Turning Things Around: Reversing Special Measures


In recent years, various institutions and organizations have found themselves subjected to special measures due to underperformance or failure to meet certain standards. These special measures, designed to aid in recovery and prevent further decline, often result in a considerable amount of upheaval. However, the implementation of strategic approaches and best practices can lead to the successful reversal of these measures. In this article, we will explore the steps necessary for an organization to turn things around and regain stability.

Step 1: Understanding the Reasons for Special Measures

The first step in reversing special measures is understanding why they were implemented in the first place. Organizations must conduct an honest evaluation of their practices and processes. This involves identifying areas of weakness that led to underperformance and addressing any compliance-related issues that may have resulted in the introduction of special measures.

Step 2: Establishing a Clear Vision and Plan

Once the reasons for special measures are understood, it is essential for organizations to develop a clear vision for improvement and a roadmap outlining the required actions. This involves setting realistic targets and milestones, with a focus on sustainable growth and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Step 3: Engaging Stakeholders

To turn things around, organizations must involve relevant stakeholders in the improvement process. This includes employees, management, regulators, customers, investors, and other external parties who may be affected by the organization’s performance. Open communication and collaboration with these stakeholders are crucial for ensuring their trust in the organization’s commitment to change.

Step 4: Implementing Best Practices

Organizations must implement best practices to improve performance in all aspects of their operations. This might involve streamlining internal processes, conducting staff training programs, adopting modern technology solutions, or improving customer service and engagement strategies. Identifying industry benchmarks and learning from successful peers can provide valuable guidance during this stage.

Step 5: Monitoring Progress

To ensure that the implemented changes are effective and sustainable, organizations must continuously monitor their progress. Regular audits, key performance indicators, and other metrics can inform decision-makers about whether modifications need to be made to the improvement plan. Progress monitoring also demonstrates to stakeholders that the organization is taking its commitment to improvement seriously.

Step 6: Celebrating Achievements

While it’s important to acknowledge any setbacks or shortfalls, it’s equally vital for organizations to celebrate their achievements throughout the reversal process. This helps maintain motivation and engagement among employees and serves as evidence of positive change for external stakeholders.


Reversing special measures requires dedication, robust planning, and ongoing evaluation. By understanding the reasons behind their decline, engaging stakeholders in the process, implementing best practices, and monitoring progress, organizations can successfully regain stability and turn things around. With a focus on accountability and continuous improvement, these organizations can evolve into stronger entities than ever before.

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