If you are teaching students how to speak Spanish, it can be helpful to start with simple vocabulary to help students understand the basics of the language. It is best to start with common words or phrases, such as the names of various fruit in Spanish. For example, in Spanish, the word for fruit is ‘frutas.’

What are the names of fruits in Spanish?

In Spanish:

  • Apples are called manzanas.
  • Oranges are called naranjas.
  • Bananas are called plátanos.
  • Grapes are called uvas.
  • Pineapples are called piñas.
  • Cherries are called cerezas.
  • Strawberries are called fresas.
  • Blackberries are called moras.
  • Blueberries are called arándanos.
  • Raspberries are called frambuesas.
  • Pears are called peras.
  • Apricots are called albaricoques.
  • Avocado is called palta.

Some fruits have the same name in Spanish as in English, such as kiwi or mango.

Why do students learn the names of fruits in Spanish?

To learn a new language, students must understand the basic vocabulary first. This is essential foundational knowledge for the subject. Knowing how to say simple, everyday words in Spanish is an excellent way to begin building a comprehensive vocabulary, which is the first step to learning a new language. When students’ vocabulary is strong enough, they can progress to more complex phrases.

The names of fruit are an excellent place to teach children words from a new language. Fruit is colorful and tasty and comes in various shapes and sizes. This makes the subject more engaging for students. Fruit is also helpful in teaching other aspects of vocabulary, such as the names of colors or how to express a like or dislike for particular foods.

Spanish fruit phrases that students need to learn

To progress from foundational Spanish knowledge, students must learn how to use the Spanish words they know in everyday conversation. For example, it is not enough for students to know the names of the fruits in Spanish. For that knowledge to be practical, students must also learn about the phrases commonly associated with fruits in Spanish.

Here are some phrases that students might find helpful:

  • I like fruit – Me gusta la fruta.
  • I want some fruit – Quisiera algo de fruta.
  • What fruit do you have? – ¿Qué fruta tienes?
  • What is your favorite fruit? – ¿Cuál es tu fruta favorita?
  • My favorite fruit is… – Mi fruta favorita es…
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