World Wildlife Day Activities For Kids (2020)

World Wildlife Day, held annually on March 3rd, is a celebration of the beautiful and varied forms of faunal life on Earth. It is also an opportunity to raise awareness about the multitude of benefits that conservation provides to people. However, not everyone can be out in the field conserving wildlife, especially children. That doesn’t mean they can’t celebrate World Wildlife Day! There are numerous activities children can engage in to learn more about wildlife and how to protect it.

1.Animal-themed arts and crafts.

Children love getting creative, and World Wildlife Day is a perfect opportunity for them to create animal masks, draw their favorite wild animals, or build habitats from recycled materials. Encourage your kids to learn about the animals they create by reading books or watching documentaries.

2.Visit to a zoo or wildlife sanctuary.

Taking children to a zoo or a wildlife sanctuary allows them to see wildlife up close and personal. This helps develop their interest in the animals’ wellbeing and understanding of biodiversity. Many zoos have special programs on World Wildlife Day.

3.Participate in local clean-up activities.

Engage kids in community service by joining local clean-up efforts at parks, beaches, or reservations. Cleaning up litter is vital for the safety of wildlife and also teaches important lessons about environmental stewardship to children.

4.Educational games.

There are many educational board games and apps now available that focus on conservation and animal species around the world. These interactive games make learning fun and can inspire a lifelong love for nature protection.

5.Storytelling sessions with wildlife focus.

Whether it’s stories from folklore or new tales featuring endangered species, storytelling can capture the imagination of children while imparting valuable moral lessons about respecting nature.

6.Wildlife documentary viewing party.

Organize a family-friendly viewing party of documentaries that showcase various aspects of wildlife, habitats, and conservation efforts around the globe.

7.DIY bird feeders and insect hotels.

Encourage children to help local wildlife by constructing simple bird feeders from recycled items or creating wooden “hotels” for beneficial insects.

8.Planting for pollinators.

Involve kids in planting native flowers that attract pollinators like bees and butterflies, which play an essential role in our ecosystem’s health.

By participating in these activities for World Wildlife Day 2020, children not only have fun but also become ambassadors for protecting the precious animals we share our planet with. These engaging experiences are invaluable in fostering respect for nature and comprehension of our role in preserving our world’s biodiversity for future generations.

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