Social Media & Education

Charlottesville Curriculum Resources for Teachers


The city of Charlottesville is rich in historical and cultural significance. Teachers in the area have an important role to play in educating students about the complexities of its past and present. To support this mission, there is a plethora of resources available to help educators develop comprehensive and engaging lesson plans. In this article, we will explore some key resources for developing a well-rounded Charlottesville-centric curriculum.

1. Encyclopedia Virginia

Encyclopedia Virginia ( is an online, authoritative resource that provides a wealth of information on the history, culture, and geography of Virginia. Teachers can use this versatile tool to develop lesson plans around specific themes or events, such as the founding of Charlottesville, its role in the American Revolution, or its contributions to the Civil Rights Movement.

2. The University of Virginia’s Albert & Shirley Small Special Collections Library

Located on the University of Virginia campus, the Small Special Collections Library ( houses numerous primary sources such as maps, letters, photographs, and manuscripts that can provide valuable insights into Charlottesville’s past. By incorporating these materials into their lessons, teachers can offer students a firsthand account of historical events.

3. The Jefferson-Madison Regional Library System

The local library system ( offers various educational resources to support teachers in their effort to create engaging lesson plans. Besides traditional books about Charlottesville’s past, libraries also provide access to digital archives and other resources through their databases.

4. Monticello’s Digital Classroom Resources

Monticello (, the home of Thomas Jefferson and a World Heritage Site located just outside Charlottesville, offers digital resources for both educators and students. These include primary source materials, lesson plans, teaching guides, and interactive maps that can be integrated into the Charlottesville Curriculum.

5. The Virginia Museum of History & Culture’s Lesson Plans

The Virginia Museum of History & Culture ( offers a wide range of lesson plans, teacher guides, and educational resources focusing on state and Charlottesville history. Many of these materials are freely available online, making it easy for teachers to incorporate topics such as Native American history, colonial life, and the Civil War into their classroom.


Developing a well-rounded curriculum for students in Charlottesville can be an engaging and rewarding process. By tapping into rich resources available both online and in the local community, educators can craft lesson plans that foster deeper appreciation and understanding of this historically significant city. As teachers continue to seek out new ways to engage their students in meaningful ways, it is vital to consider the wealth of information at their fingertips in Charlottesville Curriculum Resources.

How Should Teachers Navigate Social Media in the Classroom?

In today’s digitally connected world, social media plays a crucial role in people’s lives, including students. For educators, effectively incorporating social media platforms into classroom settings can provide numerous benefits. However, it is essential for teachers to understand how to navigate social media responsibly to maintain a balanced learning environment.

1. Set clear guidelines and expectations

Before introducing social media in the classroom, teachers must establish clear guidelines and expectations. It is essential to communicate these rules to students and outline the permitted usage and specific platforms allowed during class time. This will ensure that students use social platforms within established boundaries and that their involvement doesn’t interfere with the learning process.

2. Use social media as an educational tool

Social media provides endless possibilities for interactive learning experiences. Teachers can use platforms like Twitter, YouTube, or Instagram to initiate discussions on relevant topics or share educational materials with students. Students can collaborate on projects using Google Docs or even participate in national and international educational programs via Skype or Zoom conferences.

3. Encourage proper behavior online

For educators, teaching students about digital citizenship is a must in today’s digital age. Part of navigating social media responsibly involves discussing appropriate online behavior, privacy concerns, and how to address cyberbullying with students. Teaching ethical internet usage provides the groundwork for responsible utilization of social platforms, both within and outside the classroom.

4. Monitor and overview student activity

To guarantee that students use social media constructively during class time, teachers should undertake efforts to monitor their interactions on various platforms actively. Utilizing classroom management software may help track student activity efficiently. Moreover, teachers can ask their students for regular feedback regarding online exchanges, promoting communication and transparency within the learning environment.

5. Recognize the importance of privacy

Educators must acknowledge the significance of privacy when incorporating social media into their classrooms. School policies or parental consent may be obligatory before inviting students to join social platforms. Additionally, teachers should be cautious when sharing personal information or content, avoiding any potential boundary blurring with students.

6. Professional development and training

As technology continues to evolve, it is essential for educators to stay updated on the latest trends and best practices in utilizing social media for educational purposes. Participating in professional development workshops or collaborating with fellow educators can significantly contribute to growing teachers’ capabilities and refining their classroom strategies.


Navigating social media in the classroom presents a plethora of opportunities for today’s educators as long as they approach it strategically and responsibly. By setting clear expectations, focusing on educational objectives, teaching digital citizenship skills, and being aware of privacy concerns, teachers can harness the power of social media platforms to create engaging learning experiences for their students.

3 Life-Changing Lessons I Learned on The Ellen DeGeneres Show

Every now and then, a television show has the power to inspire and challenge us in various aspects of our lives. One such influential platform is The Ellen DeGeneres Show, a talk show that’s been hosting celebrities, sharing uplifting stories, and spreading love for nearly two decades. I am honored to have been a part of it and have learned three life-changing lessons during my time there.

1. Kindness Goes a Long Way

Ellen’s exceptional generosity and kindness towards her guests, her audience members, and the general public is one of the reasons her show has earned such admiration over the years. Through her acts of kindness, she has sparked countless moments of joy, touched lives, and made people from all walks of life feel special. This important lesson taught me the significance of being kindhearted – not just occasionally, but consistently, every single day. Acts of kindness don’t have to be grand; even small gestures can make a significant impact.

2. Embrace Vulnerability

One thing you’ll often find on The Ellen DeGeneres Show is the willingness of guests to open up about their struggles, emotions and personal achievements. There was an abundance of stories where high-profile guests would share intimate details about their lives – their hardships, triumphs and evolving beliefs – that resonated with countless viewers. It inspired me to embrace my vulnerability by expressing my authentic self instead of hiding behind societal expectations or accomplishments. Being honest about our emotions allows us to connect with others on a deeper level.

3. Laughter Is The Best Medicine

If there’s one thing you can count on in every episode of The Ellen DeGeneres Show – it’s lots of laughter! Ellen’s witty humor has not only entertained millions but also played a key role in uplifting spirits during tough times like natural disasters or global pandemics. Her impeccable comedic timing taught me the value of laughter and humor in dealing with life’s challenges, serving as a reminder that joyous moments should always be welcomed. Laughter helps release stress, improves your mood, and can even strengthen your immune system.

In conclusion, my experience on The Ellen DeGeneres Show has been an unforgettable and transformative journey. It’s altered my perspective on kindness, vulnerability, and the power of laughter. These lessons have influenced how I approach life now – striving to practice empathy, embracing my emotions without hesitation, and injecting humor into everyday situations. These teachings have left a lasting impact on not only myself but countless others who have graced the set of this beloved show.

Reddit Teachers Reveal Their Best Insults From Students, and We Can’t Stop Laughing


Teachers have always been on the receiving end of some pretty creative insults from their students. But when these educators take to Reddit to share the best of the best, it’s almost guaranteed that we’ll be left in stitches. This article compiles the funniest and most clever insults from students that teachers have shared on Reddit.

1. The Love-Hate Relationship:

One student approached their teacher and confessed, “I hate you… but if you were on fire and I had a bucket of water, I’d throw it on you, so I guess that’s love… right?” Definitely a love-hate relationship in progress!

2. Age Is Just A Number:

A high school teacher shared an instance when a student walked into class and said, “You look like the ‘before’ picture of a weight loss ad.” Talk about a back-handed compliment!

3. Telling It Like It Is:

One math teacher recounted the time when a student came up to her after a particularly challenging lesson and said, “You know what? If all math teachers were like you, we wouldn’t need therapists.”

4. Reality Check:

During an open house event at school, one parent asked if their child was doing well in class. The teacher offered encouraging feedback before the child chimed in, “Well, she likes me because she doesn’t have kids of her own!” Ouch!

5. The Sincerest Form Of Flattery:

A kindergarten teacher shared a sweet moment on Reddit when one of her students approached her with these heartwarming words: “Miss [Teacher], you look pretty today! But not as pretty as my mom.”

6. True Crime And Punishment:

While discussing criminal justice in a high school government class, one student raised his hand and expressed his gratitude to his teacher by telling her, “I’m glad you became our teacher instead of becoming a cop.”

7. Mic Drop Moment:

One student gave their honest opinion on a teacher’s test-review method, declaring, “I would rather crawl on my elbows through broken glass than listen to you explain one more quiz question.”


These hilarious insults shared by teachers on Reddit just go to show that students can sometimes be brutally honest or creatively clever in their remarks. As long as there’s a learning environment and the ability to laugh at ourselves, these moments will continue to make us smile and reflect on the joy of teaching.

Teacher Helpline: How Can I Teach Kids to Be Nice Online


As the digital age continues to dominate our lives, social interactions now begin to span beyond just face-to-face encounters. Notably, teaching kids about online manners has become an essential aspect of modern education. In this article, we will examine effective strategies that educators can employ to teach children about the importance of being nice and respectful online.

1. Discuss Digital Citizenship

Start by introducing the concept of digital citizenship, which refers to responsible and respectful actions in the online world. Encourage discussions about online presence, social media behaviors, and cyberbullying to create awareness among students. As a teacher, it’s important to stress that they should treat others online just as they wish to be treated in real life.

2. Set Clear Expectations

Let students know that you expect the same level of kindness and respect in their online interactions as in their physical ones. Create a set of guidelines or a code of conduct for students to follow when participating in virtual classrooms or when interacting with others on the internet.

3. Be a Role Model

Teachers should model proper online behavior and actively participate in positive communications with their students. When they see you engaging respectfully and responsibly, they are more likely to follow suit.

4. Encourage Empathy

Teach your students the importance of empathy by having them consider how others would feel when reading potentially hurtful messages. By putting themselves in someone else’s shoes, children will gain a better understanding of the impact their words can have on individuals.

5. Monitor Online Interactions

It is essential to keep an eye on your students’ virtual engagements, whether they take place within the classroom or on educational platforms. By monitoring their interactions, you can identify and address any inappropriate behavior promptly.

6. Provide Constructive Feedback

When instances of unkind behavior arise online, teachers must address them tactfully and constructively. It can mean privately speaking with the student and explaining why their behavior was unacceptable and suggesting alternative ways to react in the future.

7. Promote Positive Online Communications

Foster an environment where positive online interactions are encouraged and praised. Introduce fun and engaging activities that involve teamwork and require kind communication skills, such as group projects or assignments that need problem-solving and collaboration.

8. Educate Parents

Involve parents in the process of teaching kids to be nice online. Share resources, strategies, and your expectations with them, working together to reinforce positive online behavior outside of the classroom.


Teaching children about online manners is just as crucial as teaching them how to interact politely in person. By emphasizing the importance of digital citizenship, setting clear expectations, promoting empathy, monitoring interactions, providing constructive feedback, and fostering positive communication environments, educators can effectively equip students with the necessary skills to navigate their digital lives with grace and kindness.

This Parody Secretary of Education Account is Everything

In the ever-changing landscape of social media, Twitter has become a hub for humorists, commentators, and critics alike to share their thoughts and opinions. One account that has recently captured the attention of many is a parody account of the Secretary of Education. The satirical take on the role has gained quite a following and has left users both amused and enlightened.

The parody account in question cleverly addresses pressing educational issues while infusing humor throughout its posts. By doing so, it manages to engage its audience in meaningful conversations while also offering them comic relief amidst serious matters. The account holder has successfully crafted a unique and engaging voice that has resonated with people from all walks of life.

One predominant theme on this parody account revolves around educational inequality and the need for reform. With witty quips and jabs at the current state of our education system, this account sheds light on pressing issues in an approachable manner. Using humor as a tool, it effectively breaks down complex ideas, making them easily digestible for people who might not have closely followed developments in education policy.

By bringing attention to challenges faced by the education system in an entertaining way, this parody Secretary of Education account serves as a reminder of the importance of staying informed about social issues. It sparks interest in topics that may have been otherwise overlooked and encourages users to delve deeper into subjects they might not have previously considered.

Another reason why this account is resonating with audiences is that it manages to remain relatable. Posts touch on experiences that many individuals can identify with – outdated textbooks, parental involvement in remote learning or ineffective standardized testing methods – hinting at common ground despite differences in opinions on educational policy.

Moreover, this parody account provides a cathartic release for followers who may feel frustrated by bureaucratic processes and policy changes that seem out of their control. Offering a space for wit and comic relief allows users to defuse tension and maintain hope that small, persistent voices can bring about meaningful change in the long run.

In conclusion, the parody Secretary of Education Twitter account has captured the hearts and minds of its growing audience. By employing humor as a means to address significant educational issues, this account strikes a balance between serious discussion and lighthearted satire. Not only does it entertain and inform, but it also serves as a call to action for individuals to stay informed and engaged with the world around them. The success of this particular parody account highlights the power of humor as an influential tool for social commentary and change.

Districts Building Affordable Housing to Retain Teachers: Will It Work


The issue of affordable housing has impacted communities across the nation, including teachers who struggle to find affordable places to live. As a result, school districts are starting to invest in building affordable housing for teachers in an effort to retain and attract top talent. While this unconventional approach has garnered attention, the question remains: will it actually work?

The Problem: Teachers Struggling with Housing Affordability

Many teachers face the challenge of finding affordable housing in the communities where they work. High housing costs can push educators to seek cheaper living options farther away, resulting in long commutes and increased stress. This not only affects their work-life balance but also ultimately impacts student learning and achievement.

The Solution: Districts Investing in Affordable Housing

In an attempt to address this problem, some innovative districts are taking matters into their own hands by building affordable housing for their teachers. By providing below-market-rate apartments or houses, these school districts hope to attract and retain talented educators who can provide high-quality instruction for their students.

Examples of Districts Taking Action

Several districts across the country have adopted this approach:

1. In San Francisco, the Unified School District partnered with city officials and private developers to convert an unused parking lot into a housing complex exclusively for teachers.

2. Miami-Dade County Public Schools District is working with developers on a plan to create a mixed-use project that will include 300 affordable units for teachers.

3. Denver Public Schools has also implemented a program leveraging district-owned land for building affordable housing specifically designed for educators.

Critics Weigh In

Despite the enthusiasm of those involved, critics argue that this solution merely addresses the symptom rather than the root cause – low teacher pay. While affordable housing may provide some relief, teacher salary increases would allow them greater flexibility in choosing where to live without being limited by location or district boundaries.

Future Outlook: Will It Work?

As more districts begin to invest in affordable housing for teachers, the effectiveness of this solution remains uncertain. While it may help attract and retain teachers for some time, there’s a potential issue of scalability as a shortage of available land and resources could prevent widespread implementation. Additionally, the long-term impact on teacher retention and overall school performance can only be assessed over time.

Ultimately, district-built affordable housing may serve as a valuable initial step toward addressing the challenge of attracting and retaining quality educators. However, it’s crucial to continue exploring comprehensive solutions to tackle the core issues of low teacher pay and increasing living costs to ensure a sustainable future for our education system.

TikTok Teachers Are Sharing the Things They Do That Other Teachers Hate

In recent years, TikTok has become a popular platform for people of various professions and backgrounds to share their unique experiences and daily lives with a global audience. Teachers, in particular, have found a niche on the platform, posting content that provides context into their often misunderstood worlds. One budding TikTok trend has teachers sharing the things they do that other teachers hate – and it’s as entertaining as it is enlightening.

Some of these confessions from TikTok teachers revolve around classroom management tactics. For instance, one educator admitted to allowing students to eat in class during non-meal times. This behavior might seem innocuous, but it can be seen as permissive and disruptive by other teachers who follow strict rules on maintaining cleanliness in classrooms.

Another teacher revealed that they allow students to listen to music with earbuds as long as it doesn’t interfere with their concentration or the educational process. This decision has been met with disapproval from colleagues who worry about potential distractions as well as unhealthy social isolation.

The creative use of technology is another hot topic among this online community of educators. While some find it beneficial to utilize digital tools like video conferences or virtual reality for immersive learning experiences, others prefer sticking to physical resources like textbooks and whiteboards. As a result, differing opinions on teaching methods have led to some tension between technologically-inclined and traditional educators.

Additionally, work-life balance often comes up in these conversations. Teachers who openly discuss taking work home, spending extra hours at school, or prioritizing self-care over administrative work are met with polarizing reactions. Some view such habits as detrimental to one’s mental health and overall teaching quality, whereas others consider them necessary sacrifices for maintaining excellence in their vocations.

Despite these differences among educators, the TikTok teacher community thrives on open communication and constructive feedback. In essence, the platform’s transparency has fostered a sense of camaraderie among educators from diverse backgrounds. By publicly sharing the things they do that other teachers may disapprove of, they demonstrate vulnerability and honesty in their line of work. Ultimately, this form of candid discussion is instrumental in promoting a healthy dialogue on best teaching practices, leading to improved outcomes for students and a stronger sense of unity among educators.

In conclusion, the TikTok teacher trend showcases the wide range of viewpoints and methods that exist within the educational system. While it is true that some teachers harbor contrasting opinions on specific practices, the online sharing of experiences serves as an essential tool for personal growth and understanding among professionals. As this trend evolves, one can only hope it will continue to contribute positively to educational discourse and practice around the world.

This Life Skills Library-in-a-Box Is the Easiest Way to Work SEL Into Your Curriculum


Incorporating Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) into educational curriculums has become increasingly important in recent years. With more emphasis on developing well-rounded individuals, educators are looking for effective ways to integrate SEL components in their classrooms. That’s where the Life Skills Library-in-a-Box comes in – providing a simple and effective solution for educators to seamlessly integrate SEL into their teaching.

What is the Life Skills Library-in-a-Box?

The Life Skills Library-in-a-Box is a carefully curated collection of resources designed to help educators effortlessly integrate social and emotional learning concepts into their curriculums. The kit includes books, activities, games, and videos that cover a variety of essential life skills such as empathy, self-awareness, decision-making, and responsible behavior.

Benefits of Incorporating SEL Into Your Curriculum

1. Improved Academic Performance: Research has shown that students who participate in SEL programs often exhibit higher levels of academic achievement. By incorporating SEL concepts into their teachings, educators can help students develop strong social and emotional skills that will boost their learning capabilities.

2. Increased Positive Behavior: SEL programs have been proven to reduce negative behaviors in students while promoting positive ones. Through the use of resources like the Life Skills Library-in-a-Box, educators can instill values like respect, responsibility, and discipline in their students.

3. Better Mental Health: Studies have shown that students who participate in SEL programs show improvements in mental health, including reduced levels of anxiety and depression. With the increased focus on mental wellbeing today, incorporating SEL into your curriculum is now more important than ever.

4. Stronger Relationships: Social and emotional learning helps students build stronger relationships by teaching them how to communicate effectively, listen attentively, and empathize with others. These skills can lead to a more cohesive and supportive learning environment.

Using the Life Skills Library-in-a-Box

The Life Skills Library-in-a-Box is designed to be easily integrated into educators’ existing lesson plans. The comprehensive materials included in the box address various aspects of SEL and can be tailored to suit different age groups, learning styles, and environments. By incorporating these resources into their teachings, educators can effectively instill essential life skills in their students while enhancing their overall education experience.


Integrating social and emotional learning concepts into educational curriculums is crucial for developing well-rounded individuals, not just academically but personally as well. The Life Skills Library-in-a-Box makes this integration seamless for educators by providing a wealth of resources that can be incorporated into various lessons across the school year. By adopting the Life Skills Library-in-a-Box into your teaching practices, you’ll be promoting a more comprehensive, supportive learning environment for your students while also helping them reach their full potential.

Our Job is to Protect Kids, Not Out Them


There’s a responsibility held by institutions and organizations, especially within the educational sphere, to prioritize the protection and safety of individuals under their care. This is particularly important when considering the welfare of children, who come from various backgrounds and face unique challenges. One significant aspect of this responsibility is understanding how to support LGBTQ+ youth, which includes assuring that they are not “outed” against their will or subjected to discrimination. This article seeks to emphasize the necessity of maintaining a safe and inclusive environment that safeguards these young individuals.

The Importance of Privacy

Privacy should be a significant aspect of policy-making in educational settings. Every student deserves autonomy over their personal information—whether it regards their gender identity, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic that may make them vulnerable to stigma. For LGBTQ+ youth, invasive questions and outing might put them at risk for discrimination or even violence within their communities, families, or peer groups. Considering these potential consequences, it is our moral responsibility to protect these children from any harm. Respecting privacy translates into creating a safer environment that allows students to live without fear, developing trust in the increasingly diverse world around them.

Creating Safe Spaces

Ensuring inclusivity involves proactively addressing prejudice and informal segregation within institutions. In addition to protecting privacy, designating safe spaces where children feel comfortable expressing themselves authentically and sharing their experiences is vital. Staff members play an essential role in facilitating these environments by undergoing sensitivity training and actively working to remove barriers experienced by LGBTQ+ youth—whether peer-related prejudice or institutional inequity.

Avoiding Stereotypes and Assumptions

To refrain from reinforcing harmful stereotypes or pressuring kids into disclosing personal information, educators must be cautious with their language and assumptions. Instead of expecting children to fit the mold of traditional gender roles or sexual orientations, encourage open-mindedness and provide support without imposing judgment.

Engaging Allies

An effective strategy to ensure the protection of LGBTQ+ youth lies in engaging their allies. By creating a supportive network, children can safely lean on one another for understanding. Schools should promote an ally culture, emphasizing empathy and precisely defining the responsibilities of allies to prevent social isolation or discrimination.

In Conclusion

Every child deserves to grow and flourish in a supportive environment, irrespective of their gender identity or sexual orientation. Our job as members of educational institutions is to prioritize their safety and wellbeing but not violate their privacy by outing them against their will. Through respecting privacy, creating safe spaces, avoiding stereotypes, and engaging allies, we can empower LGBTQ+ youth and foster a more inclusive world for everyone.