Online Learning & eLearning

These Free SEL Lessons for Grades 2-6 Help Students Learn To Be Kind Online


In today’s world, children are exposed to various digital platforms and get involved in different online activities at a very young age. Although the internet provides numerous opportunities for learning and entertainment, it also has the potential to breed cyberbullying, hate speech, and negative interactions. This is where Social Emotional Learning (SEL) comes in as a powerful tool that can help students learn to be kind online.

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Lessons:

Free SEL lessons are available for students in grades 2-6 to help them develop essential skills like empathy, emotional regulation, and responsible decision-making. These skills equip children with the ability to be kind, respectful, and considerate while interacting online.

1. Empathy:

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. By teaching students how to empathize with their peers and recognize their emotions, they can be more understanding of one another’s perspectives. Consequently, they will learn how to communicate respectfully on digital platforms.

2. Emotional Regulation:

Emotional regulation involves managing one’s own emotions in an appropriate and healthy manner. Students who know how to handle their feelings effectively can resist reacting impulsively in a negative way online. Instead, they can thoughtfully engage with others by practicing kindness on social media, texting, or any other digital platform.

3. Responsible Decision-Making:

Responsible decision-making skill teaches students how to evaluate the consequences of their actions and make the right choices accordingly. By understanding the impact of their words and actions on others, they will become more aware of proper online etiquette.

Teaching Materials:

Several resources have been developed to facilitate teachers in providing effective SEL lessons for students in grades 2-6:

a) Online Platforms: Websites like Common Sense Media offer free SEL lesson plans focusing on digital citizenship topics that include self-awareness, empathy, and responsible decision-making.

b) Books: Various books, such as “Words Wound” by Justin W. Patchin and Sameer Hinduja, help educators teach students about the consequences of cyberbullying and encouraging kindness in interactions.

c) Online Courses and Modules: Free online courses like edX’s “Digital Wellbeing” address relevant topics on online safety, digital etiquette, and responsible use of technology.


Incorporating free SEL lessons for students in grades 2-6 is an indispensable step in fostering a positive online environment. By teaching empathy, emotional regulation, and responsible decision-making skills, children will be better equipped for navigating digital spaces with kindness and mutual respect. Let’s invest in shaping the next generation of responsible digital citizens by integrating these essential SEL lessons in our everyday teachings.

5 Challenging Virtual Teaching Issues and What to Do About Them

With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, educational institutions have been forced to adapt rapidly to the new norm of online learning. While this has opened up a world of opportunities for students and teachers alike, it has also come with its share of challenges. In this article, we will dive into five challenging virtual teaching issues and explore practical solutions that educators can implement to overcome these obstacles.

1. Limited Interaction and Engagement

One of the primary challenges in virtual teaching is the significant reduction in interaction and engagement between students and teachers. To cope with this issue, educators can leverage tools like video conferencing, chat rooms, breakout rooms, and polls to facilitate group discussions, live Q&A sessions, and collaborative activities.

2. Issues with Access to Technology

Not all students have equal access to stable internet connections or devices required for virtual learning. To mitigate disparities in technological resources, teachers may consider partnering with NGOs or local resources (such as community centers) to bridge the digital divide. By providing alternative methods such as asynchronous learning materials or offline resources, educators can strive to ensure that all students have access to quality education.

3. Mismanagement of Time

Without a traditional classroom schedule, both teachers and students can struggle with time management in the virtual model. Establishing a clear structure and routine for online classes can help remedy this concern. Teachers should emphasize timely communication, set clear expectations for work turnarounds, and be flexible when addressing any unforeseen delays or emergencies.

4. Difficulty Maintaining Focus

Maintaining focus during virtual classes can be particularly hard due to the multitude of distractions inherent in digital environments. To increase student concentration levels during lessons, instructors can implement engaging teaching styles such as interactive quizzes or multimedia presentations. Using shorter class segments followed by frequent breaks may also contribute positively to student focus.

5. Assessment Challenges

Traditional testing does not translate seamlessly into virtual environments, fostering concerns regarding academic dishonesty. To combat potential cheating, educators can employ alternative assessment methods such as open-book exams, project-based assignments, or oral presentations that emphasize analytical skills and critical thinking over rote memorization.

In conclusion, while virtual learning has posed its share of challenges, creative solutions and technological innovations can help teachers adapt their pedagogy to this new reality. By being proactive in seeking out innovative strategies and resources, educators can enhance the online learning experience for themselves and their students.

Here’s What You Need to Know About Working for Qkids


Teaching English as a foreign language is an exciting and rewarding opportunity, and the rapidly growing company, Qkids, offers you a chance to do so conveniently from the comfort of your home. In this article, we will explore the essential information about working for Qkids, touching on everything from the necessary qualifications to the process of joining their team.


To work for Qkids as an English teacher, there are some mandatory requirements you must fulfill:

1. Native English fluency: You must speak English fluently and have a clear accent.

2. Bachelor’s degree: Regardless of which field you graduated in, holding a bachelor’s degree is mandatory.

3. Teaching experience/certificate: A minimum of six months teaching experience is required. Applicants holding TEFL/TESOL/CELTA certification have an added advantage.

4. Legally eligible to work in the U.S or Canada: Qkids currently only hires applicants from these two countries.

5. Reliable technology: A stable internet connection, a computer with webcam capabilities and screen-sharing software (such as Zoom) are needed.

Application Process

The application process at Qkids is quite straightforward and efficient:

1. Online application: Start by submitting your résumé and a brief introduction video showcasing your teaching skills.

2. Demo 1 interview: If shortlisted, you’ll be asked to participate in a 25-minute demo lesson with an instructor who will test your teaching abilities and familiarity with the Qkids platform.

3. Demo 2 interview: Eligible candidates then proceed to another 25-minute demo class, this time with actual students.

4. Trial classes: Upon reaching this stage, you’ll conduct paid trial classes with real students for further evaluation.

5. Background check and contract signing: If you successfully pass all previous stages, Qkids will perform a background check, after which you’ll be offered a contract to sign.

Payment and Schedule

Qkids offers competitive pay averaging between $16-$20 per hour, depending on your qualifications and performance in trial classes. The classes are 30 minutes long with additional bonuses in case of positive feedback by parents or for attending weekend classes.

Qkids’ main focus is on students in China, so the peak hours are usually early mornings or evenings (Eastern Standard Time). You are required to commit to a minimum of 6 class hours per week, often scheduled in advance. Remember that Qkids maintains strict attendance expectations, so it’s essential to value punctuality.

Teaching Resources

One of the significant advantages of working with Qkids is the availability of high-quality teaching resources. Qkids already has its curriculum, interactive virtual classrooms, and games tailored for different age groups, leaving you free to solely focus on teaching.


Working for Qkids as an online English teacher can be a fulfilling and lucrative opportunity if you meet the requirements and have a passion for teaching children. Featuring flexible scheduling, competitive pay, and ample teaching resources, you can expect immense growth and exciting experiences as a Qkids educator.

16 Smart Ways to Use a Document Camera in Science Class


Technology has revolutionized education and brought forth innovative tools that have had a significant impact on the way we teach and learn. One such tool is the document camera – an essential device for modern classrooms. When used effectively, it can transform science classes into interactive and engaging learning experiences. Here are 16 smart ways to use a document camera in science class:

1. Displaying live experiments: Conduct experiments under the document camera, allowing students to see every step and observe changes in real-time without having to crowd around a small lab bench.

2. Inspecting microscopic organisms: Utilize the zoom feature of a document camera to showcase microorganisms or elements from samples, making it accessible for every student to observe and study.

3. Dissecting specimens: Enhance dissection lessons by projecting the live dissection process – not only will all students get a better view, but you’ll also save on specimens.

4. 3D models explanation: Use the document camera to clearly demonstrate the intricate details of three-dimensional models like atomic structures, cells, or molecular compounds.

5. Comparison of samples: Place two or more samples under the camera simultaneously for side-by-side comparison and facilitate discussions about differences and similarities.

6. Sharing student work: Encourage students to share their projects or lab reports through projecting them using the document camera to foster collaboration and discussion.

7. Annotations: Write on transparencies or use software tools like Whiteboard Function for annotating specimen images in real-time – perfect for pointing out essential details while explaining concepts.

8. Chemical reactions visualization: Demonstrate chemical reactions safely without exposing students to hazardous materials by projecting each step under the document camera.

9. Step-by-step instructions: Provide clear visual instructions like assembling an experiment setup or constructing a device, ensuring student projects are accurate and successful.

10. Growth observations: Record and display time-lapse videos of plant or animal growth using a document camera, allowing students to monitor and analyze the entire process.

11. Crystal formation: Capture the process of crystal formation by projecting the experiment with a document camera, capturing every fascinating detail in real-time.

12. Conservation discussions: Project specimens of endangered species or ecological issues under the camera for engaging discussions on conservation and human impact.

13. Art integration: Combine art and science by encouraging students to draw detailed observations of specimens or examples, then use the document camera to display their work as a learning tool.

14. Virtual field trips: Use the document camera to explore environments like soil samples or pond water collected from local field trips without leaving the classroom.

15. Presentations support: Enhance presentations by incorporating live interactive demonstrations using a document camera along with slideshows and videos for a more engaging experience.

16. Record and review: Record lab procedures or experiments performed during class for students to access later, providing valuable material for revision and self-study.


Implementing a document camera in science class can significantly enrich learning experiences by making abstract concepts tangible and facilitating student engagement. By exploring these 16 smart ways of using a document camera, educators can transform their science classes into more dynamic and interactive environments that foster discovery, curiosity, and collaboration.

What It’s Really Like to Teach High School In Person and Online at the Same Time

The recent global pandemic has necessitated a significant shift in the way education is delivered to students. High school teachers are navigating uncharted territory, as they juggle teaching students in person and online simultaneously. This unique situation presents various complexities and challenges that educators must grapple with daily.

Creating Inclusive Lesson Plans

Teachers are now tasked with creating lesson plans that engage both in-person and online students effectively. Achieving equal levels of interaction remains a challenge, as teachers must cater to different learning styles while maintaining structure and balance. Emphasis on accessibility and digital resources helps bridge the gap between in-person and virtual students.

Technology: A Double-Edged Sword

While technology has provided numerous tools for remote learning, it often creates obstacles for both teachers and students during class. Teachers face technological hiccups such as connection issues, software glitches, and hardware malfunctions during classes. At the same time, keeping virtual students engaged remains a challenge amidst constant distractions at home.

Balancing Workload and Mental Health

With the increased workload that comes with managing in-person and online classes simultaneously, teacher burnout has become a rising concern. Maintaining the quality of education and ensuring all students are receiving adequate attention adds stress to an already demanding profession. Teachers must find ways to care for their mental health amid this overwhelming situation.

Connecting with Students

The human connection is essential to fostering a positive learning environment. However, bonding with online students is much harder than their in-person counterparts. Teachers must utilize different strategies to connect with virtual learners – frequent check-ins, one-on-ones, or email updates – these attempts help establish rapport despite being miles apart.

Navigating Uncertainty

There’s no denying that teaching high school both in person and online simultaneously is fraught with uncertainty. Adaptability lies at the core of success during these times, as teachers learn from previous experiences and incorporate innovative ideas in their lessons to ensure maximum student engagement and learning.

In Conclusion

The dual challenge of teaching in-person and online demands remarkable resilience from educators. Teachers must develop unique strategies to balance the needs of both sets of students while maintaining their mental health. As they continue to navigate this uncharted territory, their dedication and adaptability are vital for the success of education in these unprecedented times.

How to Survive Teaching Online With Kids at Home

In the age of remote work and learning, many educators are faced with new challenges as they navigate the demands of online teaching while simultaneously caring for their children at home. It can be a daunting task, but with some planning and preparation, it is possible to thrive in this unique environment. Here are some tips to help you survive teaching online with kids at home.

1. Create a designated workspace

Establishing a separate, designated workspace can help you maintain professional and personal boundaries while working from home. Make sure your workspace is equipped with all the necessary tools for your job and arrange it in a way that minimizes distractions.

2. Establish a routine

Clearly establish a schedule that includes both work obligations and family time. Maintain consistency by starting and ending your days at the same times each day. Be sure to communicate your schedule with your family members so that everyone is on the same page.

3. Set boundaries with your family

It’s essential to set limits and expectations for both your children and partner so that your work hours can remain uninterrupted. Communicate clearly with your family members what times are off-limits due to work obligations.

4. Utilize child care resources when possible

If you have access to childcare options such as daycare, babysitters, or family members who can help with child care responsibilities during work hours, take advantage of these options when possible.

5. Plan activities for your kids

Prepare engaging activities or educational materials for your children ahead of time so that they remain occupied while you’re working. This will prevent them from seeking too much attention during your focused work hours.

6. Take breaks throughout the day

Don’t forget to schedule breaks in between classes or meetings to spend quality time with your kids at home. These breaks will allow you to recharge while also giving you an opportunity to check up on your children.

7. Stay connected with colleagues

Staying in touch and collaborating with your colleagues via video calls or messaging platforms will not only foster camaraderie but also provide support when overcoming obstacles related to online teaching and managing life at home.

8. Practice self-care

Amid the hustle and bustle of balancing work and family life, it is crucial to prioritize self-care. Set aside time for mental, emotional, and physical well-being activities like exercise, meditation, or hobbies.

9. Be patient and flexible

This unique situation may require occasional adjustments to your routine or teaching style. Don’t be afraid to make changes as needed and be patient with yourself as you adapt.

10. Celebrate your victories

Finally, celebrate your accomplishments, big or small. Recognizing the progress you’ve made in both your professional and personal life will keep you motivated even in the most challenging moments.

By implementing these strategies, you’ll be better prepared to maintain a healthy work-life balance while teaching online with kids at home. Remember, this new normal requires patience, flexibility, and adaptability; with time and effort, you can truly excel as an educator in this remote environment.

Your Guide to Teaching 4th Grade Online

In recent years, online learning has become an increasingly popular and necessary option for educators. Teaching 4th grade online can be both a challenging and rewarding experience, requiring a range of strategies and techniques to ensure success. This article aims to provide you with a comprehensive guide that will help you navigate the world of virtual teaching and inspire your students to learn effectively in an online environment.

1. Familiarize yourself with online tools: As an online teacher, you must be proficient in the technology required for virtual lessons. Familiarize yourself with video conferencing software like Zoom or Google Meet, as well as educational platforms that enable you to manage assignments, student progress, and communication efficiently.

2. Establish a schedule: Just as in a traditional classroom setting, it is essential to establish a consistent schedule for your students. Be sure to incorporate breaks and time for independent study or activities. Providing regular routines instills discipline and ensures continuity in the learning process.

3. Set clear expectations: Just because your classroom environment has shifted doesn’t mean your expectations should drop. Clearly communicate what you expect from your students, including participation, assignment completion, and behavior during video conferences.

4. Keep lessons engaging: To maintain student interest in online lessons, utilize various tools and techniques to keep content engaging. Consider incorporating multimedia resources such as videos or interactive games that align with the curriculum’s objectives.

5. Develop group projects and peer collaboration: Encourage students to work together on projects or group assignments despite being physically separated. This fosters teamwork skills essential for their overall development while also maintaining social connections among classmates.

6. Encourage open communication: In an online environment where social cues might be lost, it is critical to encourage open communication between you and your students. Offer them opportunities to ask questions or express concerns about their learning progress or any difficulties they may be experiencing.

7. Provide consistent feedback: Without the advantage of face-to-face interaction, it is essential to provide consistent feedback on student performance, assignments, and participation. This helps students understand their strengths and weaknesses and keeps them motivated to improve their skills.

8. Adapt to individual learning styles: Recognize that each student learns differently and may need extra support or resources in a virtual setting. Consider offering various lesson formats to cater to individual learning styles, such as visual, auditory, or kinesthetic methods.

9. Foster a sense of community: Create opportunities for students to interact with one another outside of lessons by arranging virtual social activities, class meetings, or discussion boards. This will help alleviate feelings of isolation and maintain a sense of community within the class.

10. Remain adaptable: One of the most crucial aspects of teaching online is remaining adaptable and flexible. As the year progresses, evaluate your strategies and adjust them as needed based on your students’ progress, input from parents or guardians, or changes in the curriculum.

In conclusion, teaching 4th grade online is an ever-evolving process that requires ongoing adaptation and development. By implementing these strategies and remaining open to change, you can create an engaging virtual learning experience for your students while maintaining high educational standards.

15 Virtual College Campus Tours to Explore From Home

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a surge in virtual college campus tours as students look for ways to explore potential universities without physically visiting them. With countless universities around the world offering virtual campus tours, prospective students can now explore various colleges conveniently from the comfort of their homes. Here are 15 top virtual college campus tours you should consider exploring.

1. Harvard University: Start your virtual tour at one of the world’s most famous universities, where you can visit the iconic Harvard Yard and navigate through various campus sites conveniently with their interactive 3D map.

2. Stanford University: Virtually wander through Stanford’s beautiful California campus, which boasts modern architecture, open green spaces, and renowned research facilities.

3. Yale University: Explore Yale’s historic architecture and esteemed academic buildings through their 360-degree video tour.

4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): Experience MIT’s campus from a student’s perspective with their immersive video tour and interactive maps.

5. Princeton University: Discover why Princeton is known for its stunning architecture, picturesque landscapes, and ivy-covered buildings through its comprehensive virtual tour.

6. University of Oxford: Join university-guided tours at Oxford, where you’ll gain an insider’s perspective on their rich history, globally acclaimed academic programs, and spectacular architecture.

7. University of Cambridge: Visit numerous Colleges within the University of Cambridge through their extensive range of video tours that cover college life, academics, and iconic landmarks.

8. University of Chicago: Explore the elegant neo-Gothic-style campus from afar with a guided 360-degree VR tour showcasing both academic and residential facilities at this prestigious institution.

9. Columbia University: Learn about college life at Columbia via student-narrated videos covering academics, research opportunities, and residential communities in New York City’s Morningside Heights neighborhood.

10. Duke University: Embark on a trip around Duke’s lush North Carolina campus, complete with 360-degree interactive videos and maps of key locations.

11. University of Pennsylvania (Penn): Get an intimate look at the urban Ivy League Penn campus through its detailed virtual tour, featuring a wealth of information on academics and student life.

12. University College London (UCL): Explore UCL’s diverse academic departments, historic buildings, and vibrant student community through their panoramic virtual tour platform.

13. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA): Admire the inspiring architecture and sunny California atmosphere in UCLA’s immersive virtual reality tours highlighting classrooms, libraries, and recreational facilities.

14. New York University (NYU): Experience NYU’s unique urban campus in the heart of Manhattan with captivating video walkthroughs and testimonials from current students.

15. Australian National University (ANU): Delve into ANU’s Canberra campus virtually through their interactive 360-degree video that showcases their academic facilities, research centers, and iconic landmarks.

These virtual college campus tours enable students to experience each campus’s academic offerings, cultural atmosphere, and architectural beauty without having to travel far. While not the same as physically visiting a college, these high-tech tools provide valuable insights that can undoubtedly impact your higher education decision-making process. Happy exploring!

Virtual Office Hours: Getting Students to Show Up!

In today’s era of digital education, getting students to show up to virtual office hours can be a challenge. However, these digital meetings are crucial for creating the best learning experience possible. This article outlines strategies for drawing in students and making the most of virtual office hours.

1. Promote Regularly

Consistently remind students about upcoming virtual office hours through different channels, such as email, course forums, and instant messaging platforms. Reminders should include the date, time, and access link to ensure it is easy for all students to join.

2. Highlight the Benefits

Emphasize how attending virtual office hours can contribute to success in coursework and beyond. Explain that attending these sessions offers a great opportunity for personalized learning, addressing unanswered questions, and gaining more in-depth knowledge on topics covered in class.

3. Create a Supportive Environment

Make sure that students feel safe and comfortable asking questions during virtual office hours. Encourage open communication by creating an inclusive atmosphere free of judgment or ridicule. Building trust with your students will foster an environment where they are more likely to engage.

4. Offer Flexible Scheduling

Accommodate different student schedules by offering multiple time slots for virtual office hours or implementing a signup system where students can choose the most convenient times for them. Remember that people have various commitments outside of their schooling, so it is essential to provide flexibility.

5. Provide Engaging Content

Present relevant and engaging content during virtual office hours by sharing supplementary resources, examples from current events, or amusing anecdotes related to course material. The goal is not only to address questions but also to create a stimulating learning experience.

6. Encourage Active Participation

Foster discussions and collaboration among students by posing questions related to the subject matter or assigning small group activities during these sessions. This not only piques interest but also helps facilitate peer-to-peer learning.

7. Leverage Technology

Take advantage of the various tools available for virtual meetings to enhance your students’ experience. Features like screen sharing, polls, and breakout rooms all contribute to a more interactive learning environment.

8. Be Approachable and Accessible

Ensure that you are approachable and accessible during virtual office hours. Use body language and voice inflection to demonstrate your enthusiasm, and maintain a positive attitude throughout. Remember that empathy goes a long way in creating lasting connections with your students.

By adopting these strategies, instructors can transform their virtual office hours into an inviting and supportive space that encourages students to show up and engage with the class material proactively. This not only contributes to better learning outcomes but also fosters a strong virtual classroom community that is vital in times of remote education.

Setting Norms for Online Faculty Meetings: Creating a Productive and Collaborative Environment

In today’s fast-paced digital world, online faculty meetings have become the norm for educational institutions. The ability to gather virtually has become more crucial as remote learning increases in popularity. However, online meetings can present unique challenges compared to face-to-face meetings. Establishing a clear set of norms can help ensure that virtual faculty meetings are both productive and collaborative.

1. Set clear expectations and agendas

A well-structured agenda is essential for any meeting, but it is particularly important for online gatherings. Prior to the meeting, distribute the agenda along with any necessary documents or resources that will be discussed. This will provide attendees with the opportunity to review the materials beforehand and come prepared with their thoughts or questions.

2. Establish meeting etiquette

Define appropriate online behaviors for attendees, such as using mute when not speaking, refraining from interrupting others, and staying on topic during discussions. Encourage participants to be present both mentally and visually, which may involve turning on their webcams for at least part of the meeting.

3. Promote active participation

Online meetings can sometimes result in only a few people dominating the conversation while others remain silent. Utilize different methods to encourage full participation, such as dividing into breakout rooms for small group discussions, incorporating chat or polling features, or using visual aids to stimulate engagement.

4. Designate roles and responsibilities

Assigning specific roles to attendees can help keep meetings organized and efficient. Examples include a facilitator who guides the conversation, a timekeeper who ensures that discussions remain on schedule, and a note-taker who records important decisions or action items.

5. Foster open communication

Online meetings can obscure nonverbal cues that we rely on in face-to-face interactions. Ensure that participants feel comfortable voicing their opinions or asking questions by creating an inclusive environment that values diversity and encourages respectful dialogue.

6. Implement follow-up procedures

After the meeting, distribute minutes or action items to hold participants accountable for their responsibilities and reinforce the overall objectives. Set a timeline for milestones discussed during the meeting and assign deadlines to ensure that projects remain on track.

In conclusion, establishing norms for online faculty meetings can contribute to improved communication, increased engagement, and more effective problem-solving. By fostering a productive and collaborative environment, educators can advance their institutions’ goals and even impact student success. As virtual meetings continue to grow in popularity, following these guidelines will also help faculty members adapt to this new mode of communication.