Strategies to Help Learners Who Have Trouble Using Steps to Solve Math Problems

Are you looking for strategies to help students who have trouble using steps to solve math problems? If so, keep reading.

1. Let the student use a calculator for math computation and emphasize the math process.

2. Assess the degree of task difficulty to ascertain whether the student will require additional information, time, assistance, etc., before starting a math assignment.

3. Assign the student math problems that require the same operation to make it easier for the student to follow steps in solving the problems. As the student shows success, introduce problems with various operations.

4. Get the student to circle each math problem’s operation symbol before they solve any math problems.

5. Get the student to ask for help when needed.

6. Utilize demonstration and hands-on learning when teaching new math skills.

7. Get the student to write the name of the operation beside each word problem before they solve any math word problems. Inspect the student’s choice of operations before they begin to answer the problems.

8. Color-code math operation symbols next to math problems so the student will be more likely to observe the symbol.

9. Create a math reference sheet for the student to keep at their desk (e.g., steps used in doing subtraction, multiplication, addition, and division problems).

10. Get the student to check their answers to math problems on a calculator.

11. Get the student to tutor another student who is learning new math ideas. Explaining the steps in basic math problems will help the student reinforce their own skills.

12. Get the student to ask themselves questions (e.g., “What is next?”) to keep themselves focused on solving a problem.

13. Get the student to orally repeat directions, explanations, and instructions after they have been given to reinforce retention.

14. Get the student to question any directions, explanations, or instructions before starting a task to reinforce math comprehension and fluency.

15. Get the student to raise their hand after finishing several problems so the teacher can check their work before continuing.

16. Get the student to relate math problems to real-life situations so that they will better understand the steps involved in solving the problem.

17. Get the student to talk through math problems as they are solving them to find errors they are making.

18. Get the student to orally explain steps to the teacher for solving a math problem to check the proper sequence of steps.

19. Get the student to orally state the steps required to finish a specific math operation (e.g., the steps in long division are +, x, -, bring down, etc.).

20. Get the student to work math problems at the board so the teacher can see the steps being performed.

21. Consider using Alexa for the Math Classroom.

22. Try gamifying your math lessons.

23. Consider using one of the apps and tools from our many math app lists:

9 Must-Have Apps and Tools for Kids Who Hate Math

10 Apps to Teach Preschoolers Math

20 Math Apps for Learners of All Ages

Advanced Math Apps, Tools, and Resources for That We Love

Elementary School Math Apps, Tools, and Resources That We Love

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Interactive Math for the Google Classroom

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YouTube Channels for the Math Classroom

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