Teaching Even and Odd Numbers

Learning math is difficult for a lot of students. As a matter of fact, it’s the subject that most K-12 students struggle with. To combat this, teachers need to come up with fun, common sense ways to engage students in the subject. Trust me, nothing makes students check out faster than being taught math by a boring uninspiring teacher.

Thankfully, there are lots of math teachers that are going above and beyond when it comes to math instruction. Mr. Math Blog is a math blog that publishes videos that teach every conceivable math skill to anyone who wants to learn them. What sets it apart from most math blogs is that it does so in a fun and engaging ways. Teachers can easily reproduce these lessons in their classes and as a result, improve student outcomes.

Below I have posted a YouTube of Mr. Math Blog teaching even and odd numbers, a skill that is usually learning in the second grade.

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