colleagues stopping by your desk for a chat or sudden crises requiring immediate attention. These unexpected occurrences break your flow and make it difficult to resume work from where you left off.

To minimize interruptions, set specific times during the day for personal interactions and checking emails/messages. Also educate those around you about respecting your focus time.

4. Poorly defined goals

Having poorly defined goals can greatly contribute to wasting time since it can lead you to spend hours working on tasks that don’t contribute to your objectives.

To counteract this, set S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals to provide clear direction and maintain focus.

5. Inefficient meetings

Meetings often consume large chunks of time, especially if they are not well planned or lack clear objectives.

To make meetings more efficient, establish a clear agenda beforehand and share it with participants. Set expectations for what needs to be achieved during the meeting, limit the time allotted, and assign follow-up tasks with deadlines.

6. Perfectionism

While striving for high-quality results is crucial, seeking perfection in every task can significantly slow down progress.

Learn to differentiate between tasks requiring your full attention and those where a high-quality result is sufficient instead of always striving for perfection. This balance will allow you to work more efficiently.


Identifying and eliminating time stealers from your daily life can significantly improve productivity and streamline your workflow. By following the tips mentioned above, you can create a more efficient work environment and successfully manage the precious resource of time.

Developing Pupils’ Social Skills to Improve Behaviour


The development of social skills in pupils is essential to support their overall growth and ensure they develop into well-adjusted adults. Fostering these skills also plays a vital role in improving behaviour in educational environments. This article explores the importance of developing pupils’ social skills and provides practical strategies that educators can use to promote positive behaviour in classrooms.

Why Develop Social Skills in Pupils?

1.Enhance communication: When pupils develop good communication skills, they can express themselves effectively, preventing miscommunication and misunderstandings. This leads to fewer conflicts inside and outside the classroom.

2.Encourage empathy: Enhancing empathetic skills helps students see different perspectives and be understanding of other people’s needs and emotions, which reduces negative behavior.

3.Build self-esteem: Developing social skills helps students create healthy relationships with others around them, fostering a sense of belonging that supports their self-esteem.

4.Reduce bullying: By teaching pupils about accepting individual differences and promoting respect for one another, the likelihood of bullying decreases.

5.Collaboration and teamwork: Strong social skills allow students to work effectively in teams, contributing positively to group projects while developing interpersonal relationships.

Strategies for Developing Social Skills:

1.Provide opportunities for collaboration: Utilize group activities where pupils can engage with one another and develop problem-solving, decision-making, communication, and negotiation skills.

2.Role-play scenarios: Encourage students to participate in role-plays that demonstrate appropriate ways to interact with others by exploring various social situations.

3.Implement a buddy system: Pair students up with a buddy to work on assignments or navigate new situations together, fostering cooperation and support.

4.Model positive behavior: As an educator, display positive behavior by treating your students with respect, actively listening to their concerns, and modeling appropriate social interactions.

5.Teach conflict resolution: Instruct students on positive techniques to resolve disagreements and communicate their emotions effectively in challenging situations.

6.Promote self-awareness: Teach students about the importance of understanding their emotions, body language, and triggers for their behavior. Encourage self-reflection and time-outs when necessary.

7.Create an inclusive environment: Foster a sense of community and inclusion by celebrating diversity, ensuring all pupils feel welcome and valued.


Developing pupils’ social skills is an invaluable investment in their overall well-being and academic success. When educators prioritize such skills, students experience a more positive learning environment marked by respectful interactions, cohesive collaboration, and improved behavior. By incorporating these strategies into everyday teaching practice, educators can not only improve the classroom dynamic but also set the foundation for students to become compassionate citizens of the world.

How Learning Mentors Can Remove Barriers to Learning


Education is one of the pillars of personal growth, providing the foundation for a successful and fulfilling life. Despite its importance, there are numerous barriers to learning that can impede a student’s progress and affect their overall development. Learning mentors can play a pivotal role in removing these barriers and ensuring that every learner reaches their full potential.

Role of Learning Mentors

Learning mentors are experienced educators or professionals who provide guidance, support, and encouragement to learners. By fostering an environment that is conducive to learning, learning mentors facilitate the process of overcoming challenges faced by learners. The ways in which learning mentors can overcome barriers include:

1.Identifying Barriers: A key aspect of a learning mentor’s job is to identify the specific barriers that students face in their educational journey. Whether they stem from within the individual learner or external factors, these obstacles can create feelings of frustration and discouragement. By pinpointing these issues, learning mentors can develop customized strategies tailored to each student.

2.Providing One-on-One Support: One-on-one mentorship allows for a personalized approach to understanding and addressing a learner’s unique needs. Through individual guidance, learning mentors can help students establish achievable goals and work towards them with confidence. This focused attention also fosters trust between mentor and mentee, making it easier for students to share their concerns and struggles.

3.Encouraging Growth Mindset: Cultivating a growth mindset in students is essential for overcoming obstacles in learning. Learning mentors encourage learners to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth rather than setbacks. They teach students the value of embracing failure as a necessary step towards success.

4.Providing Emotional Support: A nurturing and empathetic environment can have a significant impact on a student’s ability to learn effectively. Learning mentors offer emotional support by maintaining open lines of communication, reassuring learners during times of stress, and celebrating achievements together.

5.Developing Time Management and Study Skills: Procrastination, poor time management, and inadequate study habits can all act as barriers to learning. Learning mentors can provide guidance on effective time management and study techniques to help students make the most of their educational experience.

6.Bridging the Gap Between Students and Teachers: Sometimes, a lack of communication between students and teachers can exacerbate learning barriers. Learning mentors can bridge this gap by encouraging open dialogue between both parties, helping to build trust and improve understanding.

7.Providing Extra-Curricular Support: Some students may require extra support in their subject areas or with specific skill sets. Learning mentors can offer additional assistance through tutoring or organizing workshops aimed at addressing these specific needs.


Learning mentors have the potential to significantly impact student success by identifying and addressing the various barriers to learning faced by individuals. Through personalized support, emotional encouragement, skill-building, and open communication, learning mentors can help create an educational environment that is both accessible and empowering for all learners. In doing so, they play a vital role in fostering personal growth and laying the groundwork for a lifetime of achievement.

Planning for Behaviour Management


Behaviour management is a crucial aspect of any learning environment, whether it’s a classroom, workshop, or at home. Planning for behaviour management helps create a positive and respectful atmosphere that fosters success for both teachers and learners. This article will outline strategies and tips for effective behaviour management planning.

Establish Clear Expectations

One of the first steps in planning for behaviour management is to set clear expectations. These expectations should apply to both learners and teachers. Clearly outlining expected behaviours makes it easier for everyone to understand their roles and responsibilities, leading to fewer misunderstandings and disruptions.

Use Positive Reinforcement

Rewarding positive behaviour is an essential part of successful behaviour management planning. When learners exhibit desired behaviours, acknowledge them with praise, incentives, or rewards. By reinforcing positive behaviours, more focus is placed on encouraging constructive actions rather than directly addressing negative ones.

Implement Consequences Consistently

When learners engage in disruptive or disrespectful behaviour, consequences should be applied consistently and fairly. This can help maintain order within the learning environment while setting clear boundaries. It’s critical to ensure that consequences are proportional to the circumstances and that each learner understands the reasoning behind them.

Collaborate with Colleagues and Caregivers

Communicating regularly with colleagues or caregivers about behavioural concerns is vital in maintaining an effective behaviour management plan. Sharing strategies and insights can lead to a more cohesive approach and provide better long-term solutions.

Utilize Various Teaching Strategies

Effective behaviour management planning includes being adaptive in teaching strategies. Attempt different methods to engage learners with unique abilities or interests while preventing boredom and restlessness.

Develop Empathy and Understanding

Developing empathy with your learners can aid in creating a supportive environment that encourages good behaviour. By understanding the reasons behind misbehaviour, you can identify specific interventions for each learner’s needs.

Monitor Progress Regularly

Evaluate the effectiveness of your behaviour management plan consistently by monitoring progress and making necessary adjustments. Acknowledge when learners achieve their behavioural goals, celebrate accomplishments, and use feedback to refine your plan.


By incorporating these strategies into your behaviour management planning, you can create a supportive learning environment that encourages growth and success for all. Remember that effective behaviour management is an ongoing process, requiring flexibility and dedication from both educators and learners. With consistent effort and collaboration, a well-planned behaviour management approach can lead to lasting results for everyone involved.

19 Strategies to Teach Students to Behave Appropriately in the Presence of Other Educators

Are you looking for strategies to teach students to behave appropriately in the presence of other educators? If so, keep reading.

1. Develop an information packet for a substitute authority figure that includes all information pertaining to the classroom (e.g., learner roster, class schedule, class rules, behavior management techniques, class helpers, etc.).

2. Make sure that the learner knows that classroom rules and behavioral consequences are in effect when a substitute authority figure is in the classroom.

3. Indicate where all needed learning materials are located to maintain structure in the classroom.

4. Indicate several learning activities in which the learner can participate after finishing their work for the day.

5. Indicate the names of several staff members and where they can be located in case the substitute authority figure should need some assistance.

6. Notify the substitute authority figure of the classroom rules and the consequences if the rules are not followed by the learner.

7. Express the need for the substitute authority figure to keep consistent discipline while in and outside the classroom.

8. Notify the substitute authority figure of all privileges the students have both in and outside the classroom.

9. Get the learner to work on practice work (e.g., work that has already been taught to the learner and that they know how to do) to lessen frustration and feelings of failure.

10. Schedule 10 minutes at the beginning of the day for the substitute authority figure to create rapport with the students (e.g., introduce himself/herself to the class, learn the students’ names, talk about things the students enjoy doing, etc.).

11. Indicate to the learner that the substitute authority figure is in charge of the classroom at all times.

12. Plan a fun educational learning experience (e.g., computer games) during the day to give an incentive for the learner to remain on-task and behave appropriately.

13. Designate a special job for the learner to perform when there is a substitute authority figure in the classroom (e.g., substitute teacher’s assistant, line leader, class monitor, etc.). Notify the substitute authority figure of this “special job.”

14. Get the substitute authority figure to present instructions in an assortment of ways (e.g., orally, written, etc.).

15. Request a substitute authority figure who has the appropriate skills to handle problem behavior and special needs students.

16. Consider using a classroom management app. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.

17. Consider using an adaptive behavior management app. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.

18. Consider using Alexa to help the student learn to behave appropriately. Click here to read an article that we wrote on the subject.

19. Click here to learn about six bonus strategies for challenging problem behaviors and mastering classroom management.

Behaviour, Manners, and Society: What Schools Can Do


In today’s fast-paced world, it is essential for children to learn appropriate behaviour, manners, and social skills to thrive in their environments. Schools play a crucial role in the development of these attributes among students, preparing them for a successful future. This article delves into the significance of teaching behaviour, manners, and social skills in the classroom and outlines some of the strategies schools can implement to enhance these aspects of a child’s growth.

The Importance of Teaching Behaviour, Manners and Society

1.Building a Respectful Environment – Good manners create an atmosphere of respect and consideration between students and their peers as well as with the teachers. It helps reduce instances of bullying and develops compassionate citizens who are mindful of their actions.

2.Boosts Self-esteem – Children who master essential social skills are more likely to have higher self-esteem because they can communicate effectively with others and make friends more easily.

3.Enhances Communication – Polite communication makes it easier for students to express themselves without causing offense or misunderstanding.

4.Prepares Students for the Future – Students equipped with proper behaviour and good social skills are better prepared for college, job interviews, and future professional life.

Strategies Schools Can Implement

1.Teach Social Skills at an Early Age – Educators should incorporate lessons on acceptable behaviour, manners, and social skills as early as kindergarten to build a strong foundation at a young age.

2.Use Role-Plays – Incorporating role-plays into the curriculum allows students to practice different scenarios that require good manners, such as dining etiquette or conversation skills with peers or adults.

3.Encourage Peer Interaction – Providing students with opportunities to work together in groups can foster collaborative problem-solving while enhancing their communication abilities.

4.Classroom Rules – Establishing classroom rules ensures that expectations regarding respectful behavior are clear and provides students with guidelines on how to interact with one another in a polite and civil manner.

5.Modeling Good Manners – Teachers should lead by example by consistently demonstrating appropriate behaviour and manners. This includes verbally acknowledging others, using polite gestures, and maintaining respectful interactions with colleagues and students.

6.Involve Parents – Encouraging parental involvement in school activities enables them to work in tandem with educators to reinforce an exemplary code of conduct at home.

7.Promote Cultural Understanding – Schools should expose students to various cultural practices and traditions, enabling them to develop cultural sensitivity and an appreciation for diversity.


The development of good behaviour, manners, and strong social skills is essential in nurturing responsible and empathetic individuals who excel both academically and socially. With a well-rounded education focusing on these aspects, schools are instrumental in fostering future citizens capable of contributing positively to society. Schools can leverage various strategies, as detailed above, to ensure the successful integration of essential behavioural attributes into a student’s growth.

Win a Free Course in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention for Educators


As an educator, you’re not only responsible for teaching your students, but also for ensuring their well-being and safety during their time at school. An essential part of this responsibility is being equipped with the right skills and knowledge to handle various challenging situations that may arise. This is where the Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (NCI) course can play a pivotal role in preparing you to deal with common issues faced by educators.

Now, imagine if you had the opportunity to win a free NCI course? In this article, we will discuss the importance of nonviolent crisis intervention training for educators, as well as how you can enter for a chance to win a free course.

Why is Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Important for Educators?

1. Promotes a Safer Learning Environment: The main goal of NCI training is to equip educators with necessary skills and techniques needed to handle challenging student behavior and potential crises in a non-violent manner. This creates a safer and more secure learning environment for all students.

2. Enhances Teachers’ Confidence: Handling difficult situations without resorting to aggression or excessive force inspires greater confidence within educators. This increased sense of self-assurance applies not only when dealing with classroom conflicts but also improves their ability to teach effectively.

3. Improves Teacher-Student Relationships: Non-violent interventions foster better communication and understanding between teachers and students. This leads to stronger relationships, increased respect, and mutual trust. Ultimately, these factors facilitate more successful learning outcomes.

4. Reduces Burnout Risk: Managing challenging behaviors through nonviolent approaches reduces the occurrence of occupational stressors commonly experienced by educators. Consequently, the likelihood of burnout decreases.

How Can You Win A Free Course in Nonviolent Crisis Intervention For Educators?

To give more educators access to this invaluable training, we are proud to announce the “Win a Free NCI Course” contest. To participate, simply follow the steps outlined below:

1. Follow us on our social media platforms – Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. By doing so, you’ll stay up-to-date with relevant news and information about the NCI course.

2. Fill in the online contest entry form, providing your name, email address, the name of your educational institution, and a brief description of why you are interested in the Nonviolent Crisis Intervention course.

3. Share your reasons for wanting to participate in the NCI course on social media. Use the hashtag #FreeNCICourseForEducators and tag our official account to increase your chances of winning.

Selection Criteria:

1. Relevance: Your explanation should reflect a clear understanding of nonviolent crisis intervention training’s significance for educators.

2. Creativity: We appreciate original and innovative thoughts that demonstrate an earnest interest in the program.

3. Engagement: The extent to which your post gains traction on social media will also be considered during the overall evaluation process.

The contest winner will earn complimentary access to our highly-acclaimed Nonviolent Crisis Intervention course tailored explicitly for educators. This is a fantastic opportunity to hone essential skills and contribute towards creating a safe, supportive, and productive educational setting for both you and your students.

Good luck to all aspiring participants!