Vision 2030 – Reimagining Educational Accountability


Illinois education leaders are pioneering a comprehensive approach to school accountability and student achievement in the post-pandemic era. 

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Five statewide educational organizations have collaborated on the Vision 2030 report, proposing fundamental changes in how student achievement is measured and schools are held accountable. Building on the successful Vision 20/20 funding reform, this new initiative focuses on multiple dimensions of educational improvement. 

Key recommendations include: 

  • Enhancing college and career readiness 
  • Improving student safety and well-being 
  • Attracting and retaining a diverse educator workforce 
  • Redesigning the outcomes-based accountability system 

The report suggests moving beyond traditional testing metrics to a more holistic approach that recognizes continuous improvement and addresses the unique challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. 


Vision 2030 represents a forward-thinking strategy to transform Illinois’ educational landscape, prioritizing comprehensive student success over narrow performance metrics. 

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