Elementary Education

Fun Ways to Celebrate 100 Days of School

Celebrating 100 days of school is a significant milestone for students and teachers, marking the journey through the academic year. It’s an excellent opportunity for fun, creative activities that engage all members of the school community. Here are some enjoyable ways to commemorate this special day:

1.100 Days Poster Challenge: Students can create posters with 100 items glued on them. These items could be anything from stickers to cotton balls, as long as there are exactly 100 of them.

2.Dress Like You’re 100: Encourage students and staff to dress up as if they were 100 years old. This can lead to lots of laughter and memorable photographs.

3.Time Capsule: Create a time capsule with items that represent the current school year. Have students bring in something small to add, and plan to open it at a significant future date.

4.Building with 100 Cups: Challenge students to build the tallest structure they can using exactly 100 plastic or paper cups. This activity promotes teamwork and problem-solving.

5.Writing Prompt – “When I am 100…”: Engage students in a writing activity where they describe their lives when they are 100 years old. This encourages them to think about the future and practice their creative writing skills.

6.100 Acts of Kindness: As a class or school, aim to perform 100 acts of kindness. Plan these acts and keep track of them on a board for everyone to see how small actions can make a big impact.

7.Balloon Pop Countdown: Fill 100 balloons with fun activities written on pieces of paper inside and pop one balloon every few minutes throughout the day, doing the activity inside each time.

8.Snack Necklace with 100 Pieces: Let students string together a snack necklace using 100 pieces of cereal or other edible items, promoting both counting skills and fine motor development.

9.Centenarian Interviews: Have students prepare interview questions and then video chat with residents from a local senior center who are close to or over the age of 100 to hear their stories and wisdom.

10.Fitness Fun—100 Exercises: Encourage physical activity by having students complete sets that total up to 100 exercises, such as ten sets of ten jumps, push-ups, or sit-ups.

These activities not only make learning exciting but also encourage community building and development in various skill areas including artistry, literacy, numeracy, physical fitness, and social-emotional learning. Celebrating the 100th day of school is more than just acknowledging a number; it’s about fostering an educational environment where every day counts and every moment is an opportunity for growth and joy.

Back to School Today — Short Poem for Kids

The summer has ended, the leaves start to fall,

Back to school today, we’ll see friends and all.

The classroom is waiting with books lined in rows,

Our teacher smiles warmly, the excitement just grows.

With backpacks all heavy with supplies brand new,

We promise to study and learn through and through.

The bell rings aloud, it’s time to take seat,

New chapters await us, isn’t that neat?

Math problems, science experiments too,

Reading stories and art projects to do.

We’ll raise our hands high, answers to share,

Back to school today, we’re ready, we swear!

So here’s to the learning in classrooms so bright,

To homework by evening and friends who delight.

For every new morning brings knowledge our way,

Hip hip hooray for back to school today!

World Wildlife Day Activities For Kids (2020)

World Wildlife Day, held annually on March 3rd, is a celebration of the beautiful and varied forms of faunal life on Earth. It is also an opportunity to raise awareness about the multitude of benefits that conservation provides to people. However, not everyone can be out in the field conserving wildlife, especially children. That doesn’t mean they can’t celebrate World Wildlife Day! There are numerous activities children can engage in to learn more about wildlife and how to protect it.

1.Animal-themed arts and crafts.

Children love getting creative, and World Wildlife Day is a perfect opportunity for them to create animal masks, draw their favorite wild animals, or build habitats from recycled materials. Encourage your kids to learn about the animals they create by reading books or watching documentaries.

2.Visit to a zoo or wildlife sanctuary.

Taking children to a zoo or a wildlife sanctuary allows them to see wildlife up close and personal. This helps develop their interest in the animals’ wellbeing and understanding of biodiversity. Many zoos have special programs on World Wildlife Day.

3.Participate in local clean-up activities.

Engage kids in community service by joining local clean-up efforts at parks, beaches, or reservations. Cleaning up litter is vital for the safety of wildlife and also teaches important lessons about environmental stewardship to children.

4.Educational games.

There are many educational board games and apps now available that focus on conservation and animal species around the world. These interactive games make learning fun and can inspire a lifelong love for nature protection.

5.Storytelling sessions with wildlife focus.

Whether it’s stories from folklore or new tales featuring endangered species, storytelling can capture the imagination of children while imparting valuable moral lessons about respecting nature.

6.Wildlife documentary viewing party.

Organize a family-friendly viewing party of documentaries that showcase various aspects of wildlife, habitats, and conservation efforts around the globe.

7.DIY bird feeders and insect hotels.

Encourage children to help local wildlife by constructing simple bird feeders from recycled items or creating wooden “hotels” for beneficial insects.

8.Planting for pollinators.

Involve kids in planting native flowers that attract pollinators like bees and butterflies, which play an essential role in our ecosystem’s health.

By participating in these activities for World Wildlife Day 2020, children not only have fun but also become ambassadors for protecting the precious animals we share our planet with. These engaging experiences are invaluable in fostering respect for nature and comprehension of our role in preserving our world’s biodiversity for future generations.

6th Grade Teaching Resources

Teaching resources for 6th-grade education offer a wealth of materials, strategies, and tools designed to cater to the learning needs of students at this transitional stage. With the right resources, educators can make lessons engaging, informative, and effective.

Understanding the Developmental Stage: Sixth graders are often on the cusp of adolescence, which means they require educational content that’s engaging and challenging enough to capture their attention as well as cater to their growing cognitive abilities. Resources tailored for this grade level should reflect an understanding of where these students are developmentally and how they learn best.

Engaging Lesson Plans: Lesson plans for 6th grade should include clear objectives, step-by-step instructions, and interactive activities that promote critical thinking. Many websites and educational publishers offer free or purchasable lesson plans in various subjects aligned with Common Core or state standards.

Interactive Technology Integration: Technology plays a key role in today’s classroom. Integrating interactive technologies like educational apps and games, learning management systems, and virtual classrooms can enhance student engagement and accommodate different learning styles.

Hands-On Activities: Sixth graders benefit greatly from hands-on activities that connect academic concepts to real-world scenarios. Science experiments, math manipulatives, and historical role-playing scenarios are just a few examples of resources that can make abstract ideas more tangible.

Diverse Literature: To foster literacy, it’s essential to provide 6th graders with access to a diverse range of books. Reading materials should represent various cultures, backgrounds, and experiences that both mirror the students’ lives and introduce them to new perspectives.

Assessment Tools: Assessment resources like quizzes, rubrics, self-assessment tools, and peer evaluation forms are vital for gauging student understanding throughout the learning process. They also help teachers tailor instruction based on individual student needs.

Professional Development Resources: Finally, teaching resources aren’t just for students. Educators need access to professional development materials so they can stay updated on best practices in teaching strategies, content knowledge, and educational policy changes.

In conclusion, 6th-grade teaching resources should be multidimensional—catering not only to diverse learning styles but also addressing a mix of pedagogical approaches and assessment techniques. By utilizing a range of tools from lesson plans to technology integrations—educators can create enriching environments where students thrive academically.

10 Valentine’s Day Books for Kids to Read Aloud in Your Elementary Classroom

Valentine’s Day is not just a day for couples, it’s a celebration of all types of love, including the pure and innocent love that children have in their hearts. Reading aloud to your elementary class on this special day can be a wonderful way to celebrate love and friendship. Here are 10 Valentine’s Day books for kids that are perfect for reading aloud in your classroom:

1. “Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch” by Eileen Spinelli – This touching tale tells the story of an introverted man who discovers the joy of friendship and community when he mistakenly receives a Valentine’s Day package.

2. “The Day It Rained Hearts” by Felicia Bond – Children will love this imaginative story where a young girl uses hearts that rain from the sky to make unique valentines for her friends.

3. “Love, Splat” by Rob Scotton – Splat the Cat has a crush and he’s trying to win over his classmate Kitten with the perfect Valentine’s Day card.

4. “The Biggest Valentine Ever” by Steven Kroll – Two mouse friends learn about cooperation and teamwork as they craft the best valentine together.

5. “Roses Are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink” by Diane deGroat – Gilbert learns about kindness, forgiveness, and honesty after sending mean valentines to two classmates.

6. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Mouse!” by Laura Numeroff and Felicia Bond – Join Mouse from “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie” as he celebrates Valentine’s Day with all his friends.

7. “Llama Llama I Love You” by Anna Dewdney – Little llama shows his friends and family how much he loves them with heart-shaped cards and lots of hugs.

8. “Slugs in Love” by Susan Pearson – Marylou loves Herbie, and Herbie loves Marylou; they just need a little help finding each other in this cute slug-themed love story.

9. “Junie B. Jones and the Mushy Gushy Valentime” by Barbara Park – Junie B.’s hilarious take on Valentine’s Day will surely get kids laughing and engaged in reading.

10. “Love Monster” by Rachel Bright – This charming book about self-acceptance follows a monster searching for someone who will love him just the way he is.

Sharing these books in your classroom will not only entertain but also provide valuable lessons about love, kindness, and friendship. Happy reading!

Drama Games for Kids: Years 4-7

Drama games are a fantastic way for children to explore their creativity, build confidence, and develop communication skills. For kids in years 4-7, these games can be both educational and immensely enjoyable. Let’s delve into some engaging drama games ideal for this age group.

1. Freeze Frame

In this game, the leader calls out a scene or scenario, and the kids quickly come together to create a still image that captures the essence of that scene. Once the leader yells ‘freeze’, everyone holds theirposition. This activity is excellent for developing quick thinking and teamwork.

2. Story Building

Story building is a sequential game where each participant contributes one sentence to construct a story. This helps with understanding narrative structure and stimulates imagination as children think on their feet to continue the tale in surprising ways.

3. Emotion Charades

Kids will learn to express different emotions through facial expressions and body language. Participants pick an emotion out of a hat and act it out without using words while others guess what it is. Emotion Charades expand emotional intelligence and empathy.

4. Mirror Mirror

In pairs, one child leads by moving slowly while the other mirrors their movements exactly. This gamefocuses on observation skills, attention to detail, and nonverbal communication.

5. What Are You Doing?

One child performs an action, and another approaches asking, “What are you doing?”. The first child must respond with something different from what they are actually doing, prompting the second child to start acting out that new action instead. This continues with more kids joining in. It’s perfect for thinking creatively and wacky humor.

6. Sound Ball

Using imaginary balls of various sizes, kids throw these to each other using sounds instead of words. The receiving child catches with an appropriate sound response depending upon the ‘size’ of the ball thrown. The game sharpens listening skills and coordination.

7. Prop Box Stories

A box filled with random props is used to inspire impromptu skits or monologues, with each child selecting an item as the basis for their story segment or character choice. This encourages inventiveness and spontaneity.

8. Tableau Vivant

Children work in small groups to create a living scene which then freezes into a tableau that represents a particular moment in time—like historical events or scenes from books they’re studying.

9. Magic Carpet Ride

An interactive storytelling game where children sit on a ‘magic carpet’ (a mat or blanket) and go on an imaginary adventure narrated by the teacher or a student, contributing ideas along the journey.

10. Pass the Gesture

This starts with one person making a small gesture with a distinctive sound which is then passed around the circle with each individual amplifying it slightly until it comes back full circle greatly exaggerated.

Drama games not only entertain but also provide valuable life skills like empathy, creativity, collaboration, expression, and public speaking prowess – key attributes that contribute to personal development during years 4-7 when children are highly receptive to learning through play.

10 Fun Sight Word Games for Elementary Teachers

Sight words are a key foundation in teaching reading to young learners, and making the task of learning these words fun can significantly enhance student engagement and retention. Here are 10 fun sight word games that elementary teachers can use to spice up their classroom activities:

1. Sight Word Bingo – Create bingo cards with sight words, and as you call out words, students place markers on their card. The first student to get a line wins!

2. Word Fishing – Write sight words on magnetic fish cut-outs and let students ‘fish’ for words with a fishing rod equipped with a magnet.

3. Sight Word Treasure Hunt – Hide words around the classroom and give students clues to find them. Each found word means a point!

4. Flashlight Words – Darken the room and use a flashlight to project sight words on the wall for children to read aloud.

5. Bean Bag Toss – Set up buckets labeled with sight words and have students toss bean bags into the correct one based on the word you say.

6. Sight Word Memory – Play memory matching game with pairs of sight word cards.

7. Musical Words – Like musical chairs, but when the music stops, children must find and stand on a sight word mat.

8. Chalkboard Splash – Write sight words on the chalkboard and have students take turns throwing a wet sponge to erase them while saying the word out loud.

9. Sight Word Hopscotch – Draw a hopscotch grid with chalk and fill each square with a sight word; as children hop through it, they say each word.

10. Colorful Words – Provide different colored markers for writing sight words on whiteboards; kids love mixing colors while practicing their reading.

Incorporating these games into your teaching practice not only reinforces reading skills but also supports cognitive development through play. Engage your learners, watch them grow, and most importantly, have fun teaching!

20 Veterans Day Activities for Kids to Try in the Classroom This Year

Veterans Day is a significant holiday in the United States, serving as a time to honor and remember the men and women who have served in the military. For educators, it presents an opportunity to educate children about the importance of service and sacrifice. The following are 20 Veterans Day activities for kids to try in the classroom this year:

1. Create Thank You Cards: Have students make homemade thank you cards to send to veterans in local hospitals or through organizations that distribute them to service members.

2. Interview a Veteran: If possible, arrange for a local veteran to visit the class (either in person or via video call) so students can ask questions and hear stories firsthand.

3. Veterans Day Assembly: Organize an assembly with guest speakers, presentations by students, and perhaps a performance by the school choir.

4. Poppy Art Projects: Since poppies are a symbol of remembrance for veterans, have kids create their own poppies using tissue paper or paint.

5. History of Veterans Day Lesson: Teach students about the history of Veterans Day and its significance.

6. Write a Poem: Encourage students to write poems expressing gratitude towards veterans and what they have learned about their service.

7. Military Branches Study: Have kids research the different branches of the U.S. military and present their findings to the class.

8. Veterans Day Bookmarks: Kids can make bookmarks that celebrate freedom and honor veterans which they can keep or gift.

9. Flag Etiquette Lesson: Teach kids proper flag etiquette so they understand how to respect one of our nation’s most important symbols.

10. Create a Veterans Wall of Honor: Dedicate a bulletin board where children can display pictures of family members who are veterans, along with brief descriptions of their service.

11. Patriotic Song Performance: Learn and perform patriotic songs that honor America and those who serve.

12. Moment of Silence: Observe a minute-long moment of silence at 11:00 am on Veterans Day to reflect on the meaning of the day.

13. Veterans Day Timeline: Have students construct a timeline of major U.S military conflicts to better understand history.

14. Decorate Classroom Doors: Each class can decorate their door with patriotic themes and facts about Veterans Day.

15. Local Heroes Project: Research local veterans in your community’s history and present their stories as part of a “Local Heroes” project.

16. Field Trip to Veteran Memorials or Museums: If feasible, organize an educational field trip to nearby veterans memorials or military museums.

17. Salute To Service Project: Start a project where students commit to acts of kindness in their community as a way of showing appreciation for veterans’ service.

18. Veteran Pen Pals Program: Coordinate with local veteran organizations to establish pen pal relationships between students and veterans.

19. Guest Speaker Q&A Session: After having a guest speaker, hold an extensive Q&A session for students to delve deeper into understanding military service.

20. Learn Morse Code/Appreciation Messages: Teach students Morse code and use this as an activity for them to send messages of appreciation for vets.

Implementing these activities can enrich students’ understanding of Veterans Day, helping them develop respect and gratitude for those who have served our country.

Seasons Teaching Resources

As educators, we understand the importance of engaging students with the world around them, and what better way to do that than through exploring the seasons? Teaching about the seasons is not only a way to impart knowledge about the Earth’s patterns but also a chance to connect various subjects with a common theme. In this article, we’ll dive into a range of teaching resources that can help educators bring the vibrant discussion of spring, summer, autumn, and winter into their classrooms.

For Young Learners:

– Seasonal Storybooks: Picture books such as “Snow Rabbit, Spring Rabbit” by Il Sung Na and “Fletcher and the Falling Leaves” by Julia Rawlinson use lovely narratives and illustrations to introduce the concept of changing seasons.

– Interactive Bulletin Boards: A bulletin board that changes with the seasons can be a collaborative project where kids contribute themed artwork or seasonal observations.

– Seasonal Dress-Up Games: Online or physical games where children dress up an avatar or a classroom mannequin according to appropriate clothing for various weather conditions combine fun with learning about seasonal changes.

Science Class Integration:

– Phenology Investigations: Students can engage in tracking when specific plants in their area bloom or shed their leaves — an excellent real-world connection to ecology.

– Weather Data Analysis: Older students can plot temperature, daylight hours, or precipitation data to visualize how these factors change over the seasons and affect local climates.

Art Projects:

– Seasonal Collages: Using different materials like leaves, twigs, and cotton balls to represent snow, children can create collages that show what they think each season feels like.

– Season Wheels: Creating a spinning wheel divided into sections for each season can help students visualize how they succeed one another and what natural events signify each one’s beginning.

Language Arts Connections:

– Season-Themed Creative Writing: Prompts asking students to describe their favorite season or compose a story set in a particular season encourages them to use descriptive language.

– Poetry Exploration: Reading and writing haikus about seasons allow students to express feelings associated with each time of year poetically.

Mathematics Tie-ins:

– Graphing Seasonal Temperatures: Students can practice graphing skills by charting seasonal temperatures over the course of a given period – an excellent exercise in detecting patterns.

– Seasonal Timelines: By creating timelines marking out school events according to the seasons, students learn about sequences and timing within a year’s framework.

Last but not least, field trips (virtual or real) to farms or nature reserves during different times of year give kids firsthand experiences of how environments change. These resources provide dual benefits: they vary teaching methods and enrich student learning through active engagement. Seasons are recurring themes that are relatable for children across cultures – making these resources highly adaptable for diverse classrooms. Whether you’re painting with ice in winter or planting seeds in spring, embracing seasonal changes in your curriculum brings excitement and variety all year round.

Fall Activites Teaching Resources

As the leaves change color and the air becomes crisp, it’s a wonderful opportunity for educators to incorporate the essence of autumn into their lesson plans. Fall activities and teaching resources can greatly enhance the learning experience by engaging students with the seasonal changes happening around them.

One of the best ways to bring fall into the classroom is through literature. Reading books about fall, such as “Leaf Man” by Lois Ehlert or “Fletcher and the Falling Leaves” by Julia Rawlinson, can spark discussions about the science of seasons, plant life cycles, and even art through leaf-themed craft projects.

Science lessons can also take a seasonal turn. Teachers might explore why leaves change color, delve into weather patterns and discuss how animals prepare for winter. Interactive experiments, like creating a mini compost bin to understand decomposition or measuring temperature changes throughout the day, make these topics tangible and exciting.

Mathematics can be autumn-themed as well. Estimation jars filled with candy corn invite students to guess quantities, while sorting and patterning with acorns or colored leaves develop logical thinking. Pumpkin weighing contests or measuring pumpkin circumferences can bring in elements of comparison and units of measurement.

Art classes can draw inspiration from fall’s palette for projects like leaf rubbings, prints made from sliced apples dipped in paint, or creating collages out of various seeds and grains. For drama lessons, students could put on skits themed around harvest festivals or write poetry about the sensory experiences of fall.

Social studies units might explore different cultural celebrations occurring during fall across the globe. Learning about harvest festivals such as Sukkot, Diwali, or Thanksgiving allows students to understand agricultural cycles and different cultural traditions.

Don’t forget about physical education – outdoor scavenger hunts to find different types of leaves or an A-Z walk (finding something in nature that starts with each letter) can help kids burn energy and appreciate nature’s changes.

Finally, when it comes to music education, fall presents opportunities to learn songs about harvest time, compose music using natural sounds, or learn dances associated with cultural festivals.

In addition to specific fall activities across various subjects, teachers can decorate classrooms with student-made crafts for a more immersive environment. Bulletin boards adorned with paper pumpkins or forests full of handprint trees lend an autumnal atmosphere that enriches any lesson plan.

Brace yourself for a creative autumn in your classroom! Whether through reading stories that paint a picture of falling leaves or exploring scientific processes through hands-on activities, fall is a superb time to captivate students’ imaginations and bring learning to life with thematic resources tailored specifically for this vibrant season.