Personalized Learning

New Year’s Goals Worksheet

Setting New Year’s resolutions can often be an uplifting process, pushing individuals to consider their personal aspirations and life improvements for the year ahead. However, without a systematic approach, these resolutions can quickly fall by the wayside. Hence, a New Year’s Goals Worksheet is an incredibly valuable tool for translating vague aspirations into actionable objectives.

To begin with, a comprehensive worksheet should prompt the user to reflect on the previous year. This retrospection section would typically include questions like: “What were your biggest achievements last year?” or “Which areas of your life would you like to improve?” Reflecting on past successes and failures allows for better planning and goal setting for the new year ahead.

The next section of the New Year’s Goals Worksheet should be dedicated to goal ideation. Users should be prompted to brainstorm goals in various categories such as Career, Health, Education, Relationships, Personal growth, Finance, and Leisure. A table or chart could be provided here for listing these goals to keep them organized and easily visible.

Following this brainstorming activity, the worksheet should help the user prioritize their goals. Usually, this involves a process where individuals can mark each goal as high, medium, or low priority. This stage helps in recognizing which goals are of utmost importance and thus require more immediate attention and resources.

The heart of the worksheet focuses on setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals. For each priority goal selected in the previous stage, there would be space provided to transform it into a SMART goal. This typically includes questions prompting users on how they will measure progress toward each goal, what steps they need to take to achieve it, why it’s important to them, and when they aim to complete it by.

Additionally, an action plan section is crucial in a worksheet designed for New Year’s goals. For each SMART goal listed previously, users should create an action plan detailing specific steps needed to achieve these targets along with deadlines and potential resources required.

Lastly, it is essential that there is space in the worksheet for monthly check-ins. A segment dedicated for revisiting the worksheet every month allows users to keep track of their progress toward their goals over time; it serves as both a checkpoint for progress and a motivational reminder.

In conclusion, New Year’s Goals Worksheets are structured guides that help turn hopeful resolutions into tangible outcomes through reflection, prioritization, objective setting using SMART criteria, detailed planning of action steps with resources and deadlines considered alongside consistent tracking – all pivotal aspects that contribute toward reaching desired personal milestones as we usher in another year.

Personal Identity Activity (My Identity Wheel)

Understanding oneself is an intricate process that involves introspection and self-awareness. Personal identity encompasses our sense of who we are, influenced by various factors including our experiences, beliefs, values, and relationships. One activity to explore personal identity is the “My Identity Wheel.”

The “My Identity Wheel” is a reflective exercise designed to help individuals visualize the various dimensions that make up their personal identities. These dimensions can include age, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, education, profession, cultural heritage, and hobbies. The wheel allows individuals to explore how these aspects interact and contribute to their sense of self.

Creating an “Identity Wheel” involves drawing a large circle on a piece of paper and dividing it into sections like slices of a pie. Each slice represents a different part of one’s identity. Participants label each slice with different categories that resonate with them personally.

The exercise prompts individuals to consider the weight or importance of each category in their lives. For some people, certain aspects such as religion or cultural background play a pivotal role in shaping their experiences and worldview. Others may place more significant emphasis on their career or education.

By filling out the “My Identity Wheel,” participants can engage in self-reflection and recognize the diverse components that make them unique. It provides a visual overview of oneself that can be particularly enlightening for understanding how personal identity is multifaceted.

This activity can be beneficial in group settings where individuals share their wheels with one another. It encourages empathy and understanding by showcasing the diversity within a group and highlights how different factors shape one’s perspective.

Moreover, the “Identity Wheel” is not only useful for adults but also as an educational tool for children and adolescents in helping them understand themselves and appreciate diversity amongst their peers.

In conclusion, the “My Identity Wheel” is more than an activity; it is a journey into one’s personal landscape that fosters greater self-awareness and appreciation for the complexity of human identity. This introspective tool can be valuable for people from all walks of life as they navigate the intricacies of themselves in relation to the larger world.

Looked after children: new duties for schools


Looked after children (LAC) are some of the most vulnerable members of society, often facing significant challenges in their lives. As part of the ongoing effort to improve outcomes for these young people, new duties have been introduced for schools to help support their educational and emotional well-being.

The Importance of Supporting Looked After Children

Supporting the educational achievement and well-being of looked after children is crucial for their long-term success. Sadly, LAC tend to underperform academically and often experience greater mental health issues compared to their peers. Given the adverse circumstances faced by many LAC, such as trauma and disruption in their lives, it is imperative that schools provide targeted support.

New Duties for Schools

In recognizing the need to better serve looked after children, new duties have been introduced for schools. These responsibilities include:

1. Designated Teacher: Every school must appoint a designated teacher responsible for promoting the educational achievement of LAC. They act as a point of contact in school, ensuring that appropriate support is provided and that LAC are prioritized when necessary.

2. Personal Education Plans (PEPs): Schools are required to develop and maintain a PEP for each LAC as part of their overall care plan. The PEP should be a comprehensive document outlining the child’s academic targets, as well as strategies to address any barriers to learning or additional needs they may have.

3. Training and Professional Development: Schools must ensure that all staff members receive appropriate training and support to help them understand the unique challenges faced by LAC. This includes training on attachment theory, trauma-informed practice, and strategies to promote resilience.

4. Policy Review: Schools should regularly review their policies and practices to ensure they meet the specific needs of LAC. This should encompass all areas of school life, from curriculum planning and assessment to extracurricular provision and pastoral care.

5. Collaboration with Local Authorities: Schools must work closely with local authorities to ensure that they are fulfilling their duties towards LAC. This includes regular communication and joint planning, as well as sharing information on the progress and well-being of individual children.

Making a Difference

By implementing these new duties, schools can make a significant difference in the lives of looked after children. By providing targeted support, focusing on building strong relationships, and prioritizing their educational achievement, schools can help LAC overcome the challenges they face and unlock their full potential. It is essential that all stakeholders, including parents, guardians, teachers, and local authorities, work collaboratively to create a nurturing environment where looked after children can thrive.

Book review: Making the Most of Your Abilities


In today’s world, self-improvement has become a significant aspect of personal and professional growth. A new powerful book, titled “Making the Most of Your Abilities,” dives deep into what it takes to maximize our potential, cultivate our talents, and excel in every domain of our lives. Let’s take a closer look at what the book offers and how it can contribute to our self-development journey.


“Making the Most of Your Abilities” is written by veteran life coach and motivational speaker John Richards who has dedicated his career to helping people reach their full potential. In this masterpiece, John explores various concepts like embracing challenges, fostering creativity, redefining success, setting SMART goals, and equipping oneself with the right tools for personal improvement.

Key Takeaways:

1. Embracing Challenges: John emphasizes that facing challenges head-on is the key to unlocking your true potential. He demystifies common fears associated with failure and encourages readers to perceive setbacks as valuable opportunities for growth.

2. Fostering Creativity: The book discusses the importance of nurturing creativity and innovation in life. By exploring different techniques to fully harness curiosity and imagination, readers can boost their problem-solving abilities and streamline their thinking processes.

3. Redefining Success: According to John, success is not only measured through material possessions or rank, but rather through personal satisfaction in fulfilling one’s goals. He guides readers on how they can set achievable objectives that align with their values and aspirations.

4. Setting SMART Goals: The author demonstrates the value of setting Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-based (SMART) goals for a more focused approach towards self-improvement. By adhering to this method, you will be able to attain your life’s objectives more efficiently.

5. Tools for Personal Improvement: Throughout the book, John provides readers with practical resources to facilitate growth in numerous aspects of life. He discusses the importance of meditation, journaling, time management, networking, skill acquisition, and continuous learning.


“Making the Most of Your Abilities” is an essential read for anyone seeking to improve various dimensions of their lives. The perspective offered by John Richards elegantly combines research-based theories with real-life experiences. The author’s in-depth understanding of human nature and our innate drive to excel shines through every page. Moreover, his writing style engages readers, allowing them to grasp complex ideas with ease.


If you’re looking for a trusted guide on improving your abilities and unleashing your innate potential, “Making the Most of Your Abilities” has got you covered. The book is more than an ordinary self-help manual – it’s an investment in yourself that yields lifelong benefits.

The Life Project: Developing Resourcefulness


The Life Project aims to help individuals develop resourcefulness, a crucial skill in today’s ever-changing world. Resourcefulness involves finding solutions to challenges, tapping into one’s creativity, and leveraging available resources effectively. This article discusses the importance of resourcefulness and examines various strategies for developing this essential skill.

Importance of Resourcefulness

Resourcefulness plays a pivotal role in personal and professional growth. A resourceful individual is better equipped to handle unexpected challenges, adapt to change, and navigate through complex situations. Developing resourcefulness fosters resilience and can be life-changing as it enables individuals to tap into previously untapped resources. Furthermore, it promotes self-sufficiency, enabling people to find solutions independently.

Strategies for Developing Resourcefulness

1. Cultivate a Growth Mindset: Embrace the belief that skills can be developed through dedicated efforts and learning from experience. Adopting a growth mindset encourages open-mindedness, leading to uncovering creative solutions.

2. Embrace Uncertainty: Accepting uncertainty fosters comfort with the unknown. Training oneself to view challenges as opportunities for learning encourages the development of resourceful problem-solving skills.

3. Practice Gratitude: By focusing on the positive aspects of life, gratitude promotes optimism and nurtures a solution-oriented mindset.

4. Improve Emotional Intelligence: Understanding one’s emotions enables efficient management of stressful situations. Enhancing emotional intelligence provides clarity in decision-making, thus fostering resourcefulness.

5. Develop Networking Skills: Building an extensive network opens doors to new ideas and resources. Actively engaging with others provides fresh perspectives and potential solutions.

6. Hone Time Management Skills: Effective time management enables prioritization of tasks based on urgency and importance, which helps identify potential obstacles in advance.

7. Foster Creativity: Engaging in creative activities helps unleash one’s imagination, an essential ingredient for resourcefulness.

8. Learn from Failure: Accepting failure as part of the learning process helps to cultivate resilience. By embracing failure, individuals can draw valuable lessons and develop new strategies.


The Life Project aims to develop resourcefulness, an invaluable skill in the modern world. Embrace uncertainty, cultivate a growth mindset, improve emotional intelligence, and nurture creativity to unlock the true potential of resourcefulness. In doing so, one gains the ability to adapt and find unique solutions to life’s challenges, paving the way for endless possibilities.

How to Personalise Learning


In today’s fast-paced world, it’s more important than ever for individuals to engage in personalised learning to stay relevant and competitive. Personalised learning is the process of tailoring education to cater to the unique needs, preferences, and goals of each learner. This approach not only enhances the quality of education but also fosters a deeper sense of connection and commitment to one’s learning journey. In this article, we will explore various strategies that you can use to personalise your own learning or that of your students.

1. Identify Learning Styles:

The first step in personalising learning is understanding an individual’s preferred learning style. Generally, people have different ways of processing information: visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic. By identifying the most suitable style for a learner, you can tailor your teaching methods accordingly.

2. Set Clear Goals:

Having clear goals is crucial in personalising learning experiences, as they provide a roadmap for what learners want to achieve. With these objectives in mind, individuals can track their progress and measure their success in reaching their targets.

3. Choose Suitable Learning Content:

The selection of appropriate learning content plays a significant role in personalising education. With the vast amount of information available today, it’s essential to select suitable resources that align with learners’ goals and preferences.

4. Implement Differentiated Instruction:

Differentiated instruction involves adapting the curriculum to cater to the unique needs of each learner or group of learners in a classroom setting. This might include varying teaching styles and materials or offering choices of activities or projects that allow learners to demonstrate their understanding in multiple ways.

5. Leverage Technology:

Technology has transformed the educational landscape by providing numerous tools and platforms that facilitate personalised learning. From adaptive learning software to artificial intelligence tutors, educators now have access to resources that offer deep insights into learners’ abilities and areas for improvement.

6. Provide Regular Feedback:

Feedback is essential for learners as it enables them to identify areas for improvement and continue refining their skills. Make sure to offer timely and constructive feedback, which supports the individual in achieving their learning goals.

7. Encourage Reflection and Self-Assessment:

Instilling a sense of self-reflection helps learners gain insights into their development and evaluate their performance. Encourage individuals to reflect on their learning progress and assess how well they are achieving their set goals.

8. Cultivate a Growth Mindset:

Promoting a growth mindset encourages learners to see failures as opportunities for growth rather than setbacks. By fostering a belief that intelligence and abilities can be improved, personalised learning can become more engaging and enjoyable for every learner.


Implementing a personalised learning approach not only benefits individual learners but also contributes to creating an inclusive educational environment. By tuning into the unique needs, preferences, and goals of each learner, we can unlock their full potential and empower them to thrive on their learning journey.

Instill Positive Thinking With 35 Uplifting Journal Prompts

Positive thinking has become increasingly important in today’s fast-paced and often stressful world. Journaling can be an effective way to instill positive thinking and combat negative thoughts, leading to higher self-esteem, greater resilience, and improved mental health. Incorporating uplifting journal prompts into your daily routine can facilitate growth, increase emotional awareness, and enhance overall well-being. Here are 35 inspiring prompts to get you started on your journey toward a more positive mindset:

1. List five things you’re grateful for today.

2. Describe a time when you faced a challenge and overcame it.

3. What goals have you achieved recently? How did you accomplish them?

4. Write about a happy memory that brings a smile to your face.

5. What strengths do you possess that you are most proud of?

6. Identify three acts of kindness you’ve witnessed or participated in this week.

7. Write a letter of encouragement to your future self.

8. Reflect on the people who inspire you and explain why they do so.

9. Share a quote or mantra that motivates you during tough times.

10. What are three things you can do today to make someone else’s day brighter?

11. List five accomplishments that make you proud.

12. Write down ten positive affirmations to repeat to yourself each day.

13. Describe a time when someone showed genuine appreciation for your efforts.

14. Reflect on the personal growth you’ve experienced in the past year.

15. How can you turn a setback or failure into an opportunity for growth?

16. Share a heartwarming story or experience from your life.

17. Write about something beautiful or magical in nature that inspires awe in you.

18. Create a vision board of how you see yourself in five years.

19. List three things that bring joy to your life daily.

20. Reflect on the qualities that make you a good friend or family member.

21. Describe how practicing self-compassion has improved your life.

22. Write about a situation in which you showcased resilience and perseverance.

23. What was the last good deed you performed, and how did it make you feel?

24. Share an uplifting story you recently heard or read about.

25. Describe how setting healthy boundaries has impacted your relationships.

26. List five things that make you feel hopeful for the future.

27. Write down an act of self-care that you can practice today.

28. Reflect on a time when you chose to see the best in someone, despite their flaws.

29. Share a challenge you’re currently facing and list three ways to overcome it positively.

30. What are some small pleasures in life that bring happiness to your day?

31. Write about a person who has made a positive impact on your life and why they’re important to you.

32. Describe an activity or hobby that allows you to express your creativity and brings joy.

33. Share a recent dream or aspiration and how it inspires hopefulness for the future.

34. Reflect on an uplifting event that happened recently, either in your personal life or on a global scale.

35. Lastly, invest some time in writing a heartfelt message of gratitude to someone who’s made a difference in your life.

By setting aside time each day to focus on these positive journal prompts, you’ll find yourself better equipped to cultivate positive thinking, reduce stress, and improve overall mental well-being. Embrace this simple-yet-powerful practice of self-reflection and witness the transformative impact it can have on your mindset and daily outlook.

Life Beyond the Classroom


Education has long been synonymous with the classroom. It’s where students gather to learn, participate, and grow. However, as important as the classroom setting may be, it is also vital for individuals to explore life beyond it. Embracing opportunities outside the classroom can lead to enhanced personal growth, a broader perspective, and a greater sense of self.

The Importance of Life beyond the Classroom

Exploring life outside of the classroom offers a myriad of benefits. The first being exposure to new experiences and people. Engaging in internships, part-time jobs, and extracurricular activities allows for growth, fostering creativity and preparing individuals for the real world. Moreover, these activities can help develop essential attributes such as time management, problem-solving capabilities, and teamwork.

In addition to such experiences, traveling presents a unique opportunity for personal development. Experiencing different cultures, languages, and environments expands one’s perspective on both themselves and the world around them.

Furthermore, volunteering in one’s community can reinforce values of compassion and understanding while building essential skills such as communication and leadership. This not only contributes to individual growth but also helps create a lasting impact on society.

Encouraging Personal Growth

For individuals to truly reap these benefits, it’s crucial to encourage personal growth in areas beyond academics. Here are some ways students can embark on their journey:

1. Join clubs or organizations: Campus-based or community organizations offer an excellent way for students to meet new people who share similar interests and develop valuable connections.

2. Take up part-time jobs or internships: Gaining real-world experience in various job roles helps build practical skills that are transferable across industries.

3. Travel: Whether through study-abroad programs or personal trips, experiencing diverse cultures widens perspectives while offering firsthand knowledge of different ways of life.

4. Volunteer: By donating time and energy to a cause that resonates with their values, students can develop a stronger sense of empathy, community involvement, and leadership.

5. Pursue hobbies and creative outlets: Creative self-expression through endeavours such as painting, writing, or music helps to foster a well-rounded sense of self.


In summary, life beyond the classroom provides endless opportunities for personal growth and development. As individuals explore these avenues, they will not only gain a wealth of diverse experiences but will also acquire essential skills that contribute to becoming well-rounded individuals equipped to face life’s challenges. By embracing the world outside of the classroom, both personal and professional success can be achieved.

Personalised Learning in Practice – A Case Study


In recent years, personalised learning has gained significant attention as a promising approach to meeting the diverse needs and expectations of students in the classroom. Personalised learning refers to the process of tailoring instructional strategies, resources, and pacing to address individual student needs. Beyond addressing a learner’s unique strengths and weaknesses, it also takes into account their interests, preferences, and motivations.

This article presents a case study of a successful implementation of personalised learning strategies in a middle school. Through examining the specific practices employed and reviewing student achievement data gathered before and after this implementation, we aim to provide valuable insights for educators looking to incorporate personalised learning techniques in their classrooms.

Case Study: The ABC Middle School


ABC Middle School is located in an urban setting, serving more than 800 students across grades 6-8. The multilingual student population is drawn from diverse socio-economic backgrounds. The school had been struggling with low academic achievement, high dropout rates, and disengaged learners.

To address these challenges, the school administration initiated a personalised learning pilot project in partnership with external consultants who provided training for teachers and resources for the classrooms.

The Implementation Process

1. Data-Driven Approach: The first step was to conduct an initial assessment of each student to identify their learning needs. Teachers used diagnostic assessments in reading, writing, math, and social studies to gather this crucial information.

2. Flexible Grouping: Using the assessment data as a guide, teachers created small groups of students that shared similar skill levels or interests. These groups were flexible; students could move from one group to another as they made progress or discovered new areas of interest.

3. Choice Boards: Teachers designed choice boards with various learning activities catering to different learning modalities (visual, auditory, kinesthetic), allowing students to take more control over their own education.

4. Multimodal Instruction: Instruction materials were made available in various formats (text, video, audio) to suit students’ learning needs and preferences.

5. Regular Feedback and Reflection: Teachers conducted weekly check-ins with each student to discuss progress, provide targeted feedback and support, and adjust learning plans as needed.


After implementing personalised learning strategies for one academic year, ABC Middle School saw significant improvements in student achievement and engagement:

1. Improved test scores: Reading test results showed a 15% growth in proficiency rates, while math scores demonstrated an 18% success rate increase compared to the previous year.

2. Enhanced learner motivation: Student surveys reported significantly higher levels of motivation and satisfaction with their learning experiences.

3. Reduced behavioral issues: Referrals for discipline dropped by 10%, indicating increased student engagement in their coursework.

4. Increased attendance rates: With more engaging content that catered to individual needs, attendance rates also improved by 5%.


This case study demonstrates that personalised learning can have a profound impact on student achievement and satisfaction within the classroom when implemented thoughtfully. While the transition to personalised learning requires time and effort from educators, it helps foster a more inclusive and equitable learning environment for all students.

As schools increasingly move towards personalised education models, sharing best practices and success stories such as this will continue to be crucial in shaping the future of education.

Personalized Learning: The View From the DfES

In recent years, educational reform has become a primary concern for policymakers and educational institutions alike. One key area of focus has been personalized learning, which has been recognized as an effective way to improve student engagement, motivation, and performance. The Department for Education and Skills (DfES) has taken notice of this trend and is working to implement personalized learning strategies to enhance the overall quality of education in schools.

Defining Personalized Learning

Personalized learning refers to the tailoring of educational experiences to meet the unique needs, interests, and abilities of individual students. This approach seeks to create a more student-centered environment where learners can actively participate in their education and develop skills at their own pace. Personalized learning combines differentiated instruction with adaptive content, flexible pathways, and ongoing assessment to customize the learning process for each student.

The Role of the DfES in Personalized Learning

The DfES is committed to evolving education by incorporating innovative approaches such as personalized learning. As a department responsible for overseeing education policy, it plays an essential role in promoting the adoption of these practices across schools. This includes providing resources for research, implementing programs that encourage personalized learning, and supporting educators in adopting these student-centered methods.

Current Initiatives

Several initiatives are already underway to foster personalized learning at the national level. For example, the DfES has established the Innovation Unit, focused on researching and implementing more effective teaching practices based on individual needs. This unit works closely with schools to test out new teaching methodologies and assess their effectiveness.

Furthermore, various funding schemes have been launched as part of the government’s commitment to supporting these measures. These programs provide financial aid for schools seeking to implement personalized learning initiatives that serve a diverse range of students.

Challenges in Implementation

Despite its recognized potential benefits, personalized learning poses certain challenges that need addressing for successful integration within educational systems. One such challenge is the allocation of resources to develop the necessary infrastructure for personalized learning, such as advanced technology and digital platforms.

In addition, educators need significant professional development to effectively incorporate personalized learning into their classrooms. This requires financial support and time for training, which can be daunting for already stretched school budgets.

Looking Ahead

The DfES acknowledges the potential of personalized learning to revolutionize education and is actively working to support schools in adopting these practices. As policymakers continue to invest in researching methods that best serve students’ needs, personalized learning will likely play an increasingly significant role in shaping the future of education.

In conclusion, the view from the DfES regarding personalized learning is positive and forward-thinking. It is essential for schools, policymakers, and educators to work together in embracing these innovative approaches that adapt teaching methods to individual student needs. If successful, personalized learning has the potential to improve engagement, motivation, and performance for all students while laying a strong foundation for lifelong success.