
Best Public High Schools in America

Education is the foundation of success. And when it comes to ensuring a good education, the place where one studies plays a critical role. Public high schools in America are the backbone of the education system, providing a solid education to millions of students every year.

Among the 20,000+ public high schools in America, some have distinguished themselves as the best, based on factors like academic performance, extracurricular activities, college readiness, and more. Here are some of the best public high schools in America:

1. Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (Alexandria, VA): This is a magnet school focused on STEM education. With a graduation rate of 99%, TJHSST offers some of the most advanced courses in engineering, calculus, and computer science, making it an excellent choice for students interested in STEM fields.

2. BASIS Scottsdale (Scottsdale, AZ): This charter school has been consistently ranked among the top public high schools in America and is known for its rigorous curriculum, which emphasizes science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) subjects. The school has a graduation rate of 100%, and its graduates are well-prepared for college.

3. Pine View School (Osprey, FL): Pine View is a public school for gifted students, offering a challenging curriculum designed to foster academic and intellectual growth. With a 100% graduation rate and a high number of National Merit scholars, Pine View is an excellent public high school option for gifted students.

4. Davidson Academy (Reno, NV): The Davidson Academy is a public school for profoundly gifted students, offering an accelerated and challenging curriculum that emphasizes math, science, and technology. This school is an excellent choice for students who are gifted and looking for intellectual and academic challenges.

5. Carnegie Vanguard High School (Houston, TX): This magnet school is well known for its academic excellence, offering a challenging curriculum in math, science, and technology. Carnegie Vanguard is also known for its cultural diversity and excellent extracurricular activities, making it an excellent choice for students who want to broaden their academic and social horizons.

These are some of the best public high schools in America, with a focus on academic excellence, extracurricular activities, and college readiness. However, it’s important to remember that the best public high school for each student will differ based on their unique interests, abilities, and needs. Researching schools in your area and finding the best fit for your child’s educational journey is key to ensuring a successful education.     

Best Private High Schools in America

As education is a vital part of one’s future, finding the right high school can make all the difference in achieving future success. Private high schools have a reputation for academic excellence, offering top-notch education and a range of extracurricular activities to fit every student’s interests. The United States is home to some of the best private high schools in the world, and we have compiled a list of the best private high schools in America.

1. Philips Exeter Academy- located in Exeter, New Hampshire, Philips Exeter Academy is a co-educational boarding school that was founded in 1781. It is renowned for its rigorous academic program, which includes a wide range of courses, from traditional subjects to work-study programs. The school’s curriculum is designed to teach students critical thinking skills and help them develop independent learning habits. The school also offers a variety of extracurricular activities, ranging from sports programs to drama clubs.

2. Phillips Academy – Phillips Academy, located in Andover, Massachusetts, is another co-educational boarding school that was founded in 1778. The school has an intensive academic program that encourages students to develop their critical thinking skills and dive deeper into their areas of interest. Phillips Academy has a distinguished reputation for its extensive extracurricular activities, from sports teams to music programs, theater productions, and community service opportunities.

3. St. Paul’s School – St. Paul’s School, located in Concord, New Hampshire, is another co-educational boarding school that was founded in 1856. The school is known for its strong academic program, which includes advanced courses in a wide range of subjects, from science and mathematics to language and the humanities. St. Paul’s offers a diverse range of extracurricular activities, including sports teams, music programs, community service opportunities, and internships.

4. Deerfield Academy – Deerfield Academy, located in Deerfield, Massachusetts, is a co-educational boarding school that was founded in 1797. The school has a strong academic program that focuses on critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Deerfield Academy offers a variety of extracurricular activities to its students, including athletics, music, theater productions, and community service opportunities.

5. Choate Rosemary Hall – Choate Rosemary Hall, located in Wallingford, Connecticut, is a co-educational boarding school that was founded in 1890. The school is known for its rigorous academic program, which includes a wide range of courses, from traditional subjects to courses in architecture, economics, and global studies. Choate offers a variety of extracurricular activities, including sports teams, music productions, theater productions, and community service opportunities.

In conclusion, America has some of the best private high schools worldwide. Some of the schools listed above have earned a reputation for academic excellence, offering students quality education, and a broad range of extracurricular activities that cater to individual interests. Choosing the right school is essential for every student’s success in the future, and there is no doubt that these schools provide a solid foundation for their future. 

Youngkin Removes Sen. Locke from Southern Regional Education Board

Recently, Virginia Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin has made headlines by removing Sen. Mamie Locke from the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB). This move has come under scrutiny from many individuals, as Sen. Locke has been an active member of the SREB for over a decade and has been instrumental in promoting education and educational opportunities in Virginia and the entire southern region.

According to reports, Gov.-elect Youngkin had initially appointed Sen. Locke to the SREB in October 2021. However, just a few weeks later, she was removed from her position by the incoming administration. This sudden move has raised questions about why Sen. Locke was removed and what this could mean for educational policies and opportunities in the region.

Sen. Locke has been a longtime advocate for education in Virginia, serving as a member of the Virginia General Assembly and Virginia Senate for over 20 years. During her time in office, she has worked to improve access to education and increase funding for schools, particularly in low-income areas. She has also been a vocal advocate for affordable college education and has supported efforts to reduce the cost of higher education.

The SREB is an organization that works to promote educational opportunities and policies in the southern United States. The board is made up of representatives from 16 states and focuses on issues such as college and workforce readiness, teacher training, and technology in the classroom. As a member of the SREB, Sen. Locke has been able to bring her expertise and insight to the table and help shape policies that benefit students and educators across the region.

Given her extensive experience in education and her dedication to improving educational opportunities for all students, it is unclear why Gov.-elect Youngkin would choose to remove Sen. Locke from the SREB. Some have speculated that it may be related to political differences or disagreements over educational policies. Others have questioned whether the move was necessary or appropriate given Sen. Locke’s established role in the organization.

Regardless of the reasons behind Sen. Locke’s removal, many in the education community are concerned about the implications for the future of education in Virginia and the southern region. As we navigate the ongoing challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and work to ensure that all students have access to high-quality education, it is essential that we have strong leaders and advocates who are dedicated to making a positive impact in this field.

In the weeks and months ahead, it will be important to closely follow developments in the education sector and monitor any changes or shifts in policy that may result from the new administration in Virginia. With so much at stake, we must remain vigilant and committed to promoting educational opportunities for all students, regardless of their background or circumstances.   

The College Attendance Gap Between Whites and Minorities is Getting Worse

In the United States, the higher education system has long been held as the key to upward socio-economic mobility. However, a significant disparity between college attendance rates of whites and minorities is a prevailing concern in the country. Studies suggest that the gap is getting worse instead of closing over time.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, as of 2018, only 42% of Hispanic and 35% of Black Americans aged 18 to 24 were enrolled in college, as opposed to 56% of Whites. Furthermore, in the fall of 2017, the gap between entry rates of White and Black students was 21%, up from 16% in 1996. Similarly, the gap between the entry rates of White and Hispanic students was 24% in 2017, up from 13% in 1996.

Various factors are contributing to this growing gap. Firstly, the disparities in pre-college education for minority students are significant, with fewer resources in poorly-funded schools, and higher dropout rates leaving them less prepared for college. These students do not often have access to tutoring or advanced placement classes, leading to lowered proficiency in mathematics and reading.

Secondly, minority students are more likely to come from low-income families that cannot afford the high costs associated with college attendance. The cost of college is increasing faster than the rate of inflation, and the student debt burden is relatively higher in these communities. Even with financial aid, minority students are more likely to need to work a part-time job and often cannot afford to take unpaid internships or participate in extracurricular activities that would otherwise enhance their college applications.

Lastly, strains from negative social factors make it difficult for minority students to stay the course once they have enrolled in college. Minority students may face institutional racism, social injustices, and may feel alienated in predominantly white academic institutions. This isolation can lead to feelings of discouragement or lack of motivation to continue with their studies.

The consequences of this growing gap are severe. By 2045, non-Whites in the United States will become the majority, and the country will be greatly disadvantaged if it fails to address the educational disparity gap between racial groups. Lower college attendance rates among black and Hispanic students can be seen as a significant contributor to the income gap in the United States, perpetuating the cycles of poverty that have affected these communities for generations.

In conclusion, while possible solutions to this issue may involve better funding for poorly funded schools, providing increased financial aid options and grants for minority students, and supporting mentoring programs, it is essential to address systemic inequities to create a more inclusive higher education system. Efforts should concentrate on providing equal and accessible opportunities for wealthy and non-wealthy students to enroll, succeed, and graduate college, regardless of race. Unless action is taken, the gap between minority and white college attendance will continue to widen, resulting in dire implications for the U.S. economy and society as a whole.    

The College Degree Attainment Gap Between Whites and Minorities is Getting Worse

The United States has long prided itself on being a land of equal opportunities where anyone, regardless of their race, color, religion, or ethnicity, can achieve the American Dream. Education has always been seen as the great equalizer, the path to upward social and economic mobility, and the key to success.

However, the sad truth is that the college degree attainment gap between Whites and Minorities is getting worse, not better. Despite some progress in recent years, the educational divide between racial and ethnic groups remains wide, persistent, and troubling.

According to the latest data from the National Center for Education Statistics, in 2019, 57 percent of Whites aged 25-29 had attained at least an associate degree, compared to only 34 percent of Blacks, 26 percent of Hispanics, and 39 percent of Asians. These disparities are even more pronounced at the bachelor’s and graduate levels, where Whites are overrepresented and Minorities are underrepresented in almost every field, from STEM to business to the arts.

African Americans and Hispanics are particularly underrepresented in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields, which are increasingly in demand and pay well. Data from the National Science Foundation shows that while Blacks and Hispanics make up over 30 percent of the U.S. population but account for only 20 percent of STEM degrees awarded each year. In contrast, Whites make up 63 percent of the population but earn 70 percent of STEM degrees.

Moreover, these gaps are not just limited to higher education but start early in the educational pipeline, from preschool to high school. Minorities are more likely to attend underfunded and under-resourced schools, experience higher rates of discipline and suspension, and encounter systemic and implicit biases that hinder their academic performance and potential.

What are the causes of these disparities, and what can be done to address them? The root causes are multifactorial and complex and involve social, economic, cultural, and policy factors. For instance, Minorities are more likely to live in poverty, have single-parent households, face high rates of crime and violence, and lack access to quality healthcare, housing, and transportation.

The educational system itself is also to blame, as it perpetuates and reinforces systemic inequities, biases, and prejudices that manifest in the form of tracking, standardized tests, teacher qualifications, and curriculum. Additionally, Minority students frequently face challenges in blending their multiple identities such as being first generations, immigrants, and bilingual that further exacerbates their struggles.

To close the college degree attainment gap, we need a comprehensive and collaborative approach that addresses these underlying systemic issues from a social justice perspective. We need to invest in early childhood education and early intervention programs, increase the quality and diversity of teachers and school leaders, increase financial supports to students of color, and create policies that champion diversity and inclusion in higher education.

We need to look beyond individualistic solutions that place the burden solely on the shoulders of students and their families, and instead recognize the need for systemic change that empowers diverse voices and perspectives to thrive. We need to recognize differences and provide support without trying to homogenize these underrepresented groups and refrain from stereotyping them.

The college degree attainment gap between Whites and Minorities is a symptom of a larger problem- the racial and social injustice that pervades our society. Until we address these broader issues, we cannot truly close the gap, ensure that all students have equal opportunities to pursue their dreams, and create an equitable and just society for all.    

Police Seek Recruits at HBCUs

Police departments across the United States have been struggling to recruit diverse officers. This lack of diversity can be seen as a problem as it has led to a lack of trust between the police and communities of color. However, in an effort to increase diversity and trust, many police departments have turned to historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) as a source for new recruits.

HBCUs have a long history of producing talented and successful leaders. These institutions have been able to graduate some of the most successful figures in entertainment, politics, and even law enforcement. Many police departments have recognized the potential in HBCUs and have started to actively recruit their students.

Police departments at HBCUs have been able to effectively engage with students, highlighting the benefits of a career in law enforcement. Such efforts have included participating in job fairs at HBCUs, creating scholarship programs for students interested in pursuing a career in law enforcement, and even offering internships to undergraduate students. In addition to these efforts, police departments are working to build stronger relationships with HBCUs by attending campus events and providing mentoring programs to students.

The efforts by police departments to recruit at HBCUs are not only beneficial for those interested in law enforcement, but also for the communities affected by the police. By increasing the diversity within police departments, these departments can better understand and serve the needs of the communities they serve. The recruitment of officers from HBCUs can also help to lessen the mistrust that currently exists between some communities and the police.

The recruitment of officers from HBCUs can also help to combat the current negative image some have towards the police. The events that unfolded in the summer of 2020 have highlighted the importance of having a diverse police force. Increasing diversity can help eliminate the systemic racism that has been present in police departments across the United States.

However, police departments must do more than just recruiting at HBCUs. They need to invest in the professional growth of their officers, provide adequate resources, and address the issues that have resulted in the mistrust between law enforcement and communities of color. By doing so, we can begin to build stronger relationships and understandings between law enforcement and citizens.

In conclusion, the recruitment of officers from HBCUs is just one step in addressing the current issues in law enforcement. However, it is a step in the right direction towards a more trusting and diverse police force. The continued efforts by police departments to recruit from HBCUs can ultimately result in a better and more inclusive law enforcement system.  

AI Personalizes Online Courses to Improve Completion Rates

Online education has revolutionized the way we learn, allowing us to attend classes and acquire new skills from the comfort of our homes. However, despite the convenience of online courses, many students still struggle to complete them.

According to a report by EdSurge, the average completion rate for MOOCs (massive open online courses) is a mere 3-6%. While reasons for this low rate of completion are varied, studies have shown that lack of personalization is often a significant factor.

To address this issue, artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly popular in the online learning industry. AI-powered tools are being used to personalize online education, helping to improve completion rates and enhance the learning experience.

So, how does AI help personalize online learning?

By analyzing student data, AI can create personalized learning pathways and recommend specific content to students based on their individual learning styles and preferences. For example, if a student is struggling with a particular concept, the AI-powered platform can recommend additional resources or provide feedback to help them master the material.

Additionally, AI can provide real-time feedback to students, identifying areas where they need improvement and suggesting ways to improve. For example, AI can analyze student performance on quizzes or assignments and offer personalized feedback on where they can improve and how to go about it.

Personalization also extends to the user experience, as AI can customize the learning environment to match the preferences and needs of each student. For example, the AI-powered platform can adjust font sizes and background colors to optimize readability for users with visual impairments or dyslexia.

The benefits of personalized online learning extend beyond improving completion rates. Students are more engaged when they feel like they are receiving individualized attention, leading to better retention and a more positive learning experience overall.

In conclusion, AI is transforming the online learning experience by improving personalization, engagement and completion rates, enhancing the learning experience for students. As technology continues to advance, we can expect to see more innovation in the online learning sector, making education more accessible, effective, and enjoyable.  

How to Facilitate Meaningful Outdoor Learning

Learning is an ongoing process that transcends the confines of a classroom and a structured curriculum. And one of the ways in which people can learn and enjoy it, especially during childhood, is by spending time outside in a natural setting. Outdoor learning is a powerful tool that helps in developing an individual’s intellectual, emotional, and social skills. It includes a range of activities, from exploring the natural environment, observing animals and plants, engaging in conservation practices, and appreciating the beauty of nature. Here are some tips on how to facilitate meaningful outdoor learning.

Create a stimulating environment

The first step in creating a meaningful outdoor learning environment is to find a local park, wildlife sanctuary, or nature preserve. These locations offer a range of natural settings that can appeal to different interests and learning styles. It’s essential to make sure that the site you choose is safe and accessible with enough facilities like restrooms and picnic areas. Furthermore, teachers or facilitators should be aware of any limitations or special requirements of their group members to maximize participation and enjoyment.

Plan and prepare

Preparing for outdoor learning is just as essential as planning for a traditional classroom setting. It’s necessary to have well-defined objectives, goals, and activities that align with age-appropriate developmental learning outcomes. You can also explore opportunities for interdisciplinary learning, which enable students to connect with multiple subject areas and cultures. Planning should involve identifying resources and materials needed, such as directional signs, manuals, binoculars, and other items that support outdoor experiences.

Engage with nature

Encouraging students to engage with the natural environment creates a sense of awareness, appreciation, and respect for the environment. It involves activities such as nature walks, journaling, art projects, and scientific experiments, which help foster curiosity and critical thinking. You can also incorporate games and challenges that encourage teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. The key is to create activities that provide experiences that students cannot get in a traditional classroom setting.

Safety and supervision

Just like in any activity, safety should always remain a top priority. It’s an excellent idea to communicate and reinforce safety guidelines with students before any outdoor experience. Make sure students understand what risks they may encounter and how to handle unexpected situations. It’s critical to have adequate supervision that balances freedom and independence with monitoring and guidance.

Reflection and review

After the outdoor learning experience, it’s essential to take time to engage with the students in reflection and review. Reflection enables learners to internalize their experiences and articulate their thoughts, feelings, and insights. Reviewing an activity helps students to assess themselves, articulate their learning, and evaluate the success of the outdoor learning experience.


Outdoor learning provides tremendous opportunities for students of all ages to engage and learn from the natural environment. Creating a meaningful outdoor learning experience requires careful planning, preparation, and execution. By engaging with nature, emphasizing safety and supervision, and creating a reflective review process, educators can facilitate meaningful and transformative natural learning experiences for their students.     

Effective Strategies for Math Teachers During Testing Season

As testing season arrives, math teachers are faced with a unique set of challenges in ensuring that their students perform well on exams and standardized tests. It can be a stressful time for teachers and students alike, but there are several effective strategies that math teachers can employ to help their students succeed. In this article, we will discuss some of the most effective strategies for math teachers during testing season.

1. Review Key Concepts

In the weeks leading up to tests and exams, teachers should be reviewing key concepts and topics with their students. Teachers should identify the most challenging areas of the curriculum and dedicate time each day to ensure that students understand these concepts. This could include revisiting difficult formulas, providing additional practice problems, and breaking down complex problems into simpler steps.

2. Use Data to Identify Weaknesses

To ensure success during testing season, it is essential for teachers to use data to identify areas in which their students are struggling. Teachers should be analyzing test scores, classroom assessments, and homework assignments to determine which students need additional support or instruction in specific areas. This information can also be used to group students based on their needs and provide targeted interventions or additional support.

3. Use Technology to Enhance Learning

Technology can be a valuable tool for teachers in supporting student learning and preparing for tests and exams. Math teachers can leverage digital resources such as online tutorials, educational games, and interactive learning tools to reinforce key concepts with their students. Online practice tests and assessments can also help students become more familiar with the test format and build confidence in their abilities.

4. Encourage Collaborative Learning

Collaborative learning is an effective strategy for helping students prepare for tests and exams. Teachers can encourage students to work together in small groups or pairs to practice problem-solving, share strategies, and review key concepts. Collaborative learning can also help students develop important social and interpersonal skills that will be beneficial in future academic and professional settings.

5. Promote Test-taking Strategies

Math teachers should also be teaching important test-taking strategies that can help students perform well on tests and exams. These strategies could include time management, using scratch paper to work through problems, strategic guessing, and reviewing answers before submitting a test. By promoting these strategies, teachers can help their students feel more confident and prepared on test day.

In conclusion, effective preparation for testing season requires math teachers to be proactive, strategic, and innovative in their approach to instruction. By reviewing key concepts, using data to identify weaknesses, leveraging technology, encouraging collaborative learning, and promoting test-taking strategies, teachers can help their students succeed and achieve their academic goals. With the right support, students can feel confident and well-prepared as they approach tests and exams, setting them on a path to future academic and professional success.     

MicroMasters: The Bridge Between Bachelor’s Graduate Degrees

MicroMasters programs are increasingly being viewed as a bridge between Bachelors and Graduate Degrees. These online courses take about six months to complete and are often created by top-tier universities. They offer in-depth knowledge in specific fields, making it possible for learners to gain a strong foundation in a particular area without having to commit to a full graduate degree.

MicroMasters programs are beneficial for many purposes. They can be used for career advancement, personal growth, or as a steppingstone to getting a graduate degree. Individuals who would like to enhance their skills or gain a deeper understanding of a specific subject can benefit from these courses.

Most MicroMasters programs are in STEM fields, such as data science, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. However, there are also programs in business, law, and environmental studies, among others. The topics covered in these courses are usually advanced, and the courses are meant to provide learners with a deep understanding of the subject matter.

One significant advantage of MicroMasters programs is that they often provide learners with a taste of what pursuing a full graduate degree would be like. The coursework is usually rigorous and challenging, and the format is similar to what one can expect from a graduate-level program. This enables learners to evaluate whether or not they would like to pursue a full graduate degree in that subject before committing to the program.

The MicroMasters programs also often offer a faster time to completion than a full graduate degree. Most Master’s programs take two years or more, while MicroMasters programs can be completed in six months or less. This means that learners can gain valuable knowledge and skills in a short amount of time while continuing to work on their current careers or other pursuits.

In conclusion, MicroMasters programs provide a bridge between Bachelors and Graduate Degrees. They offer a way for individuals to gain in-depth knowledge in a specific field while also providing a taste of what pursuing a full graduate degree would be like. They are ideal for career advancement, personal growth, and as a stepping stone to getting a graduate degree. With the flexibility to learn from anywhere in the world and the shorter completion time, MicroMasters programs are becoming an increasingly popular choice for learners who seek to gain new skills or enhance their existing ones.