The Best Teacher Shoes: How to Find Them + Teaching Discounts

Teachers are on their feet all day. Whether it’s standing in front of the classroom, walking in the halls, or supervising recess, a teacher’s shoes need to provide comfort and support from the first morning bell to the last. In search of the best teacher shoes, here’s how to find them, plus some information on teaching discounts that can make your good find even better!

 Key Features for Great Teacher Shoes

When looking for teacher shoes, there are several features that you should consider:

1. Support: Good arch support is crucial to prevent foot pain.

2. Cushioning: Adequate cushioning can absorb the shock of walking on hard surfaces.

3. Durability: Shoes should be well-made to stand up to daily wear and tear.

4. Non-Slip: For safety reasons, soles should provide traction on slippery school floors.

5. Style: Shoes should be professional looking but allow for personal expression.

6. Breathability: This helps manage sweat and odor during long days.

 How to Find Best Teacher Shoes

Here are steps to help you find the perfect pair:

1. Research: Look at brands known for comfort such as Clarks, Skechers, or Dansko.

2. Read Reviews: Check out what other teachers have to say about different shoe models.

3. Consider Your Needs: Think about your foot shape, any existing conditions like flat feet or plantar fasciitis, and your personal style preferences.

4. Try Them On: Always try shoes on later in the day when your feet are most swollen to get a true fit.

5. Walk Around: Wear them around the store or house before using them at work to ensure they’re comfortable.

 Teaching Discounts

Many companies offer teaching discounts which can help you purchase high-quality shoes without breaking the bank:

1. Madewell offers a 15% discount for teachers in-store and online.

2. J.Crew provides a 15% discount in-store with a valid school ID.

3. New Balance has discounts through their NB Reward Program with email signup.

4. Clarks occasionally offers special discounts for teachers during back-to-school promotions.


The best teacher shoes combine comfort, support, and style—crucial for those long hours educating the next generation. With research, trial-and-error, and taking advantage of teaching discounts, you’re sure to find that perfect pair that will keep you comfortable throughout your day.

Remember: Investing in a good pair of shoes is not just about fashion; it’s about health and comfort too. A quality pair of shoes can make all the difference in your teaching experience!

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