First Day of School 2024 Activities & Worksheets for Primary Classrooms

The first day of school is an important day for teachers and students alike – it sets the tone for the year ahead. Teachers of primary classrooms can make this day extra special by incorporating fun, educational activities and worksheets that engage young learners from the get-go. Here are some ideas to help make the first day of school in 2024 memorable and productive:

1. “All About Me” Worksheets

Provide ‘All About Me’ worksheets that prompt students to share interesting facts about themselves, their families, pets, and favorite things. These worksheets not only allow children to express their individuality but also act as a great icebreaker as they find common interests with classmates.

2. Classroom Scavenger Hunt

Create a scavenger hunt that encourages kids to explore the classroom and familiarize themselves with various learning stations and resources. Include tasks such as finding a book by their favorite author in the reading corner or locating where the art supplies are kept.

3. Time Capsule Activity

Ask each student to draw or write about something significant in their life right now, something they hope to learn, or a goal for the school year. Place these into a class time capsule to be opened at the end of the year.

4. Group Rules Brainstorming Session

Involve students in establishing classroom rules by having a brainstorming session where they contribute ideas about how everyone should treat each other. This promotes ownership and understanding of classroom expectations from day one.

5. Story Time with Predictable Chart Writing

Read a story together and then engage the class in creating a predictable chart based on the story’s theme or characters. This can be an interactive experience where each child contributes a sentence or word while practicing basic writing and recognition skills.

6. School Tour Booklet

Provide a booklet for children to fill out as they are taken on a tour around the school premises – library, playground, gymnasium, etc., with spaces to draw or write about what they see.

7. Friendship Interviews

Pair up students and have them ‘interview’ each other using a worksheet with set questions. This helps build communication skills while forming new friendships.

8. Class Motto Creation

Have a class discussion about what values are important for learning and working together, then create a class motto that reflects these values, which can be displayed prominently in the classroom.

By integrating these activities and worksheets into your first-day curriculum, you’ll spark curiosity and excitement that will help lay a positive foundation for the rest of the school year.

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