Get Shaking with These 25 Movement Activities for Elementary Students


Physical activity is essential for the healthy development of children, and incorporating movement into a classroom can greatly benefit both students and teachers. With these 25 movement activities, elementary students will have fun, stay engaged, and develop strong motor skills.

1.Dance Party: Start the class with a spontaneous dance party to get students moving and their energy levels up.

2.Simon Says: Play this classic game to keep students focused while helping them improve their listening skills.

3.Yoga Time: Introduce basic yoga poses and stretches for a calming classroom experience.

4.Freeze Dance: A lively activity that teaches kids to follow instructions while dancing to music.

5.Hula Hoop Contest: Have students participate in friendly competition by keeping their hump spinning for as long as possible.

6.Jump Rope Challenge: Build endurance and coordination by practicing how many jumps can be completed in a minute.

7.Obstacle Course: Create an indoor obstacle course using desks, chairs, and other materials to encourage movement and problem-solving skills.

8.Exercise Bingo: Write different exercises on a bingo card and have students complete them when their number is called out.

9.Balance Beam: Lay out tape or a rope on the floor and challenge students to walk across without stepping off.

10.Parachute Play: Use a large parachute or sheet for collaborative exercises that promote teamwork.

11.Duck, Duck, Goose: This traditional game helps build agility and speed.

12.Four Corners: Encourage decision making as children choose corners based on designated categories like colors or animals.

13.Musical Chairs: Increase focus by having children race around chairs when the music stops playing.

14.Relay Races: Divide students into teams and set up various challenges like running with an egg on a spoon or racing while balancing a book on their head.

15.Bean Bag Toss: Develop hand-eye coordination and aim by tossing bean bags into buckets or baskets.

16.Crab Walk Soccer: Play soccer while walking like a crab for an added physical challenge.

17.Skipping Galore: Introduce variations of skipping, like single foot or double jumps, to keep everyone on their toes.

18.Animal Charades: Have students act out different animals while their classmates guess what creature they’re portraying.

19.Paper Plate Ice Skating: Using paper plates, simulate ice skating around the classroom to practice balance and coordination.

20.Leapfrog: Students take turns leaping over one another in this classic children’s game.

21.Marshmallow Tug-of-War: Hold a friendly tug-of-war competition using a pool noodle or soft material as a rope.

22.Balloon Volleyball: Divide students into teams and have them try to keep balloons in the air without using their hands.

23.Juggling Practice: Teach basic juggling skills using soft balls or scarves for an exciting new talent.

24.Scavenger Hunt: Create a scavenger hunt with clues that encourage problem-solving and teamwork, leading students around the classroom or school grounds.

25.Meditation Moments: Close out the day with quiet mindfulness exercises while incorporating deep breathing techniques to calm down.


With these 25 movement activities for elementary students, it’s clear that incorporating physical movement in the classroom can be fun, engaging, and beneficial for everyone involved. Teachers can mix and match these activities throughout the year, ensuring that every day is filled with excitement and energy.

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