Education Foundations

What Is a Museum School and What Is It Like to Teach at One


Museum schools have been gaining popularity in the field of education as alternative learning environments. These unique institutions offer students and educators alike a hands-on approach to learning and teaching. In this article, we will discuss what a museum school is and provide insights into what it’s like to teach at one.

What is a Museum School?

A museum school is an educational institution that partners with or is based within a museum, allowing students to engage directly with exhibits and artifacts as part of their learning experience. The aim is to create a rich, interactive learning environment beyond the traditional classroom setting. Museum schools can be found at various grade levels, from elementary to high school. Many of these schools also incorporate other learning techniques, such as project-based learning or integrative arts approaches.

Museum schools often focus on subjects related to the content of the partnering museum, which enables students to delve more deeply into specialized topics such as history, art, science, or technology. Moreover, museum schools emphasize experiential learning by giving students access to real-world resources, experts, and immersive experiences that enhance their understanding.

Teaching at a Museum School

Teaching at a museum school provides educators with opportunities for enrichment and professional growth while allowing them to foster students’ passion for discovery and knowledge. Teachers can expect to encounter some unique aspects when working in this non-traditional educational setting:

1. Collaboration: Teachers engage in active collaboration with museum staff members such as curators or experts in their field. This fosters interdisciplinary connections and opens up new teaching perspectives.

2. Innovative curriculum development: Educators have the opportunity to work with museum staff to design innovative curricula that leverage the vast resources available within the museum itself. This also includes incorporating field trips and hands-on experiences into lesson plans.

3. Student-centered learning: Teachers play a pivotal role in encouraging students to think critically and independently, using the museum as their primary tool for exploration. They facilitate discovery, helping students to make connections and apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios.

4. Smaller class sizes: Many museum schools have smaller student populations, which allows teachers to foster closer relationships with their students and invest in personalized learning experiences.

5. Professional development opportunities: Teachers at museum schools often have access to unique professional development opportunities. This can include attending special exhibits, trainings provided by museum professionals, or working with renowned experts in their respective fields.


Museum schools offer a unique learning environment that challenges traditional educational models by providing tangible experiences and fostering critical thinking skills. Teaching at a museum school grants educators the opportunity to collaborate with industry professionals, develop innovative curriculum, and empower students. Teachers who are passionate about experiential learning and eager to explore new avenues in education may find that a museum school is an inspiring and rewarding place to work.

How To Upgrade Your Google Classroom With BookWidgets


Google Classroom has revolutionized the way teachers and students interact, making it easier than ever to manage assignments, share resources, and communicate effectively. But what if you could enhance your Google Classroom experience even further, by integrating a powerful, interactive tool like BookWidgets? In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of upgrading your Google Classroom with BookWidgets, so you can make the most of this remarkable educational platform.

Step 1: Get Familiar with BookWidgets

Before you start integrating BookWidgets into your Google Classroom, it’s crucial to understand its features and benefits. BookWidgets allows teachers to create engaging, interactive lessons and activities for students. This includes quizzes, flashcards, puzzles, games, worksheets, and more. The best part is that all these widgets can be customized according to the curriculum and shared with students through popular learning management systems (LMS) like Google Classroom.

Step 2: Setting Up a BookWidgets Account

To get started with BookWidgets, you’ll need to create an account. Visit the BookWidgets website ( and sign up for a free trial or one of their paid plans. Once you’ve created an account, explore their library of widgets and templates to discover the different resources available for use in your Google Classroom.

Step 3: Integrating BookWidgets with Google Classroom

Linking your BookWidgets account to your Google Classroom is simple. Follow these steps:

1. Log in to your BookWidgets account.

2. Click on “My Account” in the top right-hand corner.

3. Choose “Integrations” from the menu.

4. Find the Google Classroom integration option and click on “Connect.”

5. Follow the on-screen instructions to authorize access between your BookWidgets and Google accounts.

Now that you’ve successfully integrated both platforms, it’s time to start creating and sharing widgets.

Step 4: Creating Your First Widget

To create a widget, follow these steps:

1. Click the “+Create Widget” button on your BookWidgets dashboard.

2. Choose a widget template. You can view examples and demos for each type of activity before selecting one.

3. Customize your widget by editing content, images, colors, and other elements according to your lesson plan or topic.

4. Save your creation and preview it to ensure that it meets your teaching objectives.

Step 5: Sharing Widgets in Google Classroom

Once you’ve created a widget, you can easily share it with students through Google Classroom:

1. Open the finished widget in the BookWidgets editor.

2. Click on “Share” located in the top right-hand corner.

3. Choose “Share with Google Classroom.”

4. Select the class and action (“Create assignment,” “Ask question,” “Make announcement,” or “Material”).

5. Customize details like due date, point allocation, or any additional instructions.

6. Click on “Assign” or “Post” depending on the chosen action.

Your BookWidgets assignment will now be available to students in Google Classroom! As they complete activities, you will receive feedback and analytics to help track student progress.


Upgrading your Google Classroom with BookWidgets opens up endless possibilities for interactive learning experiences. Give your students engaging activities that cater to diverse learning styles and watch their motivation soar. Integrate BookWidgets with Google Classroom today and revolutionize your teaching approach!

Digital Escape Rooms for Fun and Formative Assessment


In recent years, escape rooms have gained immense popularity as a recreational activity for people of all ages. They present exciting challenges that require players to work together and think critically to solve a series of puzzles, ultimately leading to their ‘escape.’ In an age where digital technology continually shapes new learning methodologies, educators have started to give digital escape rooms a closer look. Not only are they entertaining, they offer opportunities for formative assessment in the classroom.

What is a Digital Escape Room?

A digital escape room is an online adaptation of physical escape rooms. The concept remains the same- participants must solve various puzzles and riddles within a limited time frame to progress through the game. However, digital escape rooms don’t require a physical space and can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.

These virtual experiences are typically multimedia-based, utilizing visuals, audio, and interactive elements to create immersive environments that keep learners engaged. The content and difficulty level can be customized according to specific age groups and educational goals.

Fun and Formative Assessment

One of the biggest challenges educators face is finding creative ways to conduct formative assessments- evaluations that take place during the learning process rather than assessing knowledge at the end of educational instruction. Digital escape rooms provide an innovative solution for this challenge.

Here are some reasons why digital escape rooms can serve as excellent formative assessment tools:

1. Engaging and Interactive: With their gamified nature, digital escape rooms provide a fun environment that encourages students to actively participate in the learning process.

2. Collaboration and Communication: Escape rooms require teamwork and effective communication for solving problems successfully. Students learn essential skills such as cooperation, listening, leadership, and negotiation while working together.

3. Critical Thinking: Digital escape rooms stimulate critical thinking skills as students must analyze complex scenarios, identify patterns, make connections between different pieces of information while solving puzzles.

4. Customization: Educators can design digital escape rooms based on specific learning objectives or curriculum requirements, ensuring that the content is aligned with the desired outcomes.

5. Immediate Feedback: As learners progress through the game, they receive instant feedback on their performance, allowing them to adjust their strategies and understanding of specific concepts.

6. Assessment Data: Digital platforms can track and record various data points during the escape room experience, providing valuable insights on student performance and areas for improvement.

How to Create a Digital Escape Room

There are various tools available online that can assist educators in designing their digital escape rooms. One popular tool is Google Forms, which allows for easy creation of interactive questionnaires. Teachers can also use Breakout EDU, a platform tailored specifically for educational escape room experiences.

When creating a digital escape room, consider the following steps:

1. Define your learning objectives.

2. Choose an engaging theme or story.

3. Develop age-appropriate challenges and puzzles aligned with the learning objectives.

4. Design multiple stages to test different skills and provide a sense of progression.

5. Incorporate hints or checkpoints to assist students when needed.

6. Test the escape room with a group of students and make necessary adjustments.


Digital escape rooms present an innovative way of incorporating fun into formative assessment processes. Not only do they promote critical thinking, collaboration, communication, but they also offer opportunities for immediate feedback and data-driven analysis. By embracing this versatile tool in the classroom setting, educators can provide an engaging and effective learning experience that extends beyond traditional teaching methods.

Sustainability: What Schools Can Achieve


The concept of sustainability has been gaining momentum in various sectors, including education. As global environmental concerns increase, schools play a crucial role in promoting and incorporating sustainable practices. Educating the younger generation about the importance of sustainability will help shape their values and actions towards a more sustainable future. This article explores the possible achievements that schools can accomplish by integrating sustainability into their education system.

1. Environmental Awareness and Stewardship

By incorporating sustainability into the curriculum, schools can develop environmental awareness in students at an early age. Teaching students about the impacts of human actions on the environment will cultivate a sense of responsibility towards protecting and preserving it for future generations.

2. Development of Critical Thinking Skills

Sustainability education encourages students to think critically about issues like climate change, resource depletion, and waste management. Through project-based learning and hands-on activities, students will learn to analyze, evaluate, and address complex environmental problems.

3. Encouragement of Innovation

Introducing sustainable practices in schools can stimulate innovation among students. By encouraging creativity, schools can inspire young minds to find new ways to address pressing environmental challenges such as developing better waste reduction methods or creating renewable energy sources.

4. Energy Conservation and Efficiency

Schools have a significant impact on energy consumption through electricity use, heating, cooling, and transportation. By adopting green building designs and energy-efficient practices on school grounds, schools can reduce their energy demands while promoting long-term savings on utility costs.

5. Waste Reduction

Implementation of waste reduction initiatives at school promotes resource conservation. Schools can achieve this by implementing recycling programs, composting food waste in cafeterias or gardens, using reusable materials for projects and embracing digital educational resources instead of using paper.

6. Foster a Healthier Community

By focusing on sustainability practices such as gardening programs, encouraging physical activities, utilizing eco-friendly cleaning products indoor air quality improvement measures, schools can contribute to healthier and more sustainable communities.

7. Infusing Sustainable Values into Students’ Lives

Embedding sustainability into the school education system impacts how students perceive and engage with the world around them. It not only equips them with the knowledge needed to make informed choices but also ensures that sustainable practices become part of their daily lives.


The role of schools in promoting sustainability cannot be overstated. Schools can achieve remarkable benefits by integrating sustainability into their curriculum, operations, and culture. By doing so, they empower future generations to make responsible decisions, innovate solutions, create healthy communities, and contribute effectively to a more sustainable world.

The Benefits of Peer Support and Student Participation

In today’s fast-paced academic environment, students face numerous challenges that often leave them feeling overwhelmed and isolated. Peer support and student participation in-group studies, school activities, and mentorship programs can play a crucial role in combating these challenges. These practices motivate students to engage positively in their academic journeys while developing meaningful connections with their peers.

The following are some notable benefits of peer support and student participation:

1. Improved academic performance: Studies have shown that students who actively participate in peer learning and support systems tend to achieve higher grades. Collaborative learning allows students to exchange ideas, challenge one another’s understanding, and gain diverse perspectives on the subject matter.

2. Enhanced motivation: Student participation fosters a sense of motivation as students feel more responsible for their own learning process. By working with their peers, they realize that others may share similar academic goals and encounter the same obstacles.

3. Development of interpersonal skills: As students interact with their peers regularly, they naturally develop better communication skills. These skills are essential for navigating complex social situations both inside and outside the academic realm.

4. Reduced stress levels: The pressure of keeping up with coursework can lead to increased stress levels among students. Peer-support systems provide a platform for students to discuss their concerns openly, share coping strategies, and gain confidence in tackling academic difficulties.

5. Increased self-confidence: Through active participation in discussions or group projects, students develop a strong sense of accomplishment that translates into improved self-confidence. This newfound confidence helps them tackle future challenges more effectively.

6. Development of leadership qualities: When participating in group activities, students often need to take on various roles that require them to exhibit leadership skills such as decision-making, delegation, and conflict resolution. Cultivating these skills early on empowers students to excel both academically and personally.

7. Expanded social connections: Actively participating in student groups and activities helps students establish lifelong friendships and professional networks. These connections can prove indispensable as they progress in their career paths.

In conclusion, incorporating peer support and promoting student participation offer numerous benefits that extend beyond just improving academic performance. They provide a nurturing environment where individuals can grow holistically, building the foundations for successful personal and professional lives. By embracing these practices, educational institutions can effectively enhance the overall well-being and success of their students.

Silver GA Award for ‘Reading Our Landscapes’ geography resource


The ‘Reading Our Landscapes’ geography resource has recently been awarded the esteemed Silver GA (Geographical Association) Award, a prestigious recognition granted to high-quality educational resources. This award showcases the exceptional contribution that Reading Our Landscapes has made in helping students and educators engage with geography in an insightful and meaningful way. In this article, we will discuss the significance of this achievement and explore the various features that have led to the resource’s success.

The Silver GA Award: A Mark of Excellence

The Geographical Association (GA) is a leading organization focused on promoting geographical learning and understanding. By presenting the Silver GA Award, they seek to acknowledge resources that have demonstrated excellence in supporting geography education and inspiring learners across various age groups. The accolade signifies that Reading Our Landscapes possesses not only a high level of educational value but also an innovative approach towards enriching students’ understanding of geography.

Key Features of ‘Reading Our Landscapes’

1. Comprehensive Content – Reading Our Landscapes offers an extensive range of topics that cover both physical and human geography, with emphasis on exploring diverse landscapes and their significance. This includes subjects such as natural processes, ecosystems, hazards, urbanization, globalization, and sustainability.

2. Interactive Learning – The resource offers interactive elements that help in boosting student engagement and comprehension. Students can participate in quizzes, games, and virtual field trips to understand geographical concepts more effectively while having fun.

3. Tailored Teaching – The material within Reading Our Landscapes allows teachers to customize their approach depending on the needs and interests of their students by providing a variety of methods for teaching specific topics.

4. Real-life Case Studies – By incorporating relevant case studies from around the world into its content, Reading Our Landscapes encourages students to develop a deeper appreciation for global interconnectedness and the impact of human actions on our planet.

5. Accessibility and Inclusivity – The resource has ensured its accessibility to a diverse range of learners by offering content and features that cater to different learning abilities and preferences. This enables more students to engage with and benefit from the material provided by Reading Our Landscapes.


The Silver GA Award is a noteworthy achievement, recognizing Reading Our Landscapes for its exceptional contributions to geography education. With its comprehensive content, interactive learning experiences, tailored teaching approach, real-life case studies, and inclusive design, the resource continues to inspire both educators and students alike in deepening their understanding of our world’s landscapes. This milestone further solidifies Reading Our Landscapes’ place as an invaluable tool for fostering curiosity, critical thinking, empathy, and global awareness among tomorrow’s leaders.

Build a Resilient Classroom Giveaway


In today’s rapidly changing world, resilience is more important than ever. Educators and students must adapt to new challenges in order to thrive. To support this mission, we are excited to announce the Build a Resilient Classroom Giveaway, an event dedicated to providing educators with the resources needed to foster resilience in their classrooms.

About the Giveaway:

The Build a Resilient Classroom Giveaway is an incredible opportunity for educators to win valuable resources that can help bolster their students’ resilience and overall well-being. By entering this giveaway, you’ll have a chance to secure essential tools and resources designed to assist you in building an environment where students can face adversity head-on and emerge stronger.


Our team has carefully curated a diverse array of prizes to ensure that whatever your needs, there’s something for every educator. The prizes include the following:

1. SEL (Social Emotional Learning) Curriculum Package: Equip your students with the tools they need to manage their emotions, build positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.

2. Mindfulness Training for Educators: Learn how mindfulness practices can help improve focus, regulate emotions, and manage stress for both you and your students.

3. Classroom Library on Resilience: Receive a collection of age-appropriate books that explore the themes of resilience, overcoming adversity, and personal growth.

4. Professional Development Coaching: Engage in one-on-one coaching sessions with a certified resiliency coach to support your own personal growth.

How to Enter:

Participating in the Build a Resilient Classroom Giveaway is simple. To enter:

1. Visit [entry website link] and complete the online entry form.

2. Share your unique referral link on social media or through email.

3. For every person who enters using your referral link, you’ll receive an additional entry.

It’s that easy! The more people you refer, the higher your chances of winning. The winners will be randomly selected and announced at [announcement date].

In Conclusion:

The Build a Resilient Classroom Giveaway is a fantastic chance for educators to receive valuable resources to support the development of resilience in their students. By cultivating a resilient learning environment, students will be better prepared for life’s challenges both inside and outside the classroom. Don’t miss your opportunity – enter the giveaway, spread the word, and build a more resilient future for your students.

Save Your School Performances This Year With 20% Off Risers

The curtain lifts, the stage lights up, and the audience waits in anticipation. School performances are an essential part of creating a vibrant and engaged school community. They provide an excellent platform for students to showcase their artistic talents, and work together to create incredible productions that inspire and entertain. This year, we want to help your school shine even brighter on stage with our exclusive offer: 20% off our high-quality risers!

To ensure that every hardworking student gets their chance in the spotlight, we’ve come up with a solution that won’t break the budget. We believe that investing in our risers will make a significant difference in the quality of your school’s shows, transforming each performance into a memorable and thrilling experience.

Our risers are designed with durability and safety in mind. They are constructed from sturdy materials, ensuring they can handle the weight of enthusiastic performers and robust props. Additionally, they feature non-slip surfaces and secure railings to keep accidents at bay.

We have various sizes available to suit different stage dimensions and performance needs. Whether you’re hosting a dance recital, musical showcase or theatre production, we have suitable riser options that will bring your school’s creative vision to life.


By taking advantage of this limited-time 20% discount on our reliable risers, you’ll not only be elevating your students’ performances but also contributing to an exciting, dynamic environment within your school community. Better yet – as a result of this wise investment – parents’ pride will swell as they witness their talented children excelling on these professional-grade platforms.

So why wait? Give your school dramatic events the attention they deserve by securing this fantastic offer today! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to provide an elevated stage experience for your students, helping them reach new heights in the performing arts.

Order now and let your school performances soar with the confidence of having our top-notch risers supporting them. Watch as your students light up the stage, leaving unforgettable impressions on their proud parents and peers, and creating memories that will last a lifetime!

School Donations Needed from Corporations and Individuals: Making a Difference Together


Education is the backbone of society, shaping young minds and preparing them for the future. Despite this integral role, schools often struggle to secure necessary resources for both in-classroom learning and extracurricular activities. To close this gap, schools require donations from corporations and individuals in order to provide equal learning opportunities to all students.

Why are school donations important?

School donations are crucial in maintaining an enriching learning environment, ensuring that all students have the necessary tools and resources to succeed regardless of their socio-economic background. Additionally, these donations allow schools to expand their curriculums and programming, creating a more inclusive experience for students with diverse interests.

The positive impact of corporate donations:

Corporate donations can play an essential role in bridging the financial divide within the education system. Through donation programs and sponsorships, corporations can fund vital resources such as technology upgrades, improved infrastructure, or access to extracurricular opportunities for low-income schools. Companies not only benefit from tax deductions but also foster goodwill within their communities and contribute to social responsibility goals.

How individuals can contribute:

Individuals also make a significant difference in supporting schools through charitable contributions. Whether it’s donating time as a volunteer, providing expertise on an advisory board, or contributing financially – every act of generosity helps support education initiatives. Monetary gifts from individuals can fund scholarships, supplies for art or science programs, or expand the available offerings at local school libraries.

The long-term benefits of school donations:

Investing in education through charitable contributions has ripple effects that extend far beyond the classrooms. School donations can help reduce dropout rates, increase college readiness, and even contribute to boosting local economies by fostering a well-educated workforce. By supporting education initiatives today, donors invest in a brighter future for tomorrow’s leaders.

Getting involved:

There are many ways for corporations and individuals looking to donate to find the right fit for their philanthropic goals. Local school districts may have established programs or wish lists that outline specific needs. Businesses can also work in partnership with non-profit organizations focused on education to ensure donations have maximum impact. Finally, individuals may help by donating directly to schools or participating in fundraising efforts within their communities.


Supporting education through donations from corporations and individuals is more than just a kind gesture—it’s an investment in our society’s future. By providing much-needed resources and opportunities to all students, we can create a more inclusive and well-rounded educational experience that benefits everyone. It’s time for us all to come together and do our part to make sure our schools—and our children—have the tools they need to excel.

What Are Your Dreams for Your Students? Share for Your Chance to Win

As educators, we understand the power of dreams in shaping and influencing the lives of our students. We recognize that our aspirations for them go beyond academic achievements, focusing on their overall growth and development in life. In this article, we invite you to share your dreams for your students, and take part in our inspiring contest that could help make their dreams a reality.

Every student is unique, possessing different strengths, abilities, and needs. Our dreams for our students reflect this diversity, aiming to ensure their success, happiness, and fulfillment in life. From nurturing creativity and critical thinking skills to fostering empathy and resilience, we want our students to grow into well-rounded individuals.

Here are some common dreams that educators have for their students:

1. Developing a love for learning: Instilling a lifelong passion for learning in our students is often at the heart of our dreams. We want them to become independent thinkers who are curious about the world around them, eager to explore and grow beyond the confines of the classroom.

2. Overcoming challenges: Life is full of challenges, both big and small. As educators, we dream of empowering our students with the tools, confidence, and motivation they need to face these obstacles head-on and turn them into opportunities for growth.

3. Building meaningful relationships: Healthy relationships built on trust, respect, and open communication are essential to thriving in today’s interconnected world. One of our dreams is to guide students toward forming meaningful connections with others.

4. Pursuing their passion: Encouraging students to follow their hearts is another shared dream among educators. We strive to provide opportunities for them to explore their passions – whether it’s through extracurricular activities or exposure to new subjects.

5. Giving back to the community: As responsible citizens of the world, we hope that our students will carry forward their acquired skills and values to give back to their communities, making a positive impact on the lives of others.

Now it’s your turn to share your dreams for your students. Enter our contest by submitting your vision for the future of your students – in the form of a short essay, a video, or an artistic creation. Your entry could not only inspire others but also give you a chance to win resources and funding for your school.

Don’t miss this opportunity to showcase the bright futures you envision for your students – submit your entry now and take the first step toward turning dreams into reality!