Teaching Students About Even Numbers

What are Even Numbers?

An even number is any number that is exactly divisible by 2. Even numbers always end in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8, which makes them easy to spot.

Examples of even numbers include 2, 16, and 38. All of these numbers are divisible by 2.

In contrast, odd numbers are numbers that are not divisible by 2. For example, these include 3, 15, or 27. These numbers always end in 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9.

When counting in ones, even and odd numbers alternate. This means that you never get two even or two odd numbers next to each other.

Moreover, by looking at the final digit, you can always tell if a number is odd or even, no matter how large. For example, we can tell the number 1,698,764 is even because it ends in a 4.

Even Numbers in Calculations

An answer is always an even number if you add two even numbers. For example, 2 + 6 = 8. But, if you add an odd and an even number, the answer will always be an odd number. For example, 6 + 7 = 13. These rules apply to subtraction too.

It might seem strange, but adding or subtracting two odd numbers will create an even number. For example, 7 – 3 = 4.

To summarise, adding or subtracting two odd or two even numbers will create even numbers. Adding or subtracting one odd and one even will make an odd number. These are important facts to remember that can help children with essential addition and subtraction.

Next, let’s look at multiplication. If you multiply two even numbers, you get an even answer. For example, two × 14 = 28.

This is also true when you multiply an even number by an odd number. Look at this sum: 5 × 6 = 30.

So, the only way to get an odd number as an answer to a multiplication sum is to multiply two odd numbers. For example, 7× 7 = 49.

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