Spread the Word – Free Summer Program for High School Juniors Interested in STEM


Are you a high school junior with a passion for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)? Look no further! This summer, schools and organizations across the nation are coming together to launch a major innovative initiative called “Spread the Word,” aimed at identifying and supporting future leaders in STEM fields. And the best part? It’s entirely free for eligible high school juniors!

Overview of the Program:

The “Spread the Word” Summer Program is a unique opportunity for high school juniors interested in pursuing a career in STEM fields. This free program is designed to provide participants with hands-on experience in various STEM disciplines while allowing them to develop their problem-solving skills, collaborate with peers, and grow their passion for learning. Over the course of several weeks, students will have the chance to:

1. Engage in interactive workshops led by experienced professionals from various industries.

2. Acquire practical knowledge in a diverse range of STEM subjects, such as computer science, robotics, bioinformatics, astronomy, chemistry, and environmental science.

3. Collaborate on group projects that address real-world problems.

4. Gain insights into career opportunities through guest speakers and industry facility tours.

5. Build a personal portfolio of accomplishments to showcase when applying for scholarships or college admissions.

Eligibility Criteria:

To be eligible for this exciting summer program, high school juniors must meet the following requirements:

1. Be enrolled full-time in an accredited high school.

2. Have a strong interest in pursuing higher education and a career within STEM fields.

3. Hold a minimum 3.0 GPA or equivalent on a 4.0 scale.

How to Apply:

Online applications will be available from January 15th until May 15th of each year via Spread the Word’s official website ( The application process will require students to:

1. Complete an online application form, including personal information, education history, and extracurricular activities.

2. Write a 500-word essay detailing their passion for STEM and explaining why they are interested in participating in the program.

3. Submit two letters of recommendation from teachers or other individuals familiar with the applicant’s academic performance and dedication to STEM subjects.

4. Report their official school transcripts.

Closing Thoughts:

The “Spread the Word” summer program offers a golden opportunity for high school juniors passionate about the world of STEM to explore various fields, gain valuable experience, and develop essential skills required for success in future endeavors. By investing the time and energy into developing your skills this summer, you could be laying the groundwork for fulfilling career opportunities down the road. So why wait? Spread the word, start your applications, and unlock your potential!

22 Ways to Reduce Your Classroom’s Carbon Footprint

In recent years, environmental concerns have taken center stage, and educators have an important role to play in teaching the next generation about sustainability and reducing their carbon footprint. With small yet impactful changes, you can make your classroom a more eco-friendly space. Here are 22 ways to reduce your classroom’s carbon footprint:

1. Go paperless: Whenever possible, use digital resources instead of paper handouts or worksheets.

2. Use natural light: Open blinds and turn off unnecessary lights during daylight hours.

3. Implement a recycling program: Provide separate bins for paper, plastic, and other recyclable materials.

4. Turn off electronics: Turn off computers, projectors, and other devices when not in use.

5. Encourage reusable water bottles: Set an example by bringing your own reusable bottle and encouraging students to do the same.

6. Plant a classroom garden: Teach children about the importance of plants in absorbing carbon dioxide by maintaining a small indoor or outdoor garden.

7. Use energy-efficient appliances: Replace older appliances with energy-efficient models when it is time to upgrade.

8. Unplug chargers: Encourage students to unplug chargers when their devices are fully charged.

9. Adjust the thermostat: Set the thermostat at a comfortable but energy-saving temperature during classroom hours.

10. Encourage carpooling or alternative transportation methods: Promote walking, biking, or public transportation as environmentally friendly ways to get to school.

11. Set up a composting system: Introduce compost bins for fruit and vegetable scraps and teach students about decomposition and the benefits of composting on the environment.

12. Use recycled materials for crafts: Utilize recycled materials for creative projects instead of buying new supplies.

13. Bring nature indoors with air-purifying plants: Add low-maintenance plants that help filter indoor air pollutants and increase oxygen levels.

14. Create a green club: Encourage interested students to form a club that promotes sustainability within the school community.

15. Use eco-friendly cleaning products: Switch to natural, non-toxic cleaners to minimize indoor air pollution.

16. Raise awareness: Teach students about climate change and the importance of reducing their carbon footprint.

17. Reduce waste: Avoid single-use items and encourage reusable or biodegradable alternatives.

18. Hold a tree-planting event: Organize an event where students can plant trees to help absorb carbon dioxide and improve air quality.

19. Promote energy-saving behavior: Teach students simple steps such as turning off lights when leaving a room or shutting down computers at the end of the day.

20. Start a zero-waste initiative: Encourage students to bring waste-free lunches and snacks in reusable containers.

21. Incorporate sustainable materials in your classroom design: Opt for furniture made from sustainable materials, such as bamboo or recycled plastic.

22. Share your successes and challenges with other educators: Blog or post on social media about your classroom’s green initiatives to inspire others and create a network of support.

In conclusion, there are numerous ways to reduce your classroom’s carbon footprint and promote sustainability among your students. By implementing these strategies, you will create a more environmentally friendly learning environment and set an example for future generations.

Talking to Kids About Science in a Gender-Inclusive Way


Science is a fascinating field with endless possibilities and opportunities for learning and growth. Encouraging children to maintain an interest in science is vital for their intellectual development and future career prospects. However, it is also important to ensure that science education and discussions are accessible and gender-inclusive. This article aims to provide tips on how to approach talking about science with kids of all genders, ensuring equal opportunity for everyone.

1. Avoid Stereotypes and Encourage Curiosity

Avoid making gender-specific comments or assumptions when discussing scientific topics or activities with children. Instead, focus on the child’s interests and passions and encourage their curiosity, regardless of their gender. Providing opportunities for kids to explore beyond traditional gender roles will foster a sense of openness and acceptance in the world of science.

2. Use Examples from Diverse Role Models

Make an effort to highlight prominent scientists from diverse backgrounds who have made significant contributions to their fields. By showcasing role models that transcend gender, race, and other demographics, it will help children understand that science is open for everyone to explore, no matter their background or identity.

3. Choose Inclusive Science Experiments

Select science experiments that can be easily modified or adapted based on individual abilities, interests, or preferences. This ensures that all participants can engage in the activity while promoting a more inclusive environment around scientific learning.

4. Be Conscious of Language

Use inclusive language when discussing scientific topics or activities – avoid using gender-specific pronouns like “he” or “she” unless necessary. Instead, use neutral terms like “they” or “them” as these pronouns do not represent a specific gender.

5. Discuss the Importance of Diversity in Science

It’s essential to talk about the importance of diversity in scientific fields – not only from a social justice perspective but also because diverse viewpoints lead to more innovative discoveries and solutions to complex problems. Encourage children to consider the different ways that scientists from various backgrounds contribute to the world of science and the importance of breaking down barriers to access.

6. Encourage Collaboration

Promote teamwork and collaboration by designing scientific activities that require children to work together, regardless of their gender or other differences. By fostering a sense of community within the group, kids can learn to appreciate each other’s unique perspectives and come to understand that everyone has the potential to make a difference in the world of science.


Instilling a passion for science in children is important for their personal well-being, as well as for society as a whole. By ensuring that this love for science is built on principles of inclusivity, we can help shape a world where everyone has an equal opportunity to engage in scientific inquiry and enjoy the wonders this field offers. Be intentional with your language, actively seek diverse examples and make activities accessible for all as you talk about science with kids, and help build a more inclusive scientific community.

Check Out These Awesome Eagle Cams for Kids


Eagles are truly fascinating birds, known for their incredible size, strength, and keen eyesight. With the help of technology, we can now enjoy an up-close and personal look at these magnificent creatures in their natural habitats. Eagle cams are live-streaming cameras placed near eagle nests that allow us to observe these amazing birds without disturbing them. If you’re a young wildlife enthusiast who loves learning about eagles, then you won’t want to miss out on these fantastic eagle cams designed specifically for kids.

1. Southwest Florida Eagle Camera (The United States)

The Southwest Florida Eagle Cam features a pair of nesting bald eagles named Harriet and M15. Located in North Fort Myers, this cam allows kids to watch as Harriet and M15 protect their eggs and nurture their young. Available year-round, this interactive cam offers multiple views of the entire nesting process. Check it out at

2. Harrison Mills Eagle Cam (British Columbia, Canada)

Located along the banks of the beautiful Harrison River in British Columbia, this eagle cam provides stunning views of a bald eagle pair and their nest situated in an old growth cottonwood tree. Kids can gain valuable insight into the lives of these awe-inspiring eagles while watching them nurture their young in a breathtaking environment. Visit to take a look!

3. Duke Farms Eagle Cam (New Jersey, United States)

Dedicated to conserving native species, the Duke Farms Eagle Cam showcases bald eagles nesting within its 2,700-acre property located in central New Jersey. This camera offers clear images of the eagle pair and their nest from a variety of angles, giving kids an amazing opportunity to witness these magnificent birds in action. Watch the eagle cam at

4. Decorah Eagles Cam (Iowa, United States)

One of the most popular eagle cams, the Decorah Eagles Cam is located within a private property in Decorah, Iowa. This live-streaming camera follows the lives of an eagles’ family as they protect and raise their young. A fascinating educational tool, children can observe these incredible birds every step of the way. See for yourself at

5. Berry College Eagle Cam (Georgia, United States)

This live-streaming eagle cam is situated on the scenic campus of Berry College in northwest Georgia. It offers a unique chance for children to observe two bald eagles as they tend to their nest and take care of their eaglets. Focused on both education and conservation, this camera allows for amazing bird-watching opportunities. Visit to watch.


Eagle cams are not only entertaining to watch but also serve as excellent educational tools that allow children to gain valuable knowledge about wildlife conservation and the importance of preserving ecosystems. Don’t miss out on these outstanding eagle cams that are perfect for kids and adults alike! Happy bird-watching!

5 Activities to Bring NASA’s Mission to Mars into the Classroom


As NASA’s Mars mission takes center stage in the world of space exploration, teachers can capitalize on students’ natural curiosity and fascination with the Red Planet. Here are five engaging activities that will bring NASA’s Mars mission into your classroom and inspire the next generation of explorers.

1. Design Your Own Martian Rover

Kick off this exciting activity by introducing students to NASA’s rovers, like Curiosity and Perseverance. Encourage them to research the various rovers’ missions and tools. Next, invite students to design their very own Martian rovers equipped with unique features capable of addressing specific scientific objectives on Mars.

2. Simulate a Mars Landing

Help your students better understand the challenges faced during landing on Mars by setting up a simulated landing activity. Provide materials such as balloons, string, and plastic cups to represent the rover and parachute system. Set specific rules for the height, weight limit, and landing targets while testing different techniques to ensure safe landings.

3. Explore Martian Geography

Using images and data from NASA, discuss the topography and geology of Mars with your students and compare it to Earth’s landscape. Provide them with elevation maps and enable them to analyze prominent features such as Olympus Mons (the largest volcano in our solar system) or Valles Marineris (an expansive canyon system). As a class exercise, ask students to design hypothetical colony locations based on these maps.

4. Investigate Martian Lifeforms

Introduce your students to the concept of astrobiology by guiding them through potential signs of past or present life on Mars. Study extremophiles – organisms on Earth that survive in extreme conditions – as models for what lifeforms could potentially exist on Mars. Ask students to brainstorm possible Martian habitats or plan lab experiments simulating Martian conditions.

5. Build a Mission Patch

Every mission requires a unique patch as the symbol of expedition. Ask your students to create their mission patches, combining symbols that signify teamwork, exploration goals, and scientific objectives. Discuss famous mission patches from NASA’s history, like those from Apollo and Gemini programs. Have students vote on their favorite design to use as your class mission patch.


These stimulating activities can enhance students’ understanding of the Mars mission and develop an appreciation for space exploration. Beyond the mere excitement of space adventures, these collaborative activities can also boost their problem-solving and critical thinking skills – fostering a true passion for science.

8 School Recycling Programs to Get Kids Excited About Saving the Planet

As climate change and environmental issues become more pressing, it’s crucial for the younger generation to get involved in protecting our planet. One of the most effective ways to introduce kids to environmental stewardship is through school recycling programs. Here are eight exciting school recycling programs that can inspire students and teach them about the importance of conservation.

1. Terracycle Brigades

Terracycle is a recycling company that offers various “brigades” or recycling programs for schools. These programs allow students to collect specific types of waste, such as snack wrappers or printer cartridges, and send them to Terracycle for processing. In return, Terracycle rewards points that can be redeemed for cash or donated to charity.

2. Green Schools Program

The Green Schools Program by The Alliance For Environmental Education encourages schools to form green teams and implement sustainable practices on campus. Through this program, students can learn about waste reduction, energy conservation, and sustainable food choices while earning recognition for their school.

3. America Recycles Day

America Recycles Day is an annual event held on November 15th that encourages schools across the nation to celebrate recycling and educate students about its importance. Many schools organize collection drives or educational workshops on this day, allowing students to engage in hands-on learning about recycling.

4. Eco-Schools USA

Eco-Schools USA is a holistic program designed to help schools become more environmentally friendly by integrating sustainability into their curriculum and day-to-day operations. Through this program, schools can develop action plans addressing waste management, energy efficiency, water conservation, and more.

5. Crayola ColorCycle

The Crayola ColorCycle program allows schools to collect used markers for recycling from any brand – not just Crayola products. Once collected, Crayola repurposes these markers into renewable energy or new plastic products like playground equipment.

6. Recycle Rally

PepsiCo’s Recycle Rally is a free program for K-12 schools that aims to inspire students to recycle more. By participating, schools can track their recycling progress, earn rewards, and compete against other schools in the country in fun recycling challenges.

7. Green Thumb Challenge

The Green Thumb Challenge, organized by Green Education Foundation, engages students in gardening projects that promote environmental responsibility, community involvement, and sustainable living. This program is a fantastic opportunity for students to learn about plant life, composting, and the benefits of recycling organic waste.

8. Recycle-Bowl

Recycle-Bowl is a national competition for K-12 schools organized by Keep America Beautiful that runs from October to November each year. The program encourages friendly competition among schools to increase recycling rates and educate students on best recycling practices.

In conclusion, there are numerous school recycling programs available today that can engage and educate children about the importance of preserving our planet. By participating in these programs, young people can develop a better understanding of how their actions impact the environment and instill lifelong eco-friendly habits.

Top 25 Educational Toys for Preschoolers


As children enter the preschool stage, their learning and development needs change rapidly. Educational toys play a crucial role in honing their cognitive, motor, and social skills while keeping them engaged. Here we have curated a list of the top 25 educational toys that will help your preschooler learn and grow.

1. Building Blocks: Classic wooden or colorful plastic blocks are perfect for developing fine motor skills and logic.

2. Puzzles: Jigsaw, peg, and floor puzzles promote problem-solving, spatial awareness, and concentration.

3. Shape Sorters: These toys help children recognize different shapes and colors while improving hand-eye coordination.

4. Alphabet Magnets: Encourages learning letters and simple words through play.

5. Counting Bears: A fun way to teach counting, addition, subtraction, and pattern recognition.

6. Play-Doh: Enhances creativity and fine motor skills by allowing children to manipulate the compound into various shapes and objects.

7. Memory Games: Simple matching games help improve memory recall and concentration.

8. Stacking Toys: Colorful rings or cups improve hand-eye coordination while teaching about size and sequencing.

9. Pretend Play Kitchen Set or Tools: Encourages imagination while teaching essential life skills.

10. Art Supplies: Crayons, markers, paints, and sketch pads foster creativity and self-expression.

11. Dress-Up Clothes & Accessories: Builds self-confidence by letting kids explore different roles in a fun environment.

12. Finger Puppets or Plush Toys: Perfect for imaginative storytelling or teaching about emotions.

13. LeapFrog Learning Tablets & Apps: Interactive tools that provide education through games.

14. Musical Instruments: Egg shakers, tambourines, xylophones, or small drums help develop sound recognition and rhythm while improving fine motor skills.

15. Bead Mazes or Abacuses: Develops hand-eye coordination and early math concepts.

16. Science Kits: Offers a hands-on introduction to basic scientific concepts.

17. Building Sets (e.g., LEGO): Inspires creativity and engineering skills with endless possibilities for imaginative play.

18. Phonics Games: Helps children understand the relationship between letters and sounds, enhancing their reading skills.

19. Board Games: Develops social skills, strategic thinking, and focus with age-appropriate games like Candy Land or Chutes and Ladders.

20. Magnetic Drawing Boards: An eco-friendly option to promote drawing, writing, and creativity.

21. Gear Toys: Encourage problem-solving and engineering concepts through interactive play.

22. Interactive World Maps or Globes: Teaches geographical awareness by introducing children to different countries and cultures.

23. Number & Letter Tracing Mats: Provides tactile experiences to help reinforce learning numbers or letters while building fine motor skills.

24. Matching Games (Colors/Shapes/Animals): Enhances memory recall with quick card matching activities based on various subjects or themes.

25. Role-Play Costumes & Accessories: Develops social, emotional, and cognitive skills while supporting imaginative play.


These 25 educational toys not only provide hours of entertainment, but also lay the foundations for your preschooler’s lifelong learning journey. Choose toys that align with their interests to keep them engaged, adjusting the level of challenge as they grow and develop new abilities. With the right support and resources, your little one will garner invaluable skills they can carry with them through all stages of life.

5 Fun Activities To Get Your Students Started With Design Thinking


Design thinking is a problem-solving approach that encourages empathy, experimentation, and iteration. By engaging in design thinking activities, students learn to think critically, innovate, and adapt. These 5 fun activities will introduce your students to the world of design thinking and help them unleash their creativity effectively.

1. Empathy Mapping:

To get started with design thinking, students must first empathize with the people they’re designing for. Empathy mapping is an interactive activity that helps students imagine themselves in someone else’s shoes. Have your students create a fictional character, complete with a backstory and motivations. Then, ask them to map their character’s wants and needs onto a chart comprising four quadrants: Think & Feel, See, Hear, and Say & Do.

2. The Marshmallow Challenge:

The Marshmallow Challenge is a fun project-based learning activity that promotes creativity and teamwork. Divide your students into groups of four or five and provide them with 20 pieces of spaghetti, one yard of tape, one yard of string, and one marshmallow. The goal is to build the tallest free-standing structure that can support the weight of the marshmallow on top. This task encourages collaboration, problem-solving skills, and quick decision-making.

3. Brainstorming Bonanza:

An essential part of design thinking is coming up with as many ideas as possible to solve a particular problem. Organize a brainstorming session where students are given a prompt – like designing the ideal classroom or an innovative school lunch menu – and have them come up with as many ideas as they can within a set time frame (e.g., 10-15 minutes). Remind students that there are no bad ideas during this phase!

4. Rapid Prototyping:

Once your students have generated various solutions to a problem, it’s time for them to create prototypes. Provide materials like cardboard, pipe cleaners, or LEGO bricks and allow students to construct their ideas physically. As they build, encourage your students to explain their designs and solicit feedback from their peers. This iterative process will enable them to refine their ideas, identify weaknesses, and explore new possibilities.

5. The Feedback Loop:

Help your students understand the importance of feedback in design thinking with a peer-review activity. Split your class into pairs or small groups and have them present their prototypes to each other. Each participant must provide constructive feedback on others’ designs, as well as receive feedback on their own. Facilitate an open discussion where students share what they’ve learned and discuss ways they can improve their work.


These five engaging activities are just the beginning of your students’ design thinking journey. As they embrace this problem-solving technique, they’ll develop crucial skills in creativity, critical thinking, and empathy – all core competencies of 21st-century learning. With design thinking in their toolkit, your students will be equipped to tackle real-world challenges with confidence and innovation.

The Coolest Ways Teachers Are Using Robots in the Classroom

In recent years, technology has had a massive impact on education. One of the most exciting developments is the integration of robots in classrooms. This article explores the coolest ways teachers are using robots to captivate their students and enhance their learning experiences.

1. Assisting Students with Autism

Many schools have started using robots to help students with autism improve their communication and social skills. These humanoid robots, such as Milo and NAO, engage children through games, storytelling, and dancing, making them comfortable in social spaces and aiding their overall development.

2. Teaching Programming Skills

One of the best ways to get kids interested in programming is to introduce them to robots that they can control themselves. Many educational robots, like LEGO Mindstorms, Dash & Dot, and Sphero SPRK+, allow students to easily learn programming languages and develop logical thinking through hands-on experimentation.

3. Language Learning

Language learning is another area where robots have found a place in classrooms. Robots like Blue Frog Robotics’ Buddy or Ling Technology’s Jibo facilitate language learning by interacting with students in their target language, helping them with pronunciation and vocabulary acquisition.

4. Peer Tutoring

Peer tutoring is a unique concept where students teach each other various subjects. Robots like RUBI from UC San Diego or EMAR from University of Washington enable peer tutoring by observing student interactions and providing real-time feedback on their teaching techniques.

5. Interactive Storytelling

Interactive storytelling is a creative method of using robots to enhance student engagement. Robots like Kibo and Ozobot bring stories alive for students by acting out scenes or creating interactive visuals, sparking their imagination and encouraging collaborative learning.

6. Developing Problem Solving Skills

With the help of coding-based curriculums combined with robotic kits such as Robolink’s CoDrone or Makeblock’s mBot Ranger, teachers are enabling students to build their own robots and solve complex challenges. This fosters an environment of curiosity, creativity, and practical problem-solving.

7. Supporting STEM Education

Robots like VEX Robotics’ VEX EDR or Wonder Workshop’s Cue offer a hands-on approach to learning science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) concepts. These robots challenge students to apply their newly learned concepts in real-world situations, making STEM education more engaging and relevant.

In conclusion, the implementation of robotics in classrooms has revolutionized the way students learn and interact. From assisting students with autism to enhancing STEM education, robots are providing innovative ways for teachers to engage their students and create a more dynamic learning experience. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more fascinating applications of robotics in education.

Learn How to Get More Girls in STEM with These Ideas


The science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields have, for a long time, been dominated by men. While progress has been made in recent years, there is still much work to be done in order to involve more girls and women in these rewarding fields. Here are some ideas to help inspire and support girls in pursuing their passions within the realms of STEM.

1. Encourage Curiosity and Exploration:

Foster a sense of exploration in young girls by introducing them to age-appropriate STEM activities. Engaging in hands-on experiments at home and enrolling them in science clubs or workshops can spark an early love for the subjects.

2. Celebrate Female Role Models:

Highlight the accomplishments of women in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to demonstrate that it is an achievable path for girls as well. Share stories about influential female figures like Marie Curie, Ada Lovelace, or Katherine Johnson to inspire young girls.

3. Expose Girls to Different STEM Careers:

Introduce girls to professionals from various backgrounds and sectors who are currently working within the STEM fields. This exposure will give them an opportunity to understand the different career possibilities available to them within these disciplines.

4. Promote A Growth Mindset:

Encourage resilience by teaching girls that failures could be seen as learning opportunities rather than setbacks. Promoting the belief that intelligence can be developed through hard work will help them become more confident when overcoming challenges they may face along their journey.

5. Create A Supportive Environment:

Build safe learning spaces for girls at schools, libraries, or community centers where they feel encouraged to participate in STEM activities without the fear of judgment or ridicule.

6. Remove Stereotypes:

Efforts should be made to break away from traditional gender roles often depicted in media and advertising. Encourage toys and games that require building, problem-solving, and logical thinking for both boys and girls.

7. Provide Mentorship and Networking:

Pair young girls with female mentors within STEM professions who can offer guidance, support, and motivation while demonstrating what is achievable with hard work and dedication.

8. Financial Incentives and Scholarships:

Offer financial incentives, scholarships, or internships to girls pursuing STEM education. This not only helps with accessibility to opportunities but also encourages more participation in these fields.

9. Collaborate With Other Organizations:

Partner with girl-focused organizations that work towards increasing female representation in STEM. Building a supportive network can help create change more effectively.

10. Engage Parents and Educators:

Involve parents and educators in the process of encouraging girls to explore STEM interests. They play a crucial role in shaping their children’s perception of the world around them.


There is tremendous potential for girls to excel in STEM fields if provided with the right environment, opportunities, and guidance. By implementing these ideas, we can work together towards creating a brighter, more inclusive future for all within science, technology, engineering, and mathematics industries.