
20 Google Earth Activities for Students Bringing the Wow Factor to Your Lessons

Google Earth is an incredibly powerful tool that can bring geography, history, and science lessons to life for students. With the ability to zoom in on any part of the world, educators can create interactive and memorable learning experiences. Here are 20 Google Earth activities you can use in your classroom to add the wow factor to your lessons:

1. Around the World in Eighty Minutes: Challenge students to visit and research 10 different cities around the world within one class period.

2. Historical Landmarks Tour: Create a scavenger hunt that takes students on a tour of historical landmarks across various continents.

3. Cultural Immersion: Have students “immerse” themselves in a foreign culture by visiting a country and exploring its landscapes, landmarks, and streets through Google Earth’s Street View.

4. Natural Wonders Exploration: Explore natural wonders like the Grand Canyon, Great Barrier Reef, or Mount Everest, discussing their formation and importance to local ecosystems.

5. Literary Journeys: Trace the settings of a novel or author’s life journey by visiting locations mentioned in the literary work.

6. Weather Patterns and Climate Change: Examine weather patterns around the globe or track the retreat of glaciers to study climate change impacts.

7. Biodiversity Safaris: Take virtual safaris to different biomes or ecosystems to learn about biodiversity and species adaptation.

8. City Planning and Infrastructure: Analyze urban landscapes and discuss how cities are planned by looking at infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and public transport systems.

9. Geographical Features Scavenger Hunt: Have students find and identify different geographical features like peninsulas, archipelagos, and mountain ranges.

10. Environmental Conservation Sites: Highlight areas where conservation efforts are taking place, discussing challenges faced by these regions.

11. Historic Battlefields: Walk through historic battlefields to learn about significant wars and military strategies implemented during those times.

12. Ocean Floor Excursions: Dive deep into oceans to explore trenches, underwater volcanoes, and coral reefs through Google Earth’s oceans layer.

13. Space Perspectives: Shift perspectives by viewing Earth from space and identifying continents, countries, and oceans from a satellite view.

14. World Cuisine Tour: Take a culinary tour around the globe by exploring regions known for their unique cuisine and discussing local agricultural practices.

15. Architectural Marvels Quest: Visit famous buildings or architectural sites to discuss design principles used throughout history.

16. Time-Lapse Transformation: Use Google Earth’s historical imagery function to view changes in landscapes or human settlements over time.

17. Disaster Management Study: Look at areas that have experienced natural disasters, considering how those locations have rebuilt or changed post-disaster.

18. Global Conflict Zones Analysis: Discuss current global conflicts by visiting relevant countries or regions; examine geopolitical influences in affected areas.

19. Ecotourism Spots Virtual Field Trip: Explore ecotourism destinations highlighting the balance between tourism benefits and preserving natural environments.

20. Mythology Mapping: Have students follow myths or legends across different settings around the globe – from Mount Olympus to Loch Ness – discussing mythologies tied to each location.

20 Google Earth Activities for Students | Bringing the Wow Factor to Your Lessons

When it comes to education, engagement is key. Google Earth is a powerful tool that can bring lessons to life, giving students a virtual window into different parts of the world without ever leaving the classroom. Here are 20 activities to help you incorporate Google Earth into your teaching and truly wow your students.

1. Virtual Field Trips: Use Google Earth to visit landmarks, natural wonders, and historical sites around the world.

2. “Where in the World?”: Have students guess locations based on clues you provide.

3. Cultural Comparisons: Explore and compare traditional homes, schools, or cities in various countries.

4. Weather Patterns Study: Track hurricanes, monsoons, or other weather phenomena as they occur in real-time.

5. Historical Maps: Look at historical map overlays and compare them to present-day images.

6. Environmental Changes: Use satellite imagery to study deforestation, glacier retreat, or urban sprawl over time.

7. Scavenger Hunts: Create a list of items for students to find on Google Earth.

8. Literature Trips: Visit places described in novels or author’s hometowns to bring literature to life.

9. Longitude and Latitude Practice: Have students locate various coordinates and learn about how these are determined.

10. Ocean Exploration: Dive into oceans with Google Earth’s underwater terrain feature.

11. Space Exploration: Switch from Earth view to Sky view and explore outer space.

12. Create a Story Map: Students can create their own narratives by mapping out locations of a fictional story or a personal travelogue.

13. City Planning: Learn about urban development by analyzing city layouts and infrastructure.

14. World Religions Tour: Explore significant religious sites around the globe and discuss their historical importance.

15. Biodiversity Studies: Investigate different ecosystems and the species that inhabit them.

16. Sustainability Projects: Identify renewable energy sources like solar farms or wind turbines around the world.

17. World Languages Expedition: Explore regions where specific languages are spoken and listen to local radio through Google Earth features.

18. Geological Formations Search: Analyze different geological formations visible from satellite images such as mountain ranges, volcanoes, or river deltas.

19. Government Systems Explained: Compare country borders from different periods and discuss how political systems affected them.

20. International Cuisine Ques: Discover what traditional dishes look like from above and learn about their ingredients and preparation methods.

These Google Earth activities are designed not only to educate but also to inspire curiosity in students across multiple disciplines – from geography and history to science and literature. With such depth at your fingertips, every lesson can be an adventure!

Broaden World Knowledge With An Exciting Passport Activity For Kids


As children grow, their curiosity about the world beyond their own backyard increases. It’s essential to nurture this interest and expand their global understanding in a fun and interactive way. One fantastic method for achieving this is through a passport activity for kids. This exciting and educational endeavor encourages children to explore different cultures and countries while learning valuable lessons about diversity, geography, and history.

Getting Started:

To begin a passport activity for kids, you need the following materials:

1. A small booklet or binder representing the passport

2. Stickers or stamps representing different countries

3. Printouts, books, or online resources about various nations

4. Art supplies to decorate each “passport” page

5. A world map to track the countries explored

Step-by-Step Guide:

1. Create the Passports: Start by handing out small booklets or binders to each child participating in the activity. These will serve as their passports. Depending on the ages of your kids, you can either have them create personalized covers or provide a premade template.

2. Introduce a New Country: Choose a country to learn about with your children. You may decide based on your own preferences, countries that are geographically close to your own, or follow along special events such as national holidays or global sports competitions.

3. Research Fun Facts: Gather printouts, books, or use online resources to find interesting information about each chosen country to share with your kids. Focus on exciting facts that will help them gain insight into diverse geographies and cultures, such as:

– Popular local dishes

– Traditional music and dance

– Unique tourist attractions

– Cultural celebrations

4. Passport Pages: After learning about a new country, secure a related sticker or stamp in each child’s passport booklet representing the country they’ve just explored alongside fun facts. The kids can add illustrations, drawings, and information about each country on their passport pages. They can also include phrases in the native language and any other unique mementos they wish.

5. Track Progress: Hang a world map on your wall to keep track of the countries explored during the passport activity. The children can place stickers or draw on the map as they “visit” different destinations. This visual aid helps kids understand each nation’s geographical location and its relation to others.

6. Repeat and Explore: Continue this educational adventure by selecting new countries periodically and providing valuable lessons about our diverse global community.


The passport activity is an engaging learning experience for children that broadens their world knowledge while fostering an appreciation for cultural diversity. By participating in this exciting adventure, kids will develop a better understanding of geographies, cultures, languages, and histories while having an absolute blast exploring the world from their home or classroom. Give it a try and watch your little globetrotters thrive!

Primary Geography: Is it Falling Off the Map?

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, it is crucial to maintain a balance between traditional subject matter and new areas of focus. One area in question is primary geography—has it been dethroned in favor of more prominent subjects, or has it adapted to fit into modern educational norms? This article delves into the current state of primary geography education and discusses whether or not it’s falling off the map.

The Importance of Geography Education

Geography education plays an essential role in a child’s overall development as it helps build their understanding of various cultures, environments, and connections between places. Children who engage with this discipline have a solid foundation that encourages intellectual curiosity, discovery, and critical thinking.

The Shifting Educational Landscape

While foundational subjects like mathematics, science, and languages maintain their significance in most curriculums, other subjects such as geography and history tend to be less prioritized. As educators seek to integrate new technologies and 21st-century skills into the classroom, geography may face challenges in vying for attention against emerging disciplines like coding or digital literacy.

The Perils of Deprioritizing Geography

As geography takes a back seat to other subjects in primary schools, its absence can lead to significant gaps in students’ comprehension of essential topics. These gaps include an understanding of global interdependencies and the conservation of natural resources. Moreover, cutting back on teaching geography could hinder students from developing vital skills such as spatial reasoning, map reading, and interpreting complex information—a vital feature that transcends all disciplines.

The Case for Adapting Geography Education

Addressing this decline requires looking towards innovative ways to integrate geography into the classroom. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Embrace Interdisciplinary Learning: Geography can be integrated into other subjects like science or social studies by incorporating geographic concepts alongside content pertaining to climate change or cultural connections.

2. Adopt Technology Tools: To maintain the interest of today’s tech-savvy learners, educators ought to leverage digital tools such as virtual reality, interactive maps, and geographic information systems (GIS) in their teaching processes.

3. Encourage Authentic Exploration: Providing students with opportunities to explore their environment, either by participating in field trips or engaging with community projects that embrace geospatial thinking, helps maintain the relevance of the subject matter.

4. Prepare Teachers: To rise above the apparent decline in primary geography education, it is essential to equip teachers with adequate knowledge and resources. Professional development programs and support networks focused on geography education can go a long way in achieving this goal.


While it may appear that primary geography is falling off the map due to an increasingly competitive and dynamic educational landscape, its significance should not be underestimated. As we strive to raise critical thinkers and compassionate global citizens, geography education must evolve alongside other disciplines to foster comprehensive development in our students. By embracing interdisciplinary learning, utilizing technology tools, promoting authentic exploration, and preparing teachers effectively, we can ensure that geography remains a vital element of our children’s education.

Exploring the Concept of Living Geography


Living Geography is an evolving concept in the world of geographical studies and education that integrates dynamic learning experiences with everyday life. It seeks to encourage learners to recognize the connection between their immediate environment and global geography. This article delves into the origin, objectives, and potential benefits of embracing Living Geography in modern-day education.

Origin of Living Geography

The term “Living Geography” was coined by British geographer Margaret Roberts, who aimed to capture the essence of geography as a living subject relevant to our daily lives. Roberts envisioned geography lessons that would not only impart knowledge but also fuel curiosity about the surrounding environment. This approach allows learners to develop a deeper appreciation for their local community and understand how broader geographical issues affect them.

Objectives of Living Geography

1. Foster Curiosity and Inquiry: The primary goal of Living Geography is to stimulate curiosity in students about their immediate surroundings and worldwide phenomena. Students are encouraged to ask questions, explore the environment, gather data, and draw conclusions, ultimately developing essential critical thinking skills.

2. Connect Local and Global Perspectives: By relating local scenarios to global issues, Living Geography helps students discern patterns linking various parts of the world. This understanding deepens their appreciation for international challenges like climate change, economic disparities, and migration.

3. Encourage Active Learning: Living Geography moves away from traditional textbook learning methods and instead promotes active participation through field trips, mapping exercises, experiments, interviews, or even virtual tours.

4. Develop Spatial Thinking: Spatial thinking is the ability to visualize the arrangement of objects in space and understand the relationships between them. Integrating maps, GIS tools, 3D modeling software, or sketches within the curriculum helps students grasp abstract concepts more easily.

5. Empower Future Decision-makers: By nurturing informed citizens who understand global geographic principles and patterns, as well as local consequences, Living Geography lays a strong foundation for making responsible decisions in the adult world.

Benefits of Implementing Living Geography

1. Greater Student Engagement: Interactive teaching methods, real-world observations, and relevant topics capture students’ interest more effectively than passive lectures and textbook-driven studies.

2. Improved Critical Thinking Skills: Challenging students to seek answers on their own inspires them to develop valuable cognitive skills needed for problem-solving and decision-making in the future.

3. Enhanced Environmental Awareness: With a keen grasp of geography’s influence on daily life, students are more likely to become environmentally conscious citizens and make informed choices about resource use and preservation.

4. Stronger Global Citizenship Values: Drawing connections between local communities and far-off corners of the globe fosters empathy and respect for diverse cultures, paving the way for responsible global citizenship.


Living Geography presents an opportunity to reshape how geographical studies are taught in classrooms around the world, by making it more engaging, relevant, and applicable to our everyday lives. This dynamic approach helps equip students with valuable skills like critical thinking, spatial awareness, and environmental stewardship that will serve them well into adulthood and promote responsible global citizenship. The power of Living Geography may very well lie in its potential to redefine our understanding of geography as a living subject – one that illuminates the world we live in today and tomorrow.

Teaching On Ice: Exploring the Intersection of Travel and Transport


Travel and transportation have long played an essential role in shaping human culture, while simultaneously sparking a sense of wanderlust in many people across the globe. Teaching On Ice, a unique concept where industry experts instruct travelers on various means of transportation to navigate the world, seeks to merge these two focus areas in an effort to spark meaningful discussions around travel and transport. This article aims to present a comprehensive snapshot of what this innovative educational experience entails, as well as how it serves to enhance our understanding of the intersection between travel and transportation.

Teaching On Ice: A New Wave in Educational Experiences

Teaching On Ice is an immersive educational program designed for those who are passionate about exploring novel means of transportation while experiencing the raw beauty of various destinations around the world. This dynamic program has emerged at a time when people’s interest in sustainable and ecologically responsible modes of transport has skyrocketed, making it even more relevant today.

With courses ranging from icebreaker navigation and sledging techniques to Arctic expedition planning, this unparalleled learning experience equips travelers with the skills necessary to traverse breathtaking icy landscapes that remain inaccessible for most.

Connecting Travelers: Creating A Community Based on Shared Experiences

One of the most compelling aspects of Teaching On Ice is its ability to forge connections among participants by providing a platform for like-minded individuals to share their passion for travel, transport, and exploration. The bonds formed amongst fellow explorers go beyond those made during typical tourist excursions, as participants come together for an educative purpose while still enjoying exhilarating travel experiences in remote corners.

Bridging Cultural Gaps Through Innovative Learning Experiences

Unique programs such as Teaching On Ice enrich lives by traversing cultural boundaries through teaching methods which emphasize both environmental stewardship and traditional indigenous practices. Through building relationships with local communities in Arctic regions, these experiences foster intercultural exchanges that add depth to the overall travel experience.

Teaching On Ice participants also have opportunities to engage with prominent figures in the fields of Indigenous studies, Arctic research, and climate science. Such interactions further enhance the program’s educational aspect while sparking a broader understanding of global ecological and cultural issues.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Travel and Transport

Teaching On Ice is blazing a trail for innovative, high-quality educational travel experiences – a model that has the potential to revolutionize the industry as we know it. As concerns around the environment and traditional tourism practices continue to grow, there is a clear demand for programs like Teaching On Ice that empower travelers not only to embrace more sustainable methods of transportation but also to truly understand the natural world around them.

In conclusion, Teaching On Ice signifies a necessary shift in both travel and transport industries toward creating more immersive educational experiences that bridge gaps between people, cultures, and environments. It serves as an example of how the convergence of travel and transportation can bring about transformative learning experiences that have far-reaching impacts beyond merely exploring new destinations.

20 Perceptive Pangaea Activities

For fans of natural history, exploring the ancient world of Pangaea is an exciting adventure. This supercontinent existed before the world divided into today’s continents and has fueled much imagination among historians, paleontologists, and geographers. Here is a list of 20 perceptive Pangaea activities you can engage in as you step back to the age of dinosaurs and explore this fascinating world.

1. Fossil hunting: Dig for fossils at Pangaea-era sites to uncover earth’s ancient history.

2. Geological adventures: Explore geological formations that were once part of Pangaea, like the Appalachian Mountains.

3. Historical reenactment: Participate in an event where you can act like a dinosaur or other prehistoric creature.

4. Evolutionary study: Dive deep into evolutionary biology to learn about the process leading up to the formation of Pangaea.

5. Dinosaurs’ footprints trek: Seek out preserved dinosaur footprints during a guided hike.

6. Dinosaur-themed painting: Unleash your creativity with a painting or drawing workshop inspired by prehistoric creatures.

7. Museum exhibits: Visit museums with exhibits showcasing artifacts from the time of Pangaea.

8. Virtual reality tour: Experience the wonders of Pangaea through virtual reality technology.

9. Paleontological knowledge quests: Attend a seminar or event that covers topics like plate tectonics or how species evolved in response to the supercontinent’s breakup.

10. Interactive gameplay: Take part in role-playing games designed around prehistoric life on Pangaea.

11. Themed picnics: Invite friends for a picnic decked out with dinosaur décor and food reminiscent of prehistoric times.

12. Create a timeline: Build a visual timeline of geological events connected to the existence of Pangaea and its breakup over time.

13. Themed DIY crafts: Upcycle everyday materials into craft projects inspired by prehistoric animals or plants.

14. Ancient flora and fauna diorama: Create a mini diorama showcasing the various plants and animals thought to have lived during the Pangaea era.

15. Costume contest: Dress up as your favorite prehistoric creature and take part in a themed costume contest or parade.

16. Geocaching adventures: Take part in a geocaching trail featuring locations that represent various aspects of Pangaea’s geological history.

17. Themed book club: Join or start a book club that focuses on reading material related to prehistoric life on Pangaea.

18. Documentary marathon: Curate a selection of documentaries that sheds light on different hypotheses surrounding the creation and eventual breakup of Pangaea.

19. Science experiments: Conduct simple experiments at home to learn about concepts related to plate tectonics.

20. Creative writing: Develop fictional stories with settings or characters inspired by prehistoric life on the supercontinent.

In conclusion, engaging in these stimulating Pangaea activities can satisfy your curiosity while providing hours of enjoyment and learning experiences. Whether you’re naturally drawn to history, geography, or science, exploring the world of Pangaea offers an immersive adventure that will not be forgotten.

Exploring the World Through Questions in Geography


Geography is a fascinating field of study that helps us understand the world we live in. From examining the Earth’s physical features to exploring different countries and cultures, geography is an essential part of our education. One important aspect of understanding geography is asking questions, which are integral to building our knowledge of the different regions, climates, and environments that make up our planet. In this article, we will dive into some intriguing questions in geography and provide answers to help further our exploration of the world.

1. What are the five themes of geography?

The five themes of geography are location, place, human-environment interaction, movement, and regions. These themes provide a framework for understanding how geographical factors shape the world around us and connect different places.

2. What is the difference between absolute and relative location?

Absolute location refers to a specific point on Earth’s surface determined by latitude and longitude coordinates. Relative location, on the other hand, describes a place’s position compared to its surrounding area or nearby landmarks.

3. What causes Earth’s seasons?

Earth’s seasons are caused by the tilt of the planet’s axis as it orbits around the sun. This tilt causes various parts of the Earth to receive different amounts of sunlight throughout the year, resulting in seasonal changes in temperature and climate.

4. What are some factors that influence climate?

Climate is influenced by various factors like latitude, altitude, proximity to large bodies of water, ocean currents, wind patterns, and topography. These factors affect temperature, precipitation patterns, humidity levels and other climatic conditions across different regions.

5. Why do time zones exist?

Time zones exist because the Earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours. This rotation means that different regions of the globe experience daylight at different times. To accommodate for this difference and maintain consistency in measuring time across locations, countries divide Earth into 24 time zones, with each zone spanning approximately 15 degrees of longitude.

6. What is the difference between weather and climate?

Weather refers to the short-term atmospheric conditions, such as temperature, humidity, precipitation, and wind in a specific location. Climate, on the other hand, describes the long-term prevailing weather patterns in a region and encompasses average temperatures, precipitation rates, and seasonal variations.

7. What are some examples of physical and human geography?

Physical geography focuses on Earth’s natural environment and processes, such as landforms, climate patterns, water systems, and ecosystems. Examples include mountains, rivers, deserts, and glaciers. Human geography examines the ways people interact with their environment and how they shape it through activities like agriculture, urbanization, cultural practices, and political systems. Examples include population distribution, land use patterns, transportation networks, and cultural landscapes.


Questions play a vital role in our understanding of geography and its various aspects. By exploring these questions, we can better comprehend the natural processes that shape our world and appreciate the diverse cultures and environments that make up our planet. Embarking on this journey of exploration through questions in geography also helps us become more responsible citizens who are mindful of the intricate connections between humans and their environment.


Surrey is a city located in the province of British Columbia, Canada. It is the second-largest city in the province, after Vancouver. Surrey is known for its thriving economy, diverse population, and beautiful natural landscapes.

One of the key attractions in Surrey is the Bear Creek Park. This 180-acre park offers various recreational activities, including hiking trails, sports fields, and picnic areas. It is also home to the Surrey Arts Centre, which hosts various cultural events and performances throughout the year.

Another notable landmark in Surrey is the Historic Stewart Farm. This heritage site provides a glimpse into the city’s agricultural past, showcasing the life of early pioneers through interactive exhibits and guided tours.

For shopping enthusiasts, Guildford Town Centre is a popular destination. This shopping mall offers a wide range of stores, from high-end fashion brands to local boutiques. The mall also features a multiplex cinema and a diverse selection of dining options.

Surrey is also known for its vibrant multiculturalism. The annual Fusion Festival celebrates the city’s diverse cultural heritage through music, dance, and food from around the world. This event attracts thousands of visitors every year.

In terms of education, Surrey is home to Simon Fraser University, which offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate programs. The city also has a robust K-12 school system, with numerous public and private schools.

Overall, Surrey is a dynamic and rapidly growing city that offers a mix of urban amenities and natural beauty. Whether you are interested in outdoor activities, cultural experiences, or shopping, Surrey has something to offer for everyone.

How can citizenship update geography?


Citizenship and geography share a deeply intertwined relationship that shapes individual lives, collective identities, and political dynamics. As global mobility increases, and people from diverse backgrounds settle in new territories, citizenship evolves alongside expanding notions of belonging and identity. This article will delve into how citizenship can update geography and explore the multifaceted ways in which these concepts reinforce each other.

1. The Evolution of Borders

Borders have long served as markers of nationality and political jurisdiction. With shifting patterns of migration, trade, and diplomatic activity, borders often need to be adjusted or redefined. Citizenship can drive geographic updates by influencing border negotiations, prompting the creation of new political entities or by transforming existing administrative divisions.

For instance, the reintegration of Crimea to Russia in 2014 led to the revision of Ukraine’s geopolitical landscape, involving redefinition of territorial boundaries and impacting citizenship status for many residents.

2. Redrawing Constituencies

As populations grow and demographic compositions change within a country, discrepancies in political representation can arise. To maintain equitable representation and avoid gerrymandering, electoral boundaries must be periodically redrawn.

Citizenship data plays an essential role in redistricting exercises. Updated information about population density, demographics and citizen preferences prompts changes to political geography. As citizenship expands or experiences flux due to migration or enfranchisement policies, it necessitates a review of regional constituencies.

3. The Rise of Multi-local Citizenships

Increasingly mobile populations have ushered in an era of transnationalism, wherein individuals hold citizenships or strong affiliations to multiple countries. Such multi-local identities challenge traditional conceptions of geography as solely territorially grounded.

For policy-makers grappling with implications on taxation, social welfare or civic participation rights for their diaspora populations – citizenship updates become essential drivers shaping bilateral agreements and drafting dual citizenship policies. In turn, the adoption of practices like remote voting impacts election campaign strategies and broadens the geographical bounds of political participation.

4. Spatial Planning and Urban Development

Cities around the world face challenges in accommodating growing populations, mitigating environmental impact, and fostering social cohesion. Using citizenship data, governments and urban planners can better understand the demographic realities within their cities.

This insight informs decisions on housing developments, transport networks, and public amenities that cater to the evolving needs of changing citizen populations. Creating inclusive cities requires constant updating of geography in response to shifts in citizenship patterns.


Citizenship and geography are mutually reinforcing forces that not only define national identity but also impact politics and policy-making. Both domains should be carefully considered in light of an increasingly interconnected world where borders become increasingly fluid. By understanding how citizenship has the power to update geography, we are better equipped to create more inclusive societies that respect diversity, foster solidarity, and ensure political representation for all residents.